Quick Thoughts: AEW All Out

In what would be the final PPV that AEW had before their TV debut in October the final pieces needed to be put into place for that TV debut. Taking place in the same venue as All In the biggest question of the night was who was to be the first AEW World Champion between 'Hangman' Adam Page and Chris Jericho. While I didn't go into this show watching it live (I had been to NJPW's Royal Quest earlier that day) and knew the results going in I still found this be be an enjoyable watch.

The show opened with the Casino Battle Royale to determine one half of the match to determine the first ever AEW Women's World Champion. There wasn't a lot to this match in all fairness I don't recall too many spots. It however managed to highlight the key players of the AEW women's division in Nyla Rose, Britt Baker and Bea Priestley well especially Nyla who got 10 eliminations setting her up as a dominant winner and keep a Britt and Bea feud going with Bea costing her rival the match. As with the other Casino Battle Royale I am interested to see who (if anyone) AEW sign following this, with how the match was there wasn't a lot of star grabbing performances or stand out non-signed talent like Luchasaurus however Big Swole got a good reaction for her spots in the match and with Mercedes Martinez being the joker out of everyone involved those two would be the most likely to be signed.

The other match on the pre-show was that of Private Party vs. Jack Evans and Angélico. While being a good match the clear want out of this match was to make Private Party look good and a threat to the Young Bucks come their tag title tournament match and I believe this match done the job as Private Party came out the victors and looked impressive in doing so. I did like the Evans and Angélico heel turn after the match, the two were lacking a direction and character for that matter so this should help them establish that in the upcoming tag team title tournament.

A debut vignette was then aired for someone called Wardlow, I have to be honest I have not seen this man compete but he has a good look to him and is also a big guy something AEW was missing, could be a stand out mid card guy for AEW especially with how different he is to the majority of the roster.

The main show began with 6 man tag actions with SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky) taking on the Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt). I feel like I say every time I do one of these how impressed I am with Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus, it's a pairing of guys who know their gimmicks and play off of each other well, I'm undecided on the addition of Stunt to the pairing as it thought they were fine as a duo. SCU continue to work well but I wonder what Daniels role will be in AEW, Sky and Kazarian seem to be the tag team of the stable to you have to wonder where Daniels will be placed on he card. Either way both stables looked good in this and you have to wonder who will do further in the tag title tournament, I do hold out hope for Jurassic Express to go far.

Surprisingly next was the match between PAC and Kenny Omega. I imagine if this was the advertised Moxley vs. Omega match it would've been later on in the card. I really enjoyed this match as well as this I am happy to see PAC back in AEW in what I can only hope is a signed full time basis and seeing as he won I would expect so as well. PAC winning with the submission was an unexpected twist but nice to see something different then an expected Black Arrow ending. I imagine both of these men (and Moxley for that matter) will be part of AEW's upper card to main event which is good I hope we get to see more matched between the two in the future. One final not on the match however is that I wish they would move the barricades a little further away. I saw two bad moment who ankles could've been shattered on the barricades and luckily they weren't but safety and all that for future.

Following that was one of two gimmick matches for the night the 'Cracker Barrel Clash' between Jimmy Havoc, Joey Janela and Darby Allin. Set up following their match as an unsuccessful team at Fight for the Fallen, this match was sponsored by Cracker Barrel more so so get some extra money in to the upstart company and as an excuse to use Barrels as one of the weapons in the match. This match had some good spots as expected with the guys who know this type of match well. I loved the use of the barrels in the match it's a weapons you don't see a lot of in wrestling which gave this match a uniqueness to it. I have to wonder what is next in AEW for all three men. Will AEW create a Hardcore Championship with these guys heading up the division? I guess time will tell once TV starts.

One of the main things AEW have stated will be a major part of their opening month of TV will be the aforementioned tag title tournament. With that the next match was to set up who gets a bye to the next round between Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) and The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson). So, I am in the general consensus that the Dark Order are good in the ring but by God is something lacking with them, while a good team in ring the gimmick isn't working it needs some sort of change which I hope they can do. The match itself I had no issues with I quite enjoyed it I'd even argue the right team won. I'm interested in where Orange Cassidy fits with The Best Friends as it's an interesting duo. The match however leaves me with more questions for The Dark Order and them going forward, I'd argue they'll lose in the second round if crowd apathy towards them continues.

When setting up Nyla Rose as one of the women to fight to become the first AEW Women's World Champion she needed an opponent which the match between Riho and Hikaru Shida was set to do. An enjoyable match but I was surprised that Riho won but I was fine with either one winning but ideally I would've preferred Shida winning. Riho and Nyla have history dating back to Fyter Fest and Riho winning that triple threat match. I can see Nyla winning mainly because I don't think Riho is under contract. Either way it will be interesting to see who wins the belt with how Nyla was booked in the Casino Battle Royale is can go one of two ways and dominant women who charges through all to win the title for someone to eventually overthrow or the antagonist for Riho to overcome all of the odds, with the match being booked around Nyla it will be interesting to see this match come October 2nd.

Built as a grudge match on the card Cody took on Shawn Spears with each man having one person in their corner. For Spears it was Tully Blanchard and for Cody it was MJF. While a good match at lot stems into the future for these men. With Arn Anderson coming out and hitting a spinebuster on Spears leaves me wondering what's next for Arn, Spears and Tully, will Arn manage someone against Spears? I wonder if that'll be answered on a road to TNT or held off until the TV show starts. As well as this we saw a very subtle move to set up the eventual turn of MJF on Cody with the look he shot when holding the chair at the end of the match. The friendship of the two has bee set up well and blends into the no real good guys and bad guys line AEW is somewhat trying to tread. It's more than likely that MJF will cost Cody his AEW Championship match at Full Gear. A good match but all 5 men involved now have different directions but stories for each of them.

The semi main event was the Escalera De La Muerte between the Young Bucks and Lucha Bros. I like both of these teams and this was a great match to end their feud. I'd be happy if another match of this style didn't happen for a very long time due to the nature of it, this should be the type of match to end a major feud, really good table spots throughout as well. The post match saw the debut of Santana and Ortiz formerly LAX in Impact Wrestling yet another great tag team in their ranks. Looking at the AEW and their tag team division it is arguably the strongest division on the show. As ever I hope once the tag title tournament is done Lucha Bros go their separate ways. The upper card needs a few more people who could challenge for their world title and have shown to be over as solo acts, both Pentagon and Fenix could have new and unique feuds in the main event scene with guys like Omega, Moxley and PAC it'd be interesting to see. 

The main event was the main hook to crown the first AEW World Heavyweight Champion. Now while I really enjoyed the match especially the running shooting star into a codebreaker it has to be said the right man won. Hangman simply put isn't ready to be the guy especially going into the start of the weekly show and for that you need your biggest name and most known name and that is Jericho. Hangman should be world champion someday just not right now. I think that's even more clear with how much people were talking about 'a little bit of the bubbly'. I'm expecting Jericho to keep hold of the belt through Full Gear and into 2020, a great first champion and it'll be interesting to see who takes the belt off of him, as it stands my money is on Omega.

In Conclusion, this was probably AEW's 2nd best show, a good card throughout to help establish more talent ready for October 2nd. With that being a little under a month away I imagine all YouTube series will be used to highlight the matches on the first show and to announce anymore signings they want announced before the first show. Also I really liked that they were scanning the roster for future video game release. I'm very interested to see how that game takes shape in the coming months but for now it will just be speculation.


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