Favourite Pokémon Per Generation: Generation Two - Gold, Silver and Crystal

Back again with the next generation of Pokémon released initially in Japan three years after the original generation of games was Gold and Silver and then followed by Crystal these games were intended to be the last game but as Pokémon shifted to being a money making machine this was thankfully not the case as the series continues to go strong to this day.

Introducing exactly 100 new Pokémon it took the amount of options away from me to choose this list by 51, however, generation 2 manages to build off of many of the Pokémon introduced in generation one giving new pre-evolutions and post-evolutions to many loved Pokémon, so with that in mind let’s kick off the list with the honourable mentions.

Honourable Mentions: Meganium, Ariados, Crobat, Quagsire, Umbreon, Heracross, Houndoom, Kingdra, Donphan, Hitmontop, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia

Number Six: Espeon
Starting off the list is my favourite Eeveelution in Espeon. My love for the sun Pokémon doesn’t necessarily come from the main series games but the spin off Pokémon Colosseum. I remember playing this game and Espeon getting most of the big hits and wins for me, from then on it has always stood above the rest of its Eveelution counterparts.

Number Five: Ampharos  
If robots do dream of electric sheep this one would stand above the rest. While Mareep doesn’t look all that strong to begin with if enough time and care is put into levelling it up this big bad electric sheep is the end result, with the highest base stat total for special defence of all electric type Pokémon it packs a punch and can take one to and was a very welcomed addition to my Soul Silver play 

Number Four: Feraligatr
The final stage to the water evolution and nearly my favourite starter of this generation (nearly). The big jaw Pokémon based of an alligator has a very simple design which makes it memorable. The red spines on its back help add to the design and I like the make they get larger and more intimidating all the way up its evolution line, it helps show how the Pokémon levels up by its appearance alone.

Number Three: Typhlosion
Once again, the fire starter appears on the list, the volcano Pokémon which the fire it can shoot out the pack of its back makes it look so cool, I love the fact that it’s based off a honey badger it is an unexpected choice. While not my favourite Fire starter Typhlosion is still one of my top three for this generation.  

Number Two: Tyranitar
If we were ranking Pokémon per the damage, they could cause just going on the look of them then Tyranitar would sweep the competition, if Godzilla was a Pokémon (but a bit smaller) he’d be this one. Big, bad and packs the biggest non-legendary punch of generation two, this Pseudo legendary was almost my favourite Pokémon of this generation. Almost.

Number One: Scizor      
One thing I really enjoy about this Generation is that they look to improve the lore of Pokémon, some of generation one get new evolutions and some get some pre-evolutions what this could do it make some Pokémon stronger and better that may have not been used previously. I liked Scyther but it lacked something to me. When it evolves it becomes my sixth favourite Pokémon, the colours, the look the Pokémon looks the business it improves a decent looking Pokémon into a great one, one that takes a good design and makes it sleek, makes it look better and creates one of my favourite Pokémon.

That brings to an end the top six for Generation two, this generation works an improves the story on generation one but also brings a lot of cool Pokémon in both new lines and working and improving current Pokémon. It helps build the world and that as something needed. To round up this post here is the list of favourite Pokémon per type for this generation.

Next time we move onto Generation three and Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald versions. These games were the first one’s I played as a child and still holds a special place in my heart, with it being my first exposure to Pokémon this generation will be a lot easier for me to talk about. But until then we are twelve Pokémon in and all of them I am big fans of, each generation shows it has good Pokémon and good ones in depth to make it hard for me to do choose.


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