Favourite Pokémon: Top Six Early Route Bug Pokémon

Each Pokémon can be said to follow a similar pattern. Once given your starter the first few routes introduce to a familiar set of Pokémon. It will include a combination of Mammal, Bird & Bug based Pokémon for the player to catch early doors to build at least an initial team with their high catch rates to ease new players into the game. While I will look over each set one at a time today I want to focus on the Bug set. Normally a fast levelling Pokémon these early game bugs look to give the player a taste of what evolution can do for a Pokémon in terms of stats, appearance and what moves it can learn. For this the following bug Pokémon were considered for the list as per the generation they were introduced.

Generation One: Butterfree & Beedrill
Generation Two: Ledian & Ariados
Generation Three: Beautifly & Dustox
Generation Four: Kricketune
Generation Five: Leavanny & Scolipede
Generation Six: Vivillon
Generation Seven: Vikavolt
Generation Eight: Orbeetle

After much debate I have elected to include the generation five bugs. I at first did not want to include them as they fell into a different levelling rate of Medium Slow compared to the Medium Fast or Fast rates of all the other Pokémon listed. Combined with this they were more complex to evolve needing to level up more. However, this second point is reflected in later generations as the bug Pokémon became more complex to evolve. After looking over several websites and source I can see that both Venipede & Sewaddle and their evolution lines are considered part of this I have considered them for this list.

Number Six: Orbeetle
Kicking off this list is the latest early route bug. The last two generations have looked to help out these bugs by giving them a different type. Orbeetle the Ladybug became a psychic-bug type. An interesting type I think it is a nice design for a bug. I like how it adds more onto the Ladybug design with a more detailed body. I like the lore behind Orbeetle with this Pokémon being known for its large brain by its psychic type which could be reinforced with the Ladybug shell itself housing its large brain. As a side note I like how it's Gigantamax form is like a UFO, I quite like it.

Number Five: Butterfree
The Butterfly Pokémon comes in at number five. One of the original bugs I do like its simple design. Butterfree as a Pokémon does not need to have a complex design to get over its design choices. I like its wings, they are overly designed to take away from the Pokémon but are designed well enough to showcase what this Pokémon is. While not a powerful Pokémon it is a good base for what Bug Pokémon could build on from as without a solid base the type of Pokémon could've become a type that was cast aside.

Number Four: Ariados
Generation two introduced a Pokémon which could be considered nightmare fuel to a lot. A massive spider named Ariados. While I am not the biggest fan of Spiders I do still think Ariados is a solid design. While I think the colour scheme is slight odd and can be jarring I do like the colouration of the main body but I do wish that the legs could match up with the body scheme in some form or at least a main colour scheme throughout (I think the shiny body with the normal legs would be a lot better). That still being said I think it is a good design. It made sense to have a spider as an early bug game Pokémon and Ariados does a good job. My issues with the colour don't take away a lot from what I like on this Pokémon with a solid design and idea moving it to number four.

Number Three: Scolipede
A Pokémon I wasn't sure qualified for this list but I am glad it did. Scolipede is the first time I used a Bug Pokémon all the way to the end. I found it to be stronger then expected and changed the idea of Bug Pokémon. This Pokémon I believe is the tallest Bug Pokémon which changes up being either a small or medium sized Pokémon normally dwarfed by others. I like the antennae that resemble horns horns. It's centipede like design is helped by a great colour scheme that doesn't change throughout meaning nothing is too jarring. While I wouldn't be a fan of massive bugs in the real world some more in the Pokémon would be good. I think Scolipede sets a good precedent for this sort of Pokémon. Scolipede was the first early game bug that really made me take note these sometimes these Pokémon can be good long term if I do end up using a Bug type.

Number Two: Beedrill
The other half of the original Bug Pokémon, Beedrill comes in at number two. My main like for this Pokémon is the two hand stingers it has, it looks like Beedrill can run in quick and do some damage. I've always been a fan of the shared similarities between Beedrill & Butterfree when it comes to their faces and red eyes. I like the Bee Pokémon and I think the creatures themselves provide good ideas for Pokémon which Beedrill works with. I do like how it keeps the colour scheme for bees but doesn't have stripes throughout in its main form only by its stinger, it's a simple way of changing it from the normal bees. It's a simple design but one I think works really well and stands the test of time.

Number One: Vikavolt
In at number one is the Generation Seven Pokémon in Vikavolt. If you had said to combine a Stag Beetle with a Railgun to form Pokémon a would've thought it to be stupid but I really like Vikavolt. Part of my championship team in Pokémon Moon. I really like the mandibles it has resembling a railgun. This Pokémon packs a punch as well with a bug & electric duel typing it covers a lot of ground. I remember when using Vikavolt it really showed me how powerful some early game Pokémon are it helped clear many a totem and trainer battle and moved quickly to being my favourite of these early game bug Pokémon for its great design and unlike a lot of these has the power to keep itself on the team from early game to becoming the Pokémon League champion.

That rounds up the list of early route bug Pokémon. If we take away personal opinions it is clear to see as the generations go on that Pokémon values these early bugs and the type as a whole a lot more. Bug has gone from being a weak type with a lack of moves to a viable type with a lot of bug Pokémon being viable to become a valuable team member perhaps more than the other early game Pokémon these bugs have grown more and more to become better. Next I will look into the early game birds as one previously used for HM Fly have also seen some growth over the years.


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