Inazuma Eleven Anime Concept Part Six: Football Frontier International Group Stage

I'm annoyed that by posting this the image of the group stage table it is in the preview but such is life, please join me in covering this part as after all for me the journey is the destination here. 

Part six of a minimum of seven now for this Inazuma Japan concept which has grown more and more and beyond what I thought possible as far as my ideas and writing could go. For how we got to where we are now please follow the links below covering both the season one concept and the first third of season 2. 

When we last left off Japan had just boarded the plane to England. One of my favourite things about the original FFI was that on the plane to the tournament those in the Japan squad were sitting with the people you'd expect but after winning on the way home it was a different seating arrangement with duos you wouldn't expect to be so close previously. It was just a nice way of showing how far the team had come and gelled together. Anyway I'd look to employ some sort of similar situation here. The plane ride isn't important if anything it's the perfect place for a filler episode. 

What I want to cover is the setting of the main FFI tournament before we get further. As stated in the last part the FFI will be held in England. With the publicity the games are getting all FFI matches will be held in professional club stadiums. This has been done mainly to help me with visual purposes, this is Ramblings of an Englishman (at least at the time of writing this before I freak out and change everything again) I am most use to the Premier League  stadiums and I think across the board there's a lot of inspiration to be had. Stadiums would most likely take inspiration from Emirates Stadium, London Stadium, Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (unfortunately), Old Trafford, Etihad Stadium, Anfield and others as well as the final taking place at Wembley. Again this isn't a major detail but I hope it will help you when it comes to understanding how I visualise the games and how they are played. 

The team touch down in England and end up at their base for the tournament in one of the many state of the art training facilities surprised that were afforded the luxury CapF reiterates that most training facilities are like this and as such giving non cabal teams places like this to train would most likely hold no disadvantage which ProC confirms. As the team get settled in the group stage draw is made and for Japan they get the cabal sides of Holland, Mexico & Ivory Coast but also find themselves drawn with Italy which brings a smile to ProC's face. 

The first meeting the team has is a breakdown of each team they will face. 

Holland: Easily the weakest of the cabal teams in the group but that isn't to take away from them. The team is highlighted by two men who play their school football in England. Their captain known for his stoic expression and ability to bring all players into play known as The Iceman as well as a dynamic goal scoring winger with his dyed Red hair known affectionally as Redhead 

Ivory Coast: Operating in a 4-3-3 while their midfield is seen as a weakness they have some of the strongest defenders in the FFI as well as the top scorer from the African part of qualifying and he, the 2 wingers and 2 of their defenders are seen as some of the most elite talents in Europe 

Mexico: The only team which has all its players from its domestic league. Known for hiding their faces behind masks much like Luchadores it's a team which plays fast flowing football and is hard to read.

When it comes to Italy ProC pauses, he reflects how he use to play in Italy and how it has always been a nation which wanted to work for the benefit of Football. When asked why they never fell to the cabal ProC gives us some detail. Italy's youth football is carried on the back of the De Biagi family. A family with 7 football playing sons all within a few years of each other all attending school nationwide. With a family running at its core it couldn't be disrupted and as such the defeat of shadowy forces was celebrated as the work of mainly the De Biagi family who now al together are the core of the Italian team. ProC also goes on to say that Lacca and the Raimon utility defender are in the squad the main core of the De Biagi team is as follows: 

Manuel De Biagi - Goalkeeper - Captain of the Italian team 
Massimo De Biagi - Centre Back 
Marco De Biagi - Full Back
Milo De Biagi - Centre Midfield 
Matteo De Biagi - CAM 
Mauro De Biagi - Winger
Mattia De Biagi - Striker 

It is at that point there's a knock at the Japan ground's main door when opened in walks Manuel De Biagi and someone else. The team would recognise or at least Ace would as a former XGen player one who previously mocked his abilities. Before anything else happens this player apologises to Ace for how he acted, he was wrong and wishes he could take back what he had done, it took being part of the Italian team to show what XGen was like and how his actions were wrong. Ace is surprised by accepts his apology. Manuel introduces himself as the captain of Italy, the oldest De Biagi brother and ProC's former teammate. He talks about how he and his brothers who all ended up at different schools fought against a similar threat to them in XGen and were heralded as the players brining Italian youth football back to prominence. He speaks with Protagonist about how it is good to see other nations willing to fight and mentions how France, England & Brazil as far as he can tell are the only other nations not under The Cabal, regardless one of these teams needs to win to stop this and free all youth football. They shake hands and part ways not before Manuel passes on a message from Lacca and the Raimon utility defender saying they are looking forward to seeing them on the field.  

Are next meetup will focus on the captain of the England team, the next day while CapF goes for a run he bumps into his former teammate as the two were part of the same club in England which was set up close to where Japan are based hence CapF training in the area he says to the England captain that this place feels like home to him which the England captain agrees, knowing that CapF being here makes him stronger and with that he will be a better player for it. He talks about the two brothers the one that teamed with the Triples and the captain of Hakuren being on his team and while former XGen players he feels they can be trusted on the team as CapF and the England captain part ways we see another England player hiding behind the corner keeping track of the conversation (for future reference this character will be referred to as Bond it will make sense at some point I promise).  

Our final main character introduction begins with AceF later that day going on a late night run just to get use to the surrounding area while it is quiet out when he thinks he notices his strike partner from the team that lost to Raimon in the Road to Glory finals he follows him down an alley where he is confronted by his striker partner who calls him weak, while XGen failed them both he says AceF got soft and sided with Japan whereas he awoke to new purpose making his country of Argentina the best in youth football. Out of the shadows steps his striker partner who flicks a ball over his head from behind him and shoots it at AceF who raises his foot to block it but the shot is so powerful it topples him as the two Argentinians walk off. If AceF's partner was Agüero then this new foe is the Messi of this world (pre PSG move you know when he was actually the worlds best player). AceF reacts to this trembling, for the first time a player never short on confidence is short on confidence. 

With key characters from all over the tournament introduced I suppose we should get down to opening ceremony, taking place in this worlds equivalent of Wembley this is the first time we get to see a lot of the teams at least from a glance, from the two English brothers, the variety of masks from the Mexican team, all Di Biagi brothers and the former Raimon players for Italy to a variety of teams being represented from Korea to Brazil we get a look at the large pool (or at least a good few teams which will feature later) of players in which we see friend and foe alike. After this ceremony Protagonist and ProC meet with Manuel De Biagi again who is with the French captain, a forward known for his strength and speed all in one. The French captain talks about how Japan will face Holland first and he is sad to see two of his teammates in The Iceman and Redhead actually being part of The Cabal and says they are good people but sometimes even the best of people get corrupted he asks for Japan to beat Holland and hopefully this will help his friends see the light, Protagonist says that's what they do and De Biagi says that at some point he should introduce Japan to the Brazil team. When asked why France and Brazil aren't in their group ProC says that if all non Cabal teams were in the same group it would cause suspicion of foul play and as such they have to spread them around the groups. 

Japan return and start talking about all the strong players they saw from what looked like a more determined Korea to all the familiar faces from America to Argentina in which AceF speaks up about his run in with Messi, he says the power felt made him worry maybe he isn't strong enough. Protagonist reassures him if he isn't strong enough to win the FFI now then they will train and train until he is, the team resolve and begin their training ready to take on the world and they won't have long to wait as their first match against Holland is just a few days away. 

FFI Group Stage Match No.1: Inazuma Japan vs. Holland
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

The game starts at a breakneck pace both teams going at it right away. Japan playing the ball throughout their team where as Holland are more dominated by a game plan to get the ball to Redhead who gets the ball to Iceman. Both teams cancel each other out for the first part of the game until Japan take thanks to Protagonist and 'Ray of Hope'. This angers The Iceman who finds himself confused why he is reacting like this. Why have Japan caused his heart to stir and for him to react, he focuses his team and they change formation to a 4-4-1-1 with Redhead just behind Iceman and it works a treat for Holland who begin to take control of the match, with a Hissatsu from Iceman and a duel shot from Redhead & Iceman Holland take a 2-1 lead going into half time.

The second half begins at the same breakneck pace with BF playing more defensively to try to cancel out the new Holland formation. The defender & midfielders for Holland sit deep which leads to the attacking 6 of Raimon going forward which leads to TC & CapR getting a spot of luck and being found free and combining for a new move 'Arctic Circle' to make it 2-2. The infuriates Iceman but he is fired up, he feels himself shaking and excited to play, he hasn't felt like this in years and he fires up the Dutch team who are shocked to see him so passionate.

Holland go all out the Iceman leading his team passionate and full of life seeing how he has reacted to Japans football has reinvigorated them they want to play their football not anything Cabal related they break forward and Iceman goes to shoot but Protagonist & ProC both come in tackling the ball there's a struggle but the two win and the ball goes upfield straight to Ace & AceF who combine for a new combination shoot 'End of the World' and win 3-2 right at the death. As the final whistle goes Iceman collapses to the ground on his back and laughs when he gets back up he shakes Protagonist's hand and thanks him, The Cabal's hold had made him forget what football was really like but he thanks Japan for brining him back, while his stoicism may never go he feels he can enjoy football, he will make sure Holland can clear The Cabal from their country but beforehand he needs to call around his club teammates (including the French captain we met before to apologise). 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 3
Holland: 2

Japan return knowing another country has rejected The Cabal and hope to continue to make strides in the FFI and win it they are greeted on their return by Manuel De Biagi who congratulates them as he mentions that they also won beating Mexico but wants to introduce Japan to a few key players from the Brazil team, the captain, their vice captain who thanks the team for helping his teammates Iceman & Redhead and a former XGen player another who made fun of Ace previously but that is water under the bridge. The Brazil captain is a cheerful guy hugging the protagonist saying how nice it is to finally meet them and congratulates the Japan team for their success and says while Holland may not be fully Cabal free at the moment they will take the necessary steps for a brighter future he says they should all work to ensure a brighter tomorrow but he pauses and says it will be nice to see Japan and Italy clash in the final group game, it will be a game without Cabal interference which is a rarity these days and something he will be in attendance to witness, a chance to show the world real football.   

Over the new few days a number of the Japan players fall ill GK, Naito, ProC, BF, Ace & Protagonist all fall victim to this which confuses Manager & TekM are confused about how this was caused. Either way they cannot postpone so Japan have to enter the next game with a thing squad. Regardless they carry on training while the team look to recover but not before more are hit with the same bug Tana, Omega, Ibushi and Manager himself which hurts them even more now they have no manager and are down to just 11 players, either way TekM takes charge and they head to the game and as with the Thailand game C & TekC will stay behind to help the team in their recovery.

To the surprise of the remaining Japan squad the manager of the Ivory Coast (and their Cabal representative) mentions about how most of the team is poisoned, shocked they know this he laughs saying about if they didn't like the cooking to which the Japan chef appears removing his attire to show he is a member of the Ivory Coast team their midfielder and number 8 who laughs, Japan know they can't investigate this they have to compete how they are. We look over to other players in the Ivorian team including the captain their Ace forward, two defenders and a winger. They talk about what has happened and the captain says he isn't a fan but cannot do anything, one of the defenders brings up how their teammate Iceman and Holland are getting rid of The Cabal, the captain sighs looks over to the rest of his team and says they have to play.

FFI Group Stage Match No.2: Inazuma Japan vs. Ivory Coast
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

The Ivory Coast play an intense physical game regardless if their hearts are fully in it. The Japan side feel themselves getting battered and before they knew it they are 1-0 down. However, they might be physically hurt but they will still get back up taking a quick kick off they quickly made it 1-1 with AceF and Total Eclipse surprising Ivory Coast the number 8 furious but the captain seems happy knowing despite the obstacles Japan can still give them a game. The half ends at 1-1 but at half time but at half time the Japan team is gasping for air hurt either down on the ground or having to be supported up. With no subs this Japan team has to keep going.

Pretty soon into the half Ivory Coast score again from the captain, as Japan look to be deflated and exhausted by Captain gives one of those main character speeches about how they will never give up and how they will fight to the end to save football. Japan give it their all but cannot break down Ivory Coast this is until Captain breaks out a new dribble move 'Flash Forward' which seemingly teleports him behind the Ivorian defence which in the confusion he gets the ball to TC who with TVC & TGK use Ultimate Penguin to make it 2-2. 

Japan can't even muster the ability to celebrate and soon as the game kicks off again as the Ivory Coast run towards Japan the Japan team collapses from exhaustion, the ref won't blow his whistle for this he's under Cabal influence and as the Ivorian captain looks at an empty net on a hat trick and hesitates this isn't football and it isn't right to score where the other team cannot stand, he goes to kick the ball out of play but before he can the number 8 steals it and scores himself to a chorus of boos throughout the stadium. Ivory Coast beat Japan 3-2 but the only people happy about it our the Ivorian number 8 and the manager. As the crowd boos the Ivorian team goes up to the two celebrating and kicks them out of the team, they say they will no longer hurt football or hurt these people when the manager says they hold no power he looks around the team all giving him daggers and as such he and number 8 run away. The Ivorian team helps carry the Japan players off the field which turns the boos to cheers. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 2
Ivory Coast: 3

We see soon enough where the Ivorian manager runs off to and it is The Cabal itself. Thinking he would be able to celebrate being able to defeat Japan he suddenly finds out that he has been voted out. His team turned against him and as well as that an entire stadium saw the public antics brining the game into disrepute and could open an investigation into them. With no team and the public against him The Cabal agreed he cannot be part of this, no hard feelings just business when he says his team beat Japan it's regarded as a non factor it is the way he did it as security escorts him out the Korean manager says 'you better not make the same errors in beating Japan' as the Mexican manager shows his face (all be it he is wearing a mask) and says he has learnt on what not to do from this and will make sure Japan do not win. 

The next few days aren't spent training but in recovery some from illness and some from fatigue from the last match, most players are confined to their room or speaking with teammates. Here we see AceF watching the latest Argentina game where we see them beating France with Messi running the show, we see AceF's former strike partner as well as what seems to be a player who plays like an uncontrollable monster as an attacking three with him only being reined in line by one of the midfielders. Argentina win and AceF is sitting there shaking watching this. He gets a knock at the door from Ace who says he also watched the game and can see what he meant by Messi and his talents but being intimidated by them means they have already lost they have to keep going to become better. 

We also get to hear in to a call with CapF and the English Captain with the later saying it's detestable the actions the Ivory Coast manager took in their game but at least he is gone now, he says about how this may effect Japan's whole tournament and hopes it doesn't as he wants to face CapF on the field. When the call ends we can see that Bond was listening in the entire time.

We see slowly but surely the Japan team coming back to train from their various setbacks but they still aren't at 100% regardless this doesn't hurt their mood Japan are upbeat they always are no matter the physical toll the antics of the Ivory Coast manager and the physicality of the match. The team tries to train hard but are still in pain which limits how much they can grow. Instead of rushing their recovery and pushing them too far Manager looks to train mentally by going over what they know of Mexico's tactics. The team itself all wear masks, it makes them hard to read while their faces aren't fully covered for most a large majority are which means you cannot read their plays by their face. In my minds eye all masks are different and I see them as a variety of current luchador wrestlers such as the captain Pentagon Jr, Fenix, Bandido, Gravity, Drago and the goalkeeper being Matanza Cueto, the manager and assistant manager being represented by Rey Mysterio and Ultimo Dragon the two greatest luchadores of my time (Before anyone gets on my back yes Ultimo Dragon is a luchador his style is a product of his time learning in Mexico but this isn't important for anime football). 

The Mexican team works tactically as a fast fluid attack which means Japan will need to be agile and quick to respond to attacks, more then likely the 3-5-2 deployed will quickly become a 5-3-2 as Japan have to defend in numbers it's no surprise this game is following on from the Ivory Coast The Cabal wanted Japan as weak as possibly unable to deal with Mexico's speed and fluidity.  

FFI Group Stage Match No.3: Inazuma Japan vs. Mexico
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

As predicted Mexico start off fast and fluid pushing Japan into more of defensive position but cannot get control of the game. Japan keep getting pushed back in a defensive but it's not enough they find themselves 2-0 quite quickly from goals from Pentagon & Fenix which have left Japan operating with a back 5 and only being able to hold on due to some last ditch defending on multiple occasions. As the first half dwindles down Japan find themselves fortunate with a break in the ball as Pentagon goes to run to shoot BF gets there just beforehand he manages to boot it clear into the path of Omega so that he and Ibushi can use Eye of the Storm they get it to Protagonist who threads the ball to Ace & AceF who use their duel shot End of the World and make it 2-1 as the half ends. Japan got lucky once remarks Pentagon but they won’t get lucky again and gestures to his defenders.

With how exhausting the first half was for the defenders three substitutions are made with CapR, CapF and KidoCB coming on and BF, Zeke & Naito coming off with KidoCB going into the middle of the back three. Mexico sit back for a fair bit of the second half their defensive back three reflect their attack in the sense that are just as fluid. They move and act in a fluid motion it's like Japan is battling a massive tidal wave, they use each other as vaults or just simply throwing each other which why not hissatsu's they are just that good and show off the insane agility of the team with the defence led by the man in the middle of the three who has the Bandido mask (the other have masks in line with Flamita and Rey Horus the team known as MexiSquad in Ring of Honour). Ace gets tackled and AceF gets tackled the agility of the Mexico team keeps them at bay. It is Captain who comes up with a strategy to beat the defensive press with this. As Ace runs through with the ball and Flamita goes for the tackle Ace rolls it back to Captain who breaks the line to the defences surprise he squares it to AceF who uses Total Eclipse and it's 2-2.

Just as Japan think they are back in the game they are struck by a surprise Mexico scored straight from kick off a duel shot from Pentagon and Fenix. They use a shot similar to Twin Lancer but instead of it blinding the team it just flies past them 3-2 Mexico and not a lot of time left. Some of the Japan team slump to their knees feeling they've lost again knowing a loss here will see them out, it is when the Protagonist gives the rallying cry that all protagonists do in this situation, they cannot give up, they cannot give in the future of football depends on them right here right now. Japan come out being able to attacks the final moments of the game are even until Japan get another lucky break of the ball similar to BF clearing it from Pentagon in the first half this time it ends up with Protagonist who uses their dribble move 'Trapeze Vault' followed by their duel shot with ProC 'New Dawn' to make it 3-3 just in time with the final kick of the game. Japan snatch a point which keeps them in with a chance of qualifying for the knockout round. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 3
Mexico: 3

On the way back to the camp the Japan team is downtrodden sure they aren't fully healed from their respective injuries and illness but still 1 point out of a possible 6 has left them worried on their qualification chances. News filters through on the Ivory Coast's final group game which was a win leaving them with 2 wins and 2 losses meaning that Holland in their final group game had beaten them much to the relief of the Japan team with their new friends in Iceman & Redhead paying them back seemingly for helping them see the error of The Cabal. This leaves Ivory Coast with 6 points playing all four of their group games and Japan with 4 points playing three games. The task for Japan is simple only one final game in the group with Mexico, Ivory Coast & Holland all playing their four games if Japan win they overtake Ivory Coast into second in the group and qualify for the knockout round. This only issue here is they face one of the tournament favourites in Italy and while they are an ally against The Cabal they won't hold back on the field. Japan are in for the fight of their lives. 

We have a visit to The Cabal who are split on their next course of action. They went Japan out and them losing to Italy will do that but at the same time if a fully fit Japan & Italy would play like their lives depend on it and could wipe out each other. Some want to play it more cautiously wanting the game played on its original date like Mexico but more are wanting the delay like Korea and Argentina with this the Argentina member of The Cabal looking over to the shadows and said if they side with him to which they give a thumbs up. The final games will be delayed so that Japan & Italy are fully fit all with the intention of destroying each other. 

When news get to Japan they are confused but relieved it means that they can fully recover and train again to be at their best. When training is over Protagonist says he needs to work some more and goes for a run he ends up in a place which looks similar to The Riverbank as he just sits down on a bench and stares out he's met by a voice saying 'I had a feeling you would be here' and he looks up and it is BF. 

BF remarks about how this is similar to the Riverbank the last place they saw each other face to face before their Path to Glory match. BF says he never got a chance to apologise for the lies he told which the Protagonist smiles and tells him not to worry about it before going back to worrying himself. BF talks about how Protagonist is a leader because of how he cares for others and supports them but he struggles to keep that optimism to himself, BF says he should've noticed it sooner and apologises what the Protagonist needs is a shield, someone to protect him from himself and to bring him back up the same way he does others and that would be BF. Protagonist thanks him and says he was hurt when he saw that BF joined XGen and when the team for Inazuma Japan was announced he didn't know how he would feel about playing with BF again but the second they were on the field together again it was like nothing had happened and it was back to their times before the Path of Glory series. 

While he thanks BF and is glad he has someone that can deal with his personal doubts he realises from what BF play he needs to consider how he plays and how he can help the team as a whole improve. ProC is a tactical pillar because of how he sees the game but nobody possesses the raw technique that BF does and as such he needs someone who works more on their technical attributes instead of their tactical attributes so he realises any doubts any reservations from the past needs to be cast aside, BF is his best friend and as such he needs to have him as a key pillar for the team and someone he can trust deeply. With that being said BF helps Protagonist back to his feet and the two return back to the training camp.  

As training begins the next day Manager has an announcement that the team will be split into groups to work on small sections of their play with Manager, TekM and the two coaches from Raimon & Teikoku in C & TekC to help out here as well (no you forgot to put them on the squad list you're working from and hence why they were largely absent and I had to add a few moments in retroactively) with them watching over and noting down what the players do so that with the extra time they have and level up as much as possible. 

We focus on the group with C that being Protagonist, ProC, GK, BF & Ace. We can see in this that Protagonist and BF have levelled up they feel perfectly in sync with their passing and movement now they are fully connected and aired what they needed to with each other and as such even ProC at the top of his game can't figure out any way to stop them. While this is happening we see in another group Auba looking over before getting back to training. Later he goes to speak to Manager when questioned he asks no he says he has to play against Italy. Manager doesn't ask why but says this is because of Lacca. The two at Raimon were inseparable and always want to face each other and while now times have changed and for the moment he's a Wing Back and Lacca is a Winger he needs to face him. Manager says it was always his intention to play Auba, while it's been largely forgotten in the wake of Japan and The Cabal they were all part of a team in Raimon and he saw how much they loved to be on the same team but the burning desire to face each other as well. With this taken care of the team is performing and healing better than ever it feels like Japan is getting to full strength for the first time in several matches. 

We spend some time with England next just for a change of pace with the England captain we see him training with the two brothers from the Path to Glory tournament. England look in sync and are doing well with a number of strong players in defence and attack with two shots being fired at the goalkeeper at once who bats them away with a Hissatsu that's like a hair whip blocking it out. Afterwards the England captain is seen looking around the team he has a look of worry there's something in the air when it comes to the team but he's not sure what. He notices some shifty behaviour from the brothers from season 1 but is not sure what they are doing, but feels it is better to leave it now but keep an eye out. Little does the captain know Bond has watched his every movement and is seen going over to speak to the brothers. 

Back to Japan they get a final visit from Manuel De Biagi he says to Japan this game will decide their fate and while they are friends fighting for the same cause on the pitch Italy does not know them, they are just another opponent. They will not throw any game, to do as such ruins the game and makes them not better than The Cabal, they will see Japan on the field but when Italy win they will carry Japan's feeling and save football before he leaves. GK goes to say De Biagi is out of line but Protagonist stops him saying that De Biagi is right, while they battle for the same idea they have to go all out for football in order to say it. BF agrees if this was the other way they would have to act the same. GK understands and says they all need to give it their all for the rest of the time before the match. Japan resume training and all the time they can until the day of the match. 

Before we get to the match specifically we see Japan on the team coach on the way to the game. The Protagonist is at the front of it looking down to all his teammates & management team. He says this is it, for Japan it is simple they have to win to protect football they have to win regardless of who they face be it teammates and friend new and old, nothing can be left to chance they have to be the ones to write their own story. They all have people back home watching, waiting and hoping for them to win so once the whistle goes for kick off cast all doubts aside believe in the game plan they have, leave it all on the pitch because if they do then together they can save football. 

FFI Group Stage Match No.4: Inazuma Japan vs. Italy
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

For the sake of this game and because we've introduced a lot of Italians the Italy line up is as follows: Manuel (captain) 
Utility Player-ICB-Massimo-Marco
Milo-Former XGen

In the biggest game for Inazuma Japan it starts out hot, there's no Cabal in this game so the ominous sense of dread and foul play is nowhere to be seen that weight is lifted off both teams, the game has a sense of freedom about it and that it flows with a stronger pace with both teams, not to say tackles and blocks are going in but this isn't the battle for football this is a game Japan need to win and Italy won't throw it's a different sort of game to those before. Japan are playing at a level they haven't reach until this point the extra rest combined with the training and motivation has seen them progress to a level previously unobtained which would benefit The Cabal should Japan lose at it will weaken Italy no doubt. Japan's new power is seen pretty early in the game they take an early 1-0 lead through Protagonist & BF using Ultranova to the delight of the whole team Japan is in front should the same be said at the end of the game they are through to the knockout stages.

After the ball goes in Manuel seems shocked when Lacca helps him helps and says how he underestimated Japan. Manuel agrees with this and orders his team to step up their game. Italy kicks off and they meet Japan's hot start with their own intensity. They focus play down the side in which Auba is playing as a wing back as him and Lacca clash for the ball with Lacca coming out on top he plays it to Matteo who plays it to Mattia and his shot results in a goal in the opening minutes of the game and it is 1-1 already with both teams giving it their all. Italy keep targeting Auba's side of the pitch and find success another Mattia goal gives Italy a 2-1 lead as once again Lacca finds his way past Auba time and time again with no response (I can't decide if he does it with a dribble move or not) in which Naito & ProC cover for Auba as he deals with the issues in defence. Eventually Auba spots a flaw in his friends plan of attack and is able to block him using his new block move 'Track Back' which sort of sees the player go past him and the he phases back in front of them to get the ball. Auba then sends the ball up to Ace and he scores with Grand Finale to make it 2-2 at half time. 

Half time both teams are recovering. Japan makes one change with AceF coming on for Tana however the main point of interest come from the Italian bench. Seeing his team is out of breath in large places with some maybe not able to recover he looks over to the manager and says send them on. For the second half in place of the Utility Defender, For XGen Player, Lacca and Mattia come on four players who Manuel played with in defence is Raphael, in midfield is Donatello, on the wing is Michelangelo and up front is Leonardo (some may think I decided on the names from looking at Renaissance Art but no this is directly due to the Ninja Turtles). With that in mind Italy set up the second half with basically a new spine to the team. 

We kick off the second half Italy seem refreshed the four players brought on are leading the charge as expected they're fresh and work in sync with the Captain, he's gone from a team full of brothers that have a familial bond to a team in which the core are the four key players he won the Italian Path to Glory equivalent with who he knows the strengths of and quite quickly they show that Raphael to Donatello to Michelangelo who sets up Leonardo to score with his Hissatsu move and just like that Italy are back in front 3-2.   

The Japan team sinks they just got back in and now it is like they are facing an entire new team. Protagonist doesn't know what to say but that is when BF steps in. Echoing the words Protagonist said before the game, nothing can be left to chance we cannot stop here we cannot leave the fate of football to any others that have to do it, for the people here, to the friends back in Japan to all those around the world they have to leave their all in the pitch. Japan dusts themselves off and goes again. 

The match is a back and forth encounter with Japan trying to stop the four Italian substitutes from combining. Unfortunately at one point Italy do get through and as Leonardo uses his move and it heads to goal ProC & BF combined with a new block move 'The Barrier' to stop it to shock Italy and BF gets the ball up the field to Ace who combines with AceF to score with ' End of the World' and it's 3-3. Japan back in it.

The game continues at a strong intensity both teams not giving an inch. That is until Italy break away and Leonardo gets a shot away and ProC & BF can't combine for The Barrier as they are too far apart. The shot heads towards the goal and GK steps up he says he will not let this dream die (cue the protagonist music). GK gives us a new save technique which we will call 'Bombardment'. In this GK summons several canons which all fire at the oncoming football which stops Leonardo's shot. 

GK fires the ball up the field straight to BF who in turn echoes GK's sentiment and unleashes a new dribble move 'The Spiral' to get through the midfield and links up with ProC & Protagonist the three combine and use a new trio shot called 'Pillars of Heaven' (I don't have an idea how it looks just a name). It's fired at the Italian goal as Manuel puts his all into blocking it with his move but in the end he can't he smiles 'so this is Japans true power' he says as the ball beats him away and ends up in the net, the full time whistle goes, Italy 3, Japan 4 and with that Japan qualify for the knockout round. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 4
Italy: 3

As japan celebrate Manuel goes over to them, Firstly he apologises, he underestimated their commitment, their desire but most of all their talent and he regrets that he shouldn't have looked past Japan as another body fighting the fight but gets lost along the way but as one he looks at side by side. He said they had to go all out to make sure Japan were all in sync with their ideals and they can face the ordeals going forward. Italy don't have this issue the core of the team is one family and the two others are Raimon players so they don't need explaining and the four who came off the bench all played with Manuel at club level so he knows their quality. Manuel is truly proud to call Japan an ally, play a real game of Football but above all else he is proud to call the members of Inazuma Japan his friends as he shakes the hand of the Protagonist and both teams celebrate qualifying for the next round. With that being said here is the final table for the group stage. 

After all the celebrations end we see The Cabal arguing. Japan & Italy both advancing causes issues and they need to be removed. They look to the shadows and outsteps the England manager and although we've not seen him speak beforehand we have seen him even if it is from a distance a shock for the audience for sure. He proposes a fix to the draw with Japan getting Argentina but he is interrupted by the American representative who says they were promised a favour and if any team will get Japan it is America. With that in mind the England manager says to place France & Italy facing each other so if worst comes to worst at least one non-cabal team gets eliminated. With that in mind the round of 16 is as follows. 

Japan vs. America 
Egypt vs. Greece
England vs. Uruguay
Germany vs. Nigeria
Italy vs. France
Korea vs. New Zealand
Argentina vs. Ghana
Spain vs. Brazil

And with that we reach the end of the group stage and this part of the concept. We are one part away from the conclusion of the FFI with the knockout round to be covered all in part 7. Can Japan win? What is happening with England with the reveal their manager is in The Cabal to control Football? What does America have planned? That and much more will be answered next time but for now I can't thank you all enough for reading.


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