Favourite Pokémon: Top Six Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon

Back again with more topics for Pokémon to rank my favourite six of this time featuring the Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon. For those unfamiliar with the term 'Pseudo-Legendary' it refers to Pokémon who at three stages of evolution and at level 100 have a base stat total of 600 making them some of the most powerful Pokémon that aren't legendary, with 'pseudo' meaning fake these Pokémon are in a sense fake legendaries due their high stats. Normally local at the end of their debut regions Pokédex these Pokémon all look to pack a punch and while difficult to train the rewards justify that hard work trainers put in. With one per generation introduced (with Generation 3 being an exception introducing two Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon into the mix) it limits the Pokémon I am choosing from which helps compared to a full generation. However, over the years I have come to love all of these designs which mainly comes down to using these Pokémon in teams during playthroughs and seeing their strength up close and personal winning my matches combined with spending more time looking at their designs has made me like each one a bit more. If I was to do honourable mentions it would be Goodra at the bottom of the list at number nine, Kommo-o at number eight and just missing the list at number seven would be Dragapult. While each one I like they all lacked something to make the list. So with us having six left the rank the order is as follows.

Number Six: Salamence
Kicking off the main list is one of the pseudo-legendaries of Generation three in Salamence. The menacing Salamander looks like the powerhouse it is. I'm a big fan of the colours used for Salamence they all mesh well. Salamence is a killer and during my play through of Alpha Sapphire proved just that. After some time I have some to love its ridiculous wing span it looks like some kind of fighter jet (which Pokémon loves for these types) like you can see it flying around at super speed wrecking havoc wherever it goes. A strong start to the list but I do not hold to same love for this Pokémon as I do the rest on this list.

Number Five: Dragonite
At number five is the original pseudo-legendary in Dragonite. I have always wondered if it was hidden in the lore somewhere that the Dragonite & Charizard lines were linked at some point. Both take inspirations from European depictions of dragons so that may be it but I've always found it fascinating and there's a lot of work with, a common ancestor that adapted to live on land to ditch its water type and end up with fire to adapt to the harsh weather conditions it had. I'm only speculating here but there could be work there, I always liked on my Let's Go Pikachu team to have the two team up if I could to see them in action together. Aside from that Dragonite borrows a lot from the dragons and their designs I'd hear in fables and stories growing up. Its mainly orange colour I really like. If you compare it to the rest of the Pokémon on this list it could be argued it is the least intimidating design wise but I feel that adds it its charm. While not a scary or intimidating looking Pokémon don't let its look fool you as it really can pack a punch.

Number Four: Metagross
To begin with I love the biology of Metagross and its whole line. The fact that two Beldum fuse together to become a Metang and then two Metang fuse to become two Metagross is fascinating to me giving it four brains a true genius. It's not the most complicated design but it's sleak simplicity still does not take away from it's intimidating stature. What seems to be a combination of the base being the stereotypical UFO with Iron Spider legs it's an interesting paring of ideas which work well to create what is to look a powerful Pokémon. Metagross has the honour of being one of two pseudo-legendary Pokémon that isn’t part dragon, I love how it stands out among it's powerful peers and I wish that Pokémon learn from Metagross and that not all pseudo-legendary Pokémon need to be Dragons they can have variety and be created from interesting combinations of designs and other types. It is a shame Volcarona cannot be one as it is that type of design that would work. Hopefully eventually they learn from taking a chance on a unique design like Metagross to add some variation to the pseudo-legendary catalogue. 

Number Three: Hydreigon
The three headed hydra of generation five takes the number three spot. My first impression was this Pokémon is that is fits its aesthetic of being an scary and intimidating Pokémon being called the 'Brutal Pokémon' from design alone it lives up to it. I love that it takes design elements from the Hydra one of my favourite mythical creatures and to see it as a Pokémon is great. As far as Pokémon go no other has to look to be the ace of the leader of an evil team and case in point with Ghetsis and his Hydreigon. I wish we would have more Pokémon that fit this evil look. As well as this it sets as good idea to make more Pokémon based on Greek mythology and creatures. A hydra is a great base as shown here. Can we get Pokémon based on creatures like Cerberus or a Pegasus or a Chimera to name a few, not only is Hydreigon a great design but sets a great idea of what can be due to this Pokémon and its popularity as well on what it was designed on.

Number Two: Garchomp
Generation four introduced us to Garchomp the Dragon-Ground type not only is a stand out among the pseudo-legendaries but generation four in a whole. Being another one of this list sharing traits of some sort of fighter jet (much like Salamence and Dragapult). Being a cross of a wyvern, fighter jet and various species of shark most noticeably of those the hammerhead it is an interesting combination and works well to create a memorable design. I have also been a big fan of the links between Garchomp & Sharpedo sharing a common ancestor it's one of the small details that I wish were more expanded upon. As a Pokémon in itself Garchomp is a powerhouse much like all on this list but Garchomp was Cynthia's ace on her team. Not only is Cynthia one of the toughest champions but her main Pokémon is Garchomp and considering her team you'd have to be a strong Pokémon to be the top of that team.

Number One: Tyranitar
Coming in at number one is the second ever pseudo-legendary in Tyranitar. The unique rock-dark typing gives Tyranitar an edge. Having been heavily inspired by Godzilla is such a great idea for a design. I wish that more Kaiju served as a basis for Pokémon while we have had Mothra serve as an inspiration for Volcarona and even Mechagodzilla for Duraludon (I kinda want the next pseudo-legendary to have King Kong as its inspiration) but Tyranitar shows how good it can be. I really like the mesh of colours for Tyranitar it helps with its Godzilla image. As the armour Pokémon its design really reflects this with its body looking like armour. When mixing Godzilla and parts of a T-Rex you are combining two creatures that a lot of people hold in high regard so it would be a hard task to live up to those monsters. I believe Tyranitar achieves it, through its look alone you can tell it is a ferocious beast that can destroy all in its path. As far as getting the design over to being a monster of immense power none of these Pokémon do it better than Tyranitar.

That brings to a conclusion this list. All Pokémon showcased here have one main thing that binds them together, they are all powerful Pokémon that stand above the others that debuted in their respective generations. To create a pseudo-legendary you need to mix the right design choices to make it look powerful and stand out  and I look forward to seeing more. If these group of Pokémon sees more variety of designs without the majority being dragons. But we will see with future generations.


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