Favourite Pokémon Per Generation: Generation Four - Diamond, Pearl and Platinum

Hello all, I’m back again with this ongoing series detailing my top six Pokémon per generation and this time we move onto generation four which kicked off with Pokémon Diamond and Pearl followed later on by the Platinum version, the first generation on DS took the game to the next level introducing bigger environments and delving into deeper subjects like the time and space of the creation of the whole universe (plus one of my favourite places in Distortion World) and after this was the game that introduced the God of all Pokémon in Arceus so really helped to build the full Pokémon universe. One thing I do really like about Generation 4 is it borrows off the concept of Generation 2 of adding new evolutions and pre-evolutions to existing Pokémon and makes some I previously didn’t care for or consider for this list previously into some of my favourites. With all that covered let us begin the list.

Honourable Mentions: Torterra, Infernape, Staraptor, Luxray, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Floatzel, Skuntank, Hippowdon, Drapion, Abomasnow, Weavile, Magmortar, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Gallade, Froslass, Giratina, Darkrai, Arceus

Number Six: Empoleon
Kicking off the list is the first time that my favourite starter is not the fire type. Empoleon is based on an emperor penguin and its name is based on Napoleon, which is a nice tough, plus the edges of its wings looking like blades is a really cool design and makes it look like an absolute killer. I really like penguins so Empoleon makes the list.

Number Five: Dusknoir
As I said in the intro this generation made me care some Pokémon lines I did not before, Dusknoir reflects this. That evil belly the ghostly otherworldly design Dusknoir quickly became my favourite Ghost. But it was mainly due to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. Coming to the past to stop any changes to the future the swerve of him being a bad guy was so cool and has stuck with me as a moment in these games since then, a great ghost that makes the Duskull line interesting to me.

Number Four: Electivire
While I was doing the generation one list, I nearly put Electabuzz on the honourable mentions list the only reason it wasn’t is because my love for its evolution Electivire really knocked that one down. The thunderbolt Pokémon is a big menacing electric type. Many believe it is an electric yeti and I find that such a great concept, it is so far out there I love it. I really do like the design of its tails being electrical wires it’s a nice touch to reflect its type.

Number Three: Garchomp
A combination between a Wyvern and a Shark this Pokémon takes two threatening creatures and combines them to great effect. Even from its design you can see this Pokémon does serious damage. If a Pokémon is going to be a Pseudo legendary Pokémon in my eyes it has to look great and actually go damage and while some of the later one’s failed in this in my opinion Garchomp might have the best design of all of these Pokémon.

Number Two: Toxicroak
A design I like more and more each time I come back to it I have had to make a change to my original list and swap the places of Toxicroak & Electivire. I love how much Toxicroak fits its design and its main type of poison, its red claws that can inject poison the red vocal sack to spit its venom from, this is a clear Pokémon is a poison and to such effect. With a unique type and slick design Toxicroak quickly became one of my favourites for this generation. I think the typing is good as well the claws the inject poison actually help to showcase its fighting type which to begin with I was unsure of but the more I looked at the design the more it made sense and to such effect it pushed Toxicroak up the list.

Number One: Lucario       
Probably not the most surprising choice, the aura Pokémon that got its own movie has such a sleek design it’s hard not to like. Being based off Anubis the god of the dead and this being able to see life form’s aura is such a nice touch. When the design and the Pokémon’s traits itself really compliment each other, it creates a special Pokémon, I have to be honest when I first saw Lucario I thought it was a legendary Pokémon and was delighted when it wasn’t to use it. With its sheer power Lucario became my ace pretty quickly over Infernape and I didn’t regret it, the sheer power of Lucario carried my generation four team to great effect and as a result became my second favourite Pokémon.

With six Pokémon covered that rounds out Generation four. A sign of a good generation is when I have to change things around when giving them a closer look Infernape, Luxray and Rampardos were all so close to making the list a points much like I had issues finalising generation three’s list, I really enjoy it when generations give old Pokémon more about them and their stories it helps flesh out the world. With that in mind please find below the list of my favourite Pokémon per type.

Next we move onto generation five, this generation introduced a whole new list of Pokémon meaning I have the biggest roster of Pokémon to choose from since generation one which is a gift but also a task to narrow to six, but that is for next time.


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