Smash Bros Future Fighter Pass - Character Speculation

With the announcement of more DLC characters past the fighter pass for Super Smash Brothers Ultimate fans of the game have gone into more of a speculation frenzy as to who they could see join this already jam packed roster of video game icons throughout the ages. I have to imagine we will get at least 5 more fighters past this fighter pack as with most fighting games now season passes are normally around 2 or 3 and while I hope for 3 I imagine at the least another 5 fighters will be the case (or of Nintendo goes all out and gets the roster to 100 I’d flip). We also need to keep an open eye on who could join the game, fighting games have grown to include a wide range of characters not expected. Between Tekken using The Walking Dead’s Negan and Noctis from Final Fantasy, Mortal Kombat using God of Wars Kratos, Friday the 13th’s Jason, Predator amongst other and Soul Caliber using Darth Vader and Yoda from Star Wars all bets are off when it comes to 3rd party characters joining games. I’ve tried to keep my predictions realistic but have a list of characters I personally would love to see when it comes to characters and while I am #TeamWAH I with a heavy heart have to concede that Waluigi won’t be in the game as a playable character. I also haven’t considered any echo fighters for this as any dlc content with this type of fighter remains unclear, I do however hope  that more echo fighters do come out in their own dlc sometime in the future. 

Master Chief 
Starting with one of the most likely ones to round off the first fighter pass, Master Chief has had a lot of fan support to join the roster. You think of all the big Sony ‘mascots’ in the game like Cloud and Joker who’s respective games are PlayStation exclusive it would make sense to have an Xbox exclusive mascot and there would be none better than Master Chief.

Crash Bandicoot 
When it comes to real classic video game mascots smash has almost all of them now. One of the last big mascots missing is Crash Bandicoot, with the remastered game coming out a little while back the character is once again in public eye 

Spyro The Dragon
Speaking of classic characters with remakes similar to Crash, Spyro the Dragon has been a big video game mascot for a large number of years. Being a Quadrapet character would give him a unique move set to the majority of smash characters as I believe only Ivysaur shares this troupe.

Jin Kazama 
With the announcement of Terry Bogard the main character of the Fatal Fury series in the first fighter pass it lead to speculation on who else from big fighting game we could see in the game with Ryu (and Ken) from Street Fighter also being on the roster. I believe a Tekken character is next in this line of characters. I went with Jin Kazama as while Heihachi Mishima had a Mii costume in Smash 4 *SPOILERS* he died at the end of Tekken 7 the write off for that character. With Jin considered the main character of the Tekken series for a while now it makes sense for him to be the DLC character. Plus him vs Ryu or Terry are some big fighting game dream matches.

Travis Touchdown 
What I didn’t know until starting this was that No More Heroes 3 would only come out on the switch (or that 2 only came out on Wii) it got me thinking with this being the case there is no better way to promote the game then having the main protagonist Travis Touchdown in Smash, using Smash bros to promote characters has helped in the past as seen with Fire Emblem Awakening and the sales of that game. I think Travis could be an interesting character for the game and would be nice to shine a like on a character that a lot of people hold in high regard.

Black Shadow 
One of the biggest grips that people have with the roster of smash bros is the lack of antagonists on its roster. Looking the main roster of the original smash a lot have antagonists from their series present in the game now. Mario has Bowser, Donkey Kong has King K.Rool, Link has Ganondorf, Fox has Wolf but one missing an antagonist is Captain Falcon. I went with Black Shadow as he was the main antagonist of the F-Zero anime and the one on the end of the iconic Falcon Punch to end the series. It was between Deathborn and Black Shadow for this slot but I went with the later out of the two, however I could see either getting in.

One of the long requested characters for Smash has been Geno from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Silver Stars. This character inclusion always relied on a good relationship between Nintendo and Square Enix which wasn’t always the case but seems to be better now since the inclusion of Cloud as DLC in Smash 4. I know Sakurai wanted to put Geno in Brawl but wasn’t able to at the time now with extra time to add characters and the fan demand there I wonder if Geno is more likely then ever to make it into a Smash game.

If we are going by characters we know the developers wanted in the game look no further than Xenoblade Chronicles 2 protagonist Rex, when his Mii costume was announced Sakurai had stated he wanted him in the game but ran out of development time. With this additional development time for these characters now it could very well be that Rex finds his way into Smash Ultimate as a full playable character.

If we go by worldwide fan appeal nobody has more than Sora as illustrated by the following graph 

Going by number of comments on the Nintendo post of more smash fighter Sora ranks top in EU and US regions and second in Japan, no other character is in all three regions showing his demand. I imagine this will be something the developers will look into. Not only that but Kingdom Hearts has a knack for having at least one game in each series on a console, the switch does not have one yet and I can see the next Kingdom Hearts game coming to switch. By fan demand alone I think Sora is a very likely case to be added to Smash.

Ryu Hayabusa
Between Dead or Alive and his own game series Ninja Gaiden it’s clear for a lot of people to say that Ryu Hayabusa is one of if not Temco’s most iconic characters. With the Smash DLC largely looking at adding iconic characters of the video game industry Ryu fits that bill, I’ve noticed a few rumours and ‘leaks’ which are to be taken with a pinch of salt saying that Ryu will be the one to conclude the First Fighter Pass. If we will is something only time will tell.

Part of the love for Smash Bros that everyone has are the dream matches they can put out, I remember back in 2008 when people were losing their minds at the idea of Mario facing off against Solid Snake and Smash 11 years on is still making dream matches nobody thought possible happen. I imagine as long as a high demand is there they’ll keep making characters, maybe they’ll get to 100 as I joked about earlier (if they do could that at least upgrade the tournament to have a 64 Man one please), whatever the number and whoever the characters I look forward to seeing what iconic video game characters join the Smash Roster in the near future. 


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