Favourite Pokémon: Top Six Fossil Pokémon

When it comes to Pokémon games they are very much set in the present time while we only get mentions of the creations of the Poké Ball and the beginnings of the Pokédex we are rarely treated to the past which is why the Fossil Pokémon are so interested. Resurrected from a time long since forgotten these Pokémon are glimpse into the prehistoric times of the Pokémon world. While not large in numbers and not in every generation keeping these fossils scarce (and honestly there's enough Dinosaurs to make more so please get on it) the following are classified as the Fossil Pokémon.

Generation 1: Omastar, Kabutops & Aerodactyl
Generation 3: Cradily & Armaldo
Generation 4: Rampardos & Bastiodon
Generation 5: Carracosta & Archeops
Generation 6: Tyrantrum & Aurorus
Generation 8: Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish & Arctovish

Each of these have different designs that show us some extinct Pokémon and honestly leave me wanting more and maybe even a generation set in the era of the dinosaur. As with all other sets in these topics my top six of these Pokémon are as follows:

Number Six: Aurorus
Based on the Sauropoda Dinosaur it is one of the fossils of generation six starts the list. I like the traits it shares with the Diplodocidea with its long neck looking like a towering above others. I like the small ice crystals that run down its body it is a small detail but works for the ice typing this Pokémon. While it is an interesting design I do find it a little boring but solid enough to rank at number six.

Number Five: Aerodactyl
The pterodactyl of generation one makes it into the number five slot. This flying menace really looks like a prehistoric Pokémon. I really like jaw of the Pokémon it helps it look like a predator. I think its colour scheme works well it doesn't need multiple colours. While I am not a fan of all the rocks added for its mega form I think the normal form is solid enough to be included on this list. I do wish we got some more fossils of flying dinosaur inspiration though.

Number Four: Bastiodon
With traits of the Chasmosaurus generation four introduced Bastiodon. I really like the design of the head of this Pokémon. No only does it resemble a shield but it creates a good look, it makes it looks like it could run through all in its way using its head. I'm glad the shield isn't overly complicated design wise as it acts as the face of the Pokémon as well. There isn't much else design wise and much like Aurorus the rest of the design is pretty plain but I think the idea and design of its head shield design is strong enough for number four.

Number Three: Rampardos
The other generation four fossil in Rampardos is next. Based on the Pachycephalosauria family of Dinosaurs I love its hard head with the name taking inspiration from the word 'rampage' very much looks like a Pokémon that could go on a rampage. I like the spikes on its body as they are not overbearing which when adding spikes onto something can be overbearing (much like how I feel about Mega Aerodactyl). The colour scheme is nice as well and grey & blue work well together. I know some people take issue with its arms but I think they are fine. If the Pokémon uses its head to rampage and attack more the arms would not be used hence their size, the head become a strong part of the Pokémon and its biology it makes sense to focus on that and not the arms.

Number Two: Tyrantrum
For years probably since generation one a lot of Pokémon had wanted a Pokémon based on the Tyrannosaurus Rex (or at least I did) and in Generation Six we got that in Tyrantrum and for me it didn't disappoint. Having the menacing look of the T-Rex it looks like a beast the could take down all in its path. I like the crown like row of spikes over its eyes representing a crown inspired by its inspiration being known as the king of the Dinosaurs. To be based on the T-Rex the Pokémon would need to have a mix of intimidating and looking to be the king of its land which I feel Tyrantrum displays and I am very glad that the king of the Dinosaurs is now represented in Pokémon.

Number One: Kabutops
Being resurrected from the Dome Fossil its one of the original Fossil Pokémon in Kabutops that makes the top of the list. The main point of praise I have is the scythes for hands. I really like it as a concept and it makes Kabutops look like a killer. The skeletal structure it sells it being a fossil as well. I find its type interesting and works well with the set up and biology of the Pokémon. The head of it looks really smooth design wise and helps add to its design it looks very streamlined which would help with its predator like aspects. It not just being a fossil of a dinosaur with not a large change from its inspiration to create a new beast really helps this one stand out and makes it my favourite fossil.

With all this considered I really like the ideas of fossil Pokémon it can help us develop ideas of how the Pokémon world look before the games. I think the idea of Pokémon based on Dinosaurs are really good, I want some based on Triceratops, Stegosaurus and a Ankylosaurus to name a few. I think these Dinosaurs to begin with are great so to bring them into the Pokémon world would make so much sense. We can only hope that the next generation (or even the upcoming DLC) can help add more to the fossil Pokémon at our disposal.


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