Favourite Pokémon: Top Six Early Route Bird Pokémon

As with the bug Pokémon the early routes of Pokémon games always include at least one bird Pokémon. With the majority being a normal flying duel type in the early days they were seen as the perfect HM slave to fly the player from destination to destination but some of these Pokémon deserve more love than that. For this list the following Pokémon were considered:

Generation One: Pidgeot & Fearow
Generation Two: Noctowl
Generation Three: Swellow & Pelipper
Generation Four: Staraptor
Generation Five: Unfezant
Generation Six: Talonflame
Generation Seven: Toucannon
Generation Eight: Corviknight

Number Six: Pelipper
The mystery dungeon mailman kicks this list off. The only water type Pokémon on this list Pelipper can be found early on in generation three and has a fun design. It's massive bill is a nice catch and makes sense with the pelican inspiration. Pelipper as a Pokémon is burned into my memory they always used protect during my Sapphire playthrough for what seemed to be 4 turns in a row it made me so mad. Even if it is a bad memory I hold Pelipper in more fond memories

Number Five: Swellow
The second Pokémon from generation three Swellow takes the number five slot. Swellow has a nice look I think its colour scheme is well done and works well. I used one for a short period of time during an Alpha Sapphire playthrough and it came in handy before my main team too shape. I always found how quick it was a massive benefit to land some good hits in.

Number Four: Pidgeot
The original Bird Pokémon makes it in at number four. I really like how its central feathers look like hair and the red & yellow colour scheme for it works well. It has a simple design but Pidgeot got a very nice Mega Evolution. The blue tips to its wings really help to add to the design as well as the new hair style. It goes from normal solid bird design to intimidating flying bird. It makes sense that multiple gym leaders and even Trace in Let's Go use it as their ace (with Trace mega evolving it) shows that Pokémon knew they have a good design here.

Number Three: Talonflame
The first early bird to break away from being the normal flying duel type this scorching Pokémon adds the fire type in the place of normal type and it helps. I like the flame design on the orange part of its body. As a falcon based Pokémon it has to examine traits of looking like a predator bird and it does with a nice colour scheme. It ranks as high as it does for changing the pace for this type of Pokémon by leaving the weaker normal type behind which makes it better to help with covering types especially if you didn't pick one of the two fire starters available in X & Y.

Number Two: Staraptor
Generation four provided some strong early game Pokémon. With Luxray line available early on a team can be formed quite early on. One main part of many generation four teams was Staraptor. I really like the rep-tipped crest that hands over its head, it feels like a point of attack. I used one on my Diamond team and while I wish it had a better typing (maybe dark & flying) it was a powerhouse and the main reason I began to look into the early birds as a viable choice for my teams.

Number One: Corviknight
Number one is the most recent addition to this type of Pokémon. A knight that is a bird I love the armour design that Corviknight has it really reflects the knight inspiration of the Pokémon. I remember picking this up route one and at points the Corviknight line became my main Pokémon at times. Corviknight is not a Pokémon that needs all the bells and whistles to get over its design inspiration and choice. Between a great design, typing and the look or a knight it takes the top spot of this list.

A lot of these Pokémon make good choices. As generations go on it seems Pokémon look to make these early birds mean more and as such look to improve the early route Pokémon by not giving them the same type each generation. Of the three early game types of Pokémon I look forward to the early game birds the most as I find they have been the most consistent in terms of good design and use throughout. The final of these three sets is the mammal one which is my least favourite and will need some reviewing in order to determine which one I like the most because these aren't ones I normally use.


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