Favourite Pokémon: Top Six Legendary Pokémon

A group of Pokémon so incredibly rare that only one of them is ever really seen and when they are rank so some of the most powerful Pokémon in the world the legendary Pokémon are some of the most recognisable with a fair few being on the box art for games. With 52 Pokémon being classified as legendary to makes up a decent percentage of the Pokédex. While I won't be considering Ultra Beasts (I may do a list for them I am not sure I don't like the majority of them) there is still a fair few to rank. To begin with, the honourable mentions are as followed.

Honourable Mentions: Zapdos, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Kyogre, Groudon, Groudon, Reshiram, Yveltal, Type: Null, Necrozma, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Urshifu

Each of those listed in the honourable mentions I like the design somewhat but not enough to break into the top six. So with that in mind the top six is as follows.

Number Six: Zekrom
The cover Pokémon for generation fives white version, the Pokémon version of Red Eyes Black Dragon kicks the list off the list. The dragon of ideals really fits its dragon aesthetic and looks like it can back a punch. I find its typing of a dragon & electric duel typing to be quite interesting adding its signature move Bolt Strike it adds a powerhouse to the electric type Pokémon pool. With how generation five is heavily lore based you would need a Pokémon that looks like a powerful Pokémon from the past and I feel Zekrom fits that and the lore around it.

Number Five: Giratina
The renegade Pokémon, the devil Pokémon, the mascot of Pokémon Platinum Giratina comes in next. We cannot talk about Giratina without talking about the Distortion World which is one of the most fascinating parts of the world I wish we got more things like it. Known as a Pokémon banished for its violence the design would need to fit that as I feel Giratina fits that. The Pokémon has a look that its presence would be intimidating the most and with its wings with spikes on in the altered form add to that as well as the golden rings and crown and the fact its wings can change forms give it so much to work with to give that backstory truth to it just by looking at it.

Number Four: Silvally
A Pokémon I didn't know was considered legendary until I began looking into the list. I really like the Chimera it is one of my favourite mythological beasts so to see a Pokémon designed on it was a nice surprise. I love the story behind Silvally and its pre-evolution Type: Null being man made Pokémon in attempts to recreate the God is such an interesting concept and idea that is executed. I like it having memory disks that change the type of its signature move Multi-Attack much like Arceus & its Judgement move just adds to the point. It's probably one of my favourite ideas and the attention to detail really helps this Pokémon stand out even more so then the one its created to replicate in Arceus.

Number Three: Zygarde
Mainly due to its complete form, Zygarde makes it on the list. The Perfect Cell of the Pokémon series I really enjoy the idea of gathering its cells to fully complete is was unique and a nice touch. I really like the colour scheme of Black & Green (with some white) as the main colours of choice I think it is a good combination of colours and the touch of using a small bit of blue & red (the main colours of Xerneas & Yveltal) is a nice touch to the other legendaries of its generation. I was surprised to see the complete form was smaller than the 50% version as I thought it would be taller. However, the idea of getting its cell to make it stronger and strong I really enjoyable and is a memorable trait and the resemblance to Perfect Cell who is one of my favourite villains of all media really help it stand out to this point on the list.

Number Two: Mewtwo
One of the original legendary Pokémon makes it into number two. The mega evolution forms I do not like but the original design is such an iconic design its hard to not say it was one of my top six legendaries. While a simple design it really shows it as a powerful Pokémon, there is something intimidating about Mewtwo. With this as well it created to trait of man made Pokémon like Silvally & Genesect. A true trend setter of a Pokémon if it wasn't so well received it means that so many Pokémon for later generations would not have happened. It's always one of the main Pokémon I associate with the term' Legendary Pokémon' and stands out as one of the best.

Number One: Rayquaza
Quite simply the iconic dragon and game mascot of Pokémon Emerald is my favourite legendary. The first thing I love is the yellow marks all over his body it gives Rayquaza this feeling it was an ancient beast and its sinister look of its face has the feel of the commanding leader of a Pokémon more then capable of controlling Kyogre & Groudon. I love how green is the main colour I normally am not a big fan of the colour green but this works so well with the minimal additions to the colour, sometimes it works having just one main colour. I also want to touch on its mega form. It adds with the orange features that just look to add power to it. The extra features on it face really add to its intimidating stature. I love the fact it can control or is the master of Kyogre & Groudon it makes it seem like the most powerful Pokémon of them all.

When it comes to legendary Pokémon they need to look powerful and like they deserve to be part of that group. It is one of the Pokémon I look to first of all to see what sort of spectacle Pokémon we will be looking to fight and catch. I am glad however they are giving more story to some of these now, much like how Necrozma got a lot of lore and forms behind it. I think these add to what these Pokémon are to the world and it always makes them fund to see.


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