Favourite Pokémon Per Generation: Generation Six - X and Y

When the 3DS began production and subsequent circulation around the world people were abuzz at the games that would come to this console some were looking forward to how Pokémon would adapt to this. Their wish was granted with the release of Pokémon X & Y versions. While only introducing 72 new Pokémon a series low to that point the game introduced the new concept of mega evolutions and while a mixed bag as some of these would’ve been better as new evolutions to existing Pokémon rather than just mega (see Camerupt) it was a nice concept for all 28 Pokémon lucky to receive one. This left me with technically 120 new Pokémon to choose from. With that all being said let us kick generation 6’s list off.

Honourable Mentions: Chesnaught, Delphox, Talonflame, Gogoat, Malamar, Draglage, Heliolisk, Aurorus, Goodra, Noivern, Yveltal, Zygarde (Complete Form), Hoopa (Unbound Form), Mega Charizard-X, Mega Blastoise, Mega Scizor, Mega Beedrill, Mega Camerupt, Mega Rayquaza

Number Six: Aegislash
Coming up at number six is the first ‘item’ Pokémon that I truly like. Between its two forms being a sword and shield it just looks good. Item Pokémon can be very hit and miss as most look stupid but Aegislash is a Pokémon of this mould done right. I really like how it can switch forms as well as it is a nice gimmick for this Pokémon and one not a lot have.

Number Five: Pyroar
Pyroar comes in at number four. I love Lions and Luxray almost made the Gen 4 list due to this but made out because of how strong the pool was but Pyroar does not follow in the same fate. If anything, the male Pyroar’s mane reflecting the symbol or fire () is such a good touch it makes this Pokémon memorable, having different looks per gender to reflect real lions is a great choice is really giving this Pokémon extra care.

Number Four: Pangoro
Speaking of animals, I like being made into Pokémon Pangoro reflects that as well. The giant panda known as the daunting Pokémon. I like how mean it looks reflecting its fighting type. The cape is an interesting choice it reflects it being a fighter with pomp and circumstance presenting itself as a top fighter ready to throw down.

Number Three: Tyrantrum
This Pokémon honestly makes me wish that they would do a generation set in prehistoric times with all the fossil Pokémon, if it isn’t clear Tyrantrum is my favourite fossil Pokémon I love the design and how it reflects Tyrannosaurus and it’s an intimidating monster of a Pokémon. Tyrantrum makes me wish more Pokémon would be based on dinosaurs especially when fossil Pokémon have been a thing in most generations, if a Pokémon can make me love it an make me wish for more in a similar mould it has done something right.

Number Two: Hawlucha
Now, if you haven’t seen much else of my content you won’t know I’m a massive wrestling fan and some of my favourite wrestlers are luchadores like Rey Mysterio and Pentagon Jr so Hawlucha easily became one of my favourites. I honestly wish we got more Pokémon based on wrestling to combine two of my favourite interests. More on Hawlucha its design is colourful much like some of the most well-known luchadores and their attires and with its signature move Flying Press and the animation it gets it is really good to keep with its gimmick. It’s type and design choice really compliment the Pokémon as a whole

Number One: Greninja
At number one for this generation and fourth overall for my favourite Pokémon is Greninja, if you don’t take it from me that this Pokémon is cool then take it from the fact it got an invitation to come as a fighter on its own to Smash Bros. I love ninjas and this Pokémon really work well with this, it’s tongue wrapping around its head like a mask to the sleek design that makes it look like it is fast and can hide like a ninja. It is very rare that my favourite starter in a generation isn’t the fire one but when a Pokémon has the look and feel that it is fully fleshed out in how it looks and what it is supposed to convey like Greninja not a lot come close to it. I wish more non fire starters took a page out of Greninja’s book to take an interesting concept and integrate it in the Pokémon world, Greninja made me realise that the other starters can be really cool if done right and hopefully more follow it down the line.

With all six Pokémon now listed it brings to and end the rankings for generation seven. While lacking in new Pokémon and me not being the biggest fan of the majority of mega-evolutions it left a smaller pool of Pokémon to pick from, but I was happy with the 6 I choose as all our strong choices in my eyes. With that all being said here are my favourite Pokémon per type.

Next we move onto generation 7 and the Alola region this one will be interesting due to how this generation introduced new mechanics which will be discussed then but it set up a new gimmick to give an interesting new take on old Pokémon. But until then thanks for reading.


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