Game Idea: Saints Row 5 Wish List

Replaying Saints Row 4 on its Switch port made me realise again how much I enjoy this franchise. While some may not like the over the top nature of the series now I find it really enjoyable and gives Saints Row a unique selling point in the genre of games. With rumours going around to expect Saints Row 5 at some point in 2021 I have begun thinking in what my ideal version of this game would be even some parts I would like to see. With the game alleged to be deep in development I have to wonder what path they will take. Personally, I hope that Saints Row continues in this over the top nature and with the power of the console it will be on we can hope for the biggest map and some extras with this I think Saints Row 5 is set up to be the biggest entry to the series and is brimming with potential to be the most over the top and fun filled entry in the series.

Taking place post Gat out of Hell we resume from the ending where a new world is found to help begin the human race anew but is currently ruled by a psychotic war like alien race I feel this is the best ending to go with the game would feature this planet as the main world or hopefully a decent portion of it. We saw what Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA 5) was able to do map size wise at the end of the PS3 & Xbox 360 life span so on the PS4 & Xbox One nearing the end of its lifespan we should hopefully get a massive world we could even look to Red Dead Redemption 2 as part of map sized as well. Ideally I would love to see different environments we have had cities throughout Saints Row but I'd love more places like forests and mountains as well as cities to vary the map and what you can go in the game.

However, I wouldn't just want this. I would love some smaller maps as part of the time travel aspect. We ended Saints Row 4 with the idea that time travel to see Earth before its destruction and if Zinyak can yank people like Jane Austen out of time I don't see a reason the Saints also can't do this.

We have to be careful here as if to not wipe out the emotional impact of previous death if we are to bring characters back. I'd love to have a return of characters like Oleg, Josh Birk and even characters like Lin, Carlos & Aisha. If we are to pull them out of time we have to establish how bringing them out of time they still have died and that they would need to be replaced for someone to still die in their creating an alternative timeline where the replacement dies in their place. Look, I know its confusing but death has been rendered irrelevant in the series so it makes sense they would go back to get people, for characters like an Angel or Zimos you can say they are back just off world or in a different place on that world (basically I don't want to give Hulk Hogan a pay day and Zimos was one of my least favourite characters in Saints Row the Third).

Effectively you go back in time, replace the person you want to say with maybe a body double or a clone (if we want to go down that route) and bring the real person forward in time. If this is the biggest fight they will ever have it makes sense they will need people they can trust and we can put a caveat that you can save everyone that was on Earth when it was destroyed and I'm sure that God would like the people being removed from Heaven as its less work for him (judging by how he was at the end of Gat out of Hell).

Playing as the emperor of the Saints (formerly Zin) Empire has its perks. To begin with we can interact and see the main cast from Saints Row 4 on the ship as well as Zinjai, Jane Austen & Jezebel. I'd love to have it you can talk with all these characters on The Ship and then when you get more hideouts and cribs you can see them in these other places, this would include the characters rescued from the past speaking to them to really introduce and remind players of these characters.

As far as new characters created for this game we have two options:

Options one is to work in Zin as well as aliens from the planet in question. I'll elaborate on this part when going over the story. The main point of contention here would be the mass amounts of pods on the Zin's ship you can introduce characters through that. This would give the game a chance to flesh out perhaps the universe if the pods contain others just not humans. Perhaps certain missions will need certain skill sets from Saints which means you have to unlock a pod with someone. It would be a good way of showing what Zinyak did and how the Zin Empire operated before it became the Saints Empire. 

Story and Map
As said before this game would be taking place post Gat out of Hell we resume from the ending where a new world is found to help begin the human race anew but is currently ruled by a psychotic war like alien race. In a tale as old of time the game would end if the Saints taking over the world in full and beginning the restoration of the human race.

I want the map to work differently for this game. While side quests are doable pretty much from the beginning what is changed is that random parts of the map wouldn't be seen as territory gain with those only showing on the map post main story. Once you pass that part of the map in the story you gain that territory it helps add to the idea you're taking over this planet through action and not by doing Insurance Fraud. The opening missions would secure the first part of the map with your first crib the ship and the Saints take territory from there on.

I would want a few specific missions looking over the world so that players can fully experience the new terrain, I would like to have the idea of some of the aliens on the planet wanting to live in peace with the humans and wanting to help take down their bloodthirsty counterparts. As a personal mission I would add would be to give C.I.D an actual body maybe a robot one with limbs or you could give him an organic body (but I don't know how) to make him useful.

You'd want to showcase The Saints as being at their strongest but working against a strong enemy as normal. It is hard to set this up as them struggling to begin with the lead an empire so they can't start from nothing.

All in all I am looking forward to where the series is taken next. Each game seems to build on how the over the top nature established in Saints Row the Third and hope they continue that path. I do hope that we get some news soon as it would be nice to get a first feel for the story and world of Saints Row Five. But until then I hold out hope some of the things listed here make it in.


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