Inazuma Eleven Anime Concept Part Five: Football Frontier International Qualifying

We are back for part five of the concept for an Inazuma Eleven series. This part will cover the qualifying of the Football Frontier International. The links below cover what has lead to this moment with parts 1-3 being season 1 and part 4 being season two. The links below will go over the characters and concepts leading to this. 

Part One: Story, Main Character & First Episode Concepts: 

Part Two: The Path To Glory Begins: 

Part Three: The Path To Glory Concludes:

Part Four: Football Frontier International Characters and Concepts:

We re-join the Japan team training and in good spirits they beat Qatar 4-0 and it seems like they are somewhat laxed getting ahead of themselves. TC tries to get people to focus but doesn't have that much effect. AceF shuts him down saying that his Meteor Shower crushed Qatar and it will crush Australia. When TC asks the manager later to intervene but he says he cannot. TC tries to speak to TGK & TVC but that are in a similar mind to the rest of the side which all call it early on training. TC enters the training field to see ProC training by himself the two talk and start training together. TC mentions they don't know a lot about ProC yet, he hasn't played, he senses that he's holding back in training and they don't even know his surname. ProC makes a deal, if Japan wins the next game he will tell all, why he was selected and what he brings. He respects TC so he gives him something to begin with, the work against XGen was just the beginning, the rabbit hole on that is very deep and he will see what he means next match. When TekC sees him puzzled and asks TC says it's nothing he's unsure currently but feels that they will all know what is going on soon. 

As Japan warms up they are surprised to see that playing for Australia are the three triples from the first season who disagreed with XGen. They were annoyed and felt they were ignored when it came to the Japan and that annoyed them and that was when Australia approached them showed them how XGen was wrong and narrowminded and that the way Australia will change football winning FFT will change the world. The team seem confused at their speech. Change football? They feel it was just a tournament something else is afoot. For reference the Australian from the trio making fun of Ace in season one plays here as well. I fully recognise I didn't really say where he, the Italian and Brazilian player play but rest assured they would play in Season one they just aren't focal points (for full disclosure I won't have a team from Brazil featured as an opponent for Japan here, with the exceptions of USA and Italy which I had clear ideas for I wanted to use teams not used or only used once just for some different opponents, however Brazil will still feature somewhat). The right back from Teikoku Gakuen also features here.

Match No.2: Inazuma Japan vs. Australia
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

The match starts off with Japan getting the ball to AceF and he goes for Meteor Shower but it's easily stopped by the Australian keeper he quickly throws the ball out passing through the team to the striker triplet and he scores 1-0 Australia about 90 seconds into the game. From here Japan struggle their wing backs drop into a back 5 because of the rampant attack of Australia, anytime Japan tries to get the ball out Australian midfield take it and the Australian defence snuff out any attacking chance all dictated by the three triplets of the previous season, during this time ProC is warming up with TC he takes a break from this and speaks with Ibushi & Omega. They go in 2-0 to Australia deflated.

Here the manager talks to the team saying how 'pride comes before the fall' the team got cocky and took their eye off of what they can achieve but now it seems they will be able to go. Four subs at half time (because I swear the original FFI had a stupid number of subs allowed per game) with Omega & Ibushi on for Versatility & Auba at wing backs, TC on for BF and Pro C makes his debut in the middle of the back three for KidoCB.

Japan start the second half off nervous after the pasting they got in the first half however once Australia break through ready to score again ProC breaks it up with a Block Hissatsu called 'Around the World' to the shock of the team bar TC, nobody knew he could do this, Australia convinced that's all he has charge at him but he uses a Dribble Hissatsu 'Vanishing Act' to get past them, in the span of a few seconds this unknown player has beaten the strong block of Australia and got past their tricky midfield a true Rolls-Royce Defender something Japan lacked. For reference a Rolls-Royce defender is described as the following: 

A Rolls-Royce Defender is a central defender with a commanding presence and effortless physical dominance. This player wins tackles and out-wrestles his opponents and makes defending look easy, pretty much the definition of Liverpool’s Virgil Van Dijk.

As ProC dribbles with the ball Omega & Ibushi are running swapping wings in almost a circle as ProC backheels the ball to them, they use a new dribble move 'The Eye of the Storm' clearly inspired by the conversation ProC had with them with the Australian team blown away TC gets the ball and scores with his new move 'March of The Penguins' to get a goal back. Just like that the four subs combined with ProC in the middle of it. 

ProC leads the fight back they get the ball thanks to him again as the Triplets best laid plays prove to not be effective. As the triplets run in to tackle ProC all at once interrupting Omega & Ibushi's to which ProC kicks the ball up high and as such Protagonist can use his dribble move Trapeze Vault followed by Maximum Circus to make it 2-2. The game heats up both teams battling and in the end AceF scores with Meteor Shower writing his wrongs from the beginning of the match and Japan win 3-2. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 3
Australia: 2

The team are relieved but before Captain and Protagonist can speak to the Triplets they and the rest of the Australian squad are gone. We cut to the cabal now down a member from Australia. They are talking about how Japan is proving an issue and also mentioning that Italy & England are proving to be an issue over in Europe but they are looking for ways to handle it, the FFI will be dominated by the nations in the cabal, teams from Africa, Europe, North & South America all will dominate. When pressed on how to deal with these teams, a member of the table says he can handle England and pieces are in place to deal with it but as for Japan well and the members on the table all turn to one man who says he has a plan in place to deal with them and the two teams they need to beat to even get there and next up they have a situation. 

Back in the Japan camp ProC takes centre stage as agreed with TC he will reveal all and with the ok with Manager he begins. To end this episode he'd begin with his name and reveals his surname is the same as the protagonist to the shock of every least of all the protagonist. 

ProC talks about what is going on. While thanks to the work of Raimon and Teikoku XGen was taken down and football in Japan was saved. However, they were just one group as part of a cabal looking to control world football and rebuild it in their images underhanded tactics and dealings he can't help but wonder if the win against Qatar was set up how it was so Australia looked like they beat a bigger team should they have won. This isn't something just effecting Asian football he accounts that the cabal have a full grasp on Africa, North and South American football and more then likely all those who were under XGen in Japan are being selected by their countries and being reintroduced to the system hence why the triplets in Australia were off. ProC talks about countries that have not succumbed he mentions England and how their team is captained by the person who was the captain of CapF's team when he was in England and in Italy where he was previously.   

They question why he was in Italy. ProC says he was one of several players and managers who were set out to combat this, he was one, the England captain was one as was the Manager, in fact ProC was on his way to Japan to help with Raimon but they didn't need it they fought themselves. He says now they will be targeted more, the matches will get tougher if anyone wants to step away now they can but from now they aren't just fighting to win the FFI they are fighting to save football worldwide. Obviously all the members of the team will stay and fight, a team united and understanding the challenge a head of them.

We get a bit here between C & ProC in which she relays all the struggles of the first season for Protagonist to ProC and while he seems to cope on his own it might be worth speaking to him now. When ProC asks where he is C smiles and says where else would he be.

We see protagonist training by himself he aims and kicks a ball towards an empty goal but it's intercepted by ProC who kicks it back. ProC starts by apologising for not stating he was his cousin to begin with he wanted to but the time never seemed right but he's glad it is out in the open now. The Protagonist says about growing up he wished he had a family member his age to play Football with but never had, he wished someone would tell him he had a cousin on the other side of the world but still now they can fight together and make up for lost time. ProC mentions in what he has seen that Protagonist is the heart of this team, the emotional power of team, while he can drive them through emotionally it won't be enough, he says for Protagonist to be the emotional pillar, ProC will handle the tactical side and be that tactical pillar, they continue to train and bond together. 

Up next for Japan will be Thailand beat them and they are one win away from the world stage. However, from here weird things start to happen to the team. GK, BF & Zeke go down with various pains in their ankles after kicking a football, AceF starts to get random shooting pains in both his knees effecting his movement and Captain as well goes down hurt from a random accident something like some pipes rolling towards him tripping him up and him falling onto his shoulder. As such the team is down to 15 members for the next game in real quick succession. It leaves the team confused about what is happening how is this happening but they suspect that the Thailand team has something to do with this but they cannot prove anything, with a weakened team and no captain the team continues on agreeing that TC will be captain for the next match with C & TekC staying behind to help the team recover.

As Inazuma Japan get to the ground and start in their warm up in a puff of smoke the three players from Dynamic who were inspired by Cooler's Armoured Squadron appear and when confronted about what has happened but they deny it well they say it wasn't them. As that point in the field three other members of the team join them, two men flank their captain a tall brute who laughs at Japan saying they lack the ability to compete and by taking many players off the chessboard thanks to the two people flanking him his personal hit squad the ones that took players off through any means necessary. When questioned why Cooler simply responds he will do whatever it takes for Thailand to be held as the premier team of Asia not Japan, not Korea and not his brother confused at his last remark before they can question it they have to go for final prep and then kick off. 

Match No.3: Inazuma Japan vs. Thailand
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

Thailand are a physical side and obviously the toll of losing key players of the squad meaning more work for each player, the unfamiliar line up for players who haven't worked together and the worry over everything surrounding the FFI and the future of Football takes an effect starting off which Thailand use to dominate. Cooler is full tunnel vision in what he wants in taking out Japan to show they are the number one team his team embark on physical plays roughing up Japan unlike anything they have encountered up to this point. Cooler and his two personal Hit Men take centre stage with two triple shots to give a 2-0 lead heading into half time. The team is less emotionally battered here and more physically battered. With special note being reserved to hurt Ace, CapF & Omega who get replaced by Tana, KidoCB & Versatility.

In this match as well we will put some focus on TC. As the captain for this game he is one that normally works on a tactical level, Teikoku worked around him as they were all on the same wavelength from starting at the same time, the chopping and changing of the squad before the game and in game has an effect on that. What can TC do as he has a crisis of confidence. The team turn to him to lead but he says he doesn't know maybe he isn't a captain. TVC and TGK reassure him saying he needs to stop doubting himself, Teikoku followed him not because they started at the same time but because he's a leader who can inspire and improve any team around him. Thailand has looked to break Japan into several different pieces but if anyone can put this team together its TC. This seems to reassure TC who takes a breath and says he has an idea but it might be risky and if it doesn't work they will lose, the team led by the Protagonist says they have to try. 

As the second half kicks off Thailand have the ball as Cooler approaches the goal Naito & ProC go to tackle him but back off confusing Cooler and in that point KidoCB uses a new block Hissatsu it's an evolution to the Mountain Range this time being like a Volcano being called 'Volcanic Eruption' with this he rolls the ball to his side as TGK who runs with the ball he joins TC & TVC up front to hit Ultimate Penguin as while he runs up and Thailand player trying to get the ball is blocked off by another Japan player. Thanks to the plan laid out by TC Japan are back in the game at 2-1. 

This causes Cooler to snap, his perfect win and moment forever tainted no matter the win, this causes him and the Thailand team to turn more violent and as such as TC believed it would make them sloppy. Thailand begin trying to kick the ball at Japan's players, however, this was expected by TC and when a player from Thailand tries it a Japan player is there to intercept the ball with the targeted player being a dummy. This continues to work for Japan until the Protagonist scores with Ray of Hope to tie the game at 2-2.

The game enters a frantic pace from here. Cooler does not want to be beaten he drops all his plans and charges through beating several defenders before being joined by his hitmen to let of the same shot that got their goals. TGK stands there defiant and calm and performs a new save we are calling 'Sanctuary' which I imagine acts a lot like Colosseo Guard. Anyway Cooler collapses on the ground he questions how Japan can do this which TC has he and the team pass and dribble through Thailand say regardless of who you take out of the team you cannot take out one thing. Their fighting spirit, that spirit to fight for what is right and to save football. TC gets the final goal with March of The Penguins and Japan advance 3-2. Japan celebrate as Cooler becomes enraged punching the ground, annoyed at the fact that Thailand have lost but through gritted teeth takes comfort in the Japan will be crushed even if it's his own brother that does it. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 3
Thailand: 2

As Japan celebrate back at their training facility they are interrupted by a news broadcast which announces that due to rules changes the following teams have already secured qualification to the FFI. The teams being USA, Argentina, Egypt, Holland and Korea. While obviously something cooked up by the cabal we then go to the manager of Korea at an impromptu press conference (or so they say) where he says he is happy to plan ahead for the main FFI tournament but to rest assured to everyone that has bought a ticket Japan need to win to also qualify and as he looks into the camera he says that regardless Korea will do everything it can to be the sole Asian representative to carry the hopes of a continent on its back and to beat Japan, whatever it takes. 

The team are confused but ProC says he will explain it tomorrow. When tomorrow comes and all of Inazuma Japan is back an cleared for training a meeting is called first. ProC explains the person they saw on TV was indeed the Manager of Korea and one of the men with the most influence in the Cabal when it comes from Asia at least. With Japan lost due to XGen's defeat Korea gained more influence not just because of their players the type that strike fear into most led by the most ruthless striker in Asia but that person happens to be one of the sons of the Korean manager. When asked about saying he's one of his sons ProC says the other they just faced in Cooler. While the Manager of Korea is a shrewd power hungry businessman with back up plans to his back up plans it is no coincidence this was actioned immediately following the defeat of his first son and one of the nations he held complete control over. It shows two things that he and by association the cabal are scared of Japan and moved a few select nations directly into the FFI with the host nation England but that as well it gains more eyes, people around the world will want to see a team already in the finals and how they play and if a worldwide audience sees Japan get destroyed as they hope it cuts them completely out of everything, no eyes on the domestic game, no sponsors until it dries out and they are left with nothing and then the Manager of Korea can swoop in pick the bones and rebuild it in their image. The only thing Japan can do now is train and with a full strength team. 

Before any training can happen the Manager takes over detailing the Korean squad. So while the Thailand captain was Cooler and the Korean Manager is King Cold so the best representation for the Korean captain and Ace striker is that of Frieza (who I'll detail a bit below). More then this he breaks down the rest of the team, the Korean Manager clearly had a deal with Dynamic Gakuen as all 5 of our Ginyu Force members appear for Korea much like the 3 Cooler's Armoured Squadron members appeared for Thailand. As well as this other members who played in Korea form part of the team which is filled from goalkeeper to striker with world class talent and were the favourites to qualify even before being handed it. Above all else this time follows in line under Frieza's commands making them more dangerous then they ever would be in other teams. 

Back to training and this would be used to show the team going at it looking to improve but above all else we can use this to highlight a few things for the future. The first instance would be to look at Ace & AceF training together as the key striking duo. Ace mentions that Argentina got a spot in the FFI and wonders if AceF's former strike partner will be an opponent but while AceF says it's likely since the dissolution of XGen he hasn't returned any of his calls the worry is and well the most likely outcome is that he's fallen in with the cabal maybe this time worse, AceF says while he might've got the goals his partner was the one who linked play and would prove a valuable asset to Argentina if they get him but for now they have to focus on Korea. 

We also get to see ProC fully settling in with the team we see him training with his cousin Protagonist, BF & GK. They are working and shooting in order to help GK as ProC feels that he may need a new move against Korea but their training doesn't yield results but the Protagonist & BF hit a joint shot which has some strong impact behind it. When it's questioned BF says they were working on a duel shot before BF joined XGen but that was about as far as it got, it is worth trying to finish all weapons they have will be of benefit. 

After this training Auba speaks to ProC. Auba states he's worried about the other countries around the world mainly those they have worked with. ProC says that a lot have fallen into different lines and thinking of the cabal but he wonders a specific to which Auba asks about his friends from Raimon Lacca and ICB in Italy. ProC reassures him that Italy is one of the key nations that are not in the cabal, the last place he was he was working with the person who is the Italian captain and knows that he will lead the nation himself to make sure it will always stand against the cabal.

The final segment from the Japan camp with the Manager, Captain & TC. Captain still has a cast on his arm. When Manager asks Captain how his injury is holding up the Captain says about how the cast isn't the only issue multiple knocks have taken their toll while Captain can still play he can't manage every game, while he will still be part of the team he will miss games. Manager says that is fine but he can work around that but the main issue Captain wants to bring up is that with this he can no longer be Captain as he cannot start every game. While he looks to TC he turns it down saying there's someone who fits more but they can discuss this following the Korea match. 

I also want to get a moment with the Korean team, we see that the friendliness of the Japan team is absent all members being put through their paces and heading this all up is Frieza battering aside the defenders we see on the pitch with ease as he fires a shot away so ferocious it breaks the net itself. He is called into to speak privately with his father the manager of Korea. While Frieza has no interest in listening he is told he needs to win this match regardless of qualification, he has to crush Japan for all those who want to secure the future of football and for his brother. At this point Frieza interrupts and says he does not care for his pitiful brother, a loser as always and he does not care for decisions made by people who feel they are above him but without him being the remorseless goal scoring machine he is would have no place in this world. No he will beat Japan for himself and for himself only, damn his family, his team and any cabal he will become FFI champion and all football will follow under him. Regardless, the Korean manager tells him again he needs to crush Japan, them winning would throw more opposition into both their wants which they can do without but still he tells Frieza to do as he sees fit on the field, as long as Japan fall they both get what they want. 

For visual sake I would have Korea line up in the below line-up in a 4-2-3-1 formation incorporating the 5 Ginyu Force members from Dynamic Gakuen and others as follows. I'll be using the names below for the match. I wanted to get this out before the match just so it is there. This team is 100% inspired by the Frieza force some of the more weaker members would fill out the bench but one thing remains the same while not a galactic tyrant more a captain, the word and rule of captain Frieza is absolute and as such all the team work to his orders. While not the greatest team overall we will see the sheer power of Frieza makes them stronger and better then the sum of their parts. He is the most dangerous forward either Raimon or Inazuma Japan would've faced up to this point a cruel, sadistic captain who takes great joy in destroying his opponents and displaying his incredible power and as such he has pretty much ripped apart any team he and Korea has faced so far single handily. 


Match No.4: Inazuma Japan vs. Korea
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

Staring the match of Frieza gets the ball and from the halfway line uses his Hissatsu 'Doomsday' right away it blows past everyone GK's Sonic Boom doesn't even have a small effect the ball blasts into the net and within seconds it's 1-0 to Korea the Japan team looking horrified. Frieza laughs and says to his team to let Japan have their fun. As such Japan attack but Ace uses Ace in the Hole and AceF uses Meteor Shower both fail to get past Recoome and his new move, he is has improved massively, becoming an even stronger goalkeeper now he is with Korea. Eventually Frieza yells that playtime is over the ball is given to him and twice over Doomsday puts the ball into the net it's a dominating 3-0. As the first half begins to draw to a close Frieza lines up the shot one more time knowing that GK can't save it at this moment Captain throws himself in the way deflecting the shot but at the cost of hurting himself the first half ends and the team and medical staff rush to ten to Captain.

The Captain cannot continue combined with his previous injuries he is in no fit state to continue and will have to be stretchered off, the team worry and look to the manager asking who will be the captain now, with this Captain says he can't face every game in the FFI and as such he should not be captain he says only one person can and that's the protagonist. Protagonist initially refuses but the captain says to look around at the team you already lead them, you inspired a defeated Raimon to victory and you are the centre point of this team, if anything you are a captain just without the armband. As Captain is carried off Protagonist looks at the armband daunted by the task but ProC reassures him, he isn't alone leave the tactical thinking to him what this team needs is a leader to carry their feelings, Protagonist looks around as Inazuma Japan smiles and nods at him and in this Ace says without him he'd still be a puppet of XGen he showed him what real football is and he's done that for so many others. Protagonist grips the armband and says they aren't fighting for just them, for their hopes but for Captain (I will still call him captain because it would be odd to change it now but yeah he no longer has the armband) and for everyone in the crowd cheering them on but most of all they are fighting for everyone now and beyond that all they want is to play a fair game of football without any shady businesses behind the scenes. They need to find a way to stop Doomsday but GK puts his hand on Protagonist shoulder and says he will get it and as he says this Ibushi, Omega, Naito, ProC & CapF all say they will stand in front of the goal should need be and take hits with TC agreeing to step back and help them for this moment, A once downtrodden Japan when the first half whistle end come out ready to fight for what they believe in following a traditional Sakka Yaroze the second half begins. 

Captain is replaced by BF for the second half, from a writing stand point just to break before we get to the second half I think I've taken Captain as far as I can go when it comes to a starter, unfortunately for him as I go on writing this the idea of Protagonist being the core of a team in which his new best friend (GK), his original best friend (BF) and his cousin (ProC) all play with him was too something I wanted as a feature going into the main tournament it's a good parallel from joining Raimon with nobody to being captain of Japan with the closet people in the world around you as you lead the team, plus TC is a favourite of mine, Protagonist & BF are players who play with emotion the Tenma or the Asuto of their teams and TC is very much the Kiddo or Nosaka here it just helps with balance. Obviously Captain & CapR will still feature I just wanted to make sure that was covered. 

From here the true power of Protagonist is shown, his ability with the armband doesn't come from his tactics and game plan it's the fact he cares so deeply for Football and it lifts all players up no matter their current feelings. They want to play with him, for him and help him carry out his ideals and it is like the armband has given that more power. He takes it it like a duck to water with the Japan side showing more fight then ever which annoys Frieza, another Doomsday is stopped this time by CapF following his friends example getting in the way, he gets hurt in the process and is replaced by Zeke but at this time it dawns on GK what he can do to stop it he tells his team the next time Doomsday comes don't get in the way.

Luckily for GK he gets his chance pretty soon after and with this as Doomsday approaches, the team yell at GK as he stands firm and uses his new move which I'm calling Buzzsaw which is literally a Buzzsaw that saws the ball in half it shocks Frieza. The ball then begins passed around the team we hear from them GK to Zeke to ProC to TC to Ace all stating how Protagonist inspired them and as it goes to Protagonist him and BF look at each other and nod and they do a duel shot called 'Ultranova' and they score with it as Frieza screams and berates his team. 

The winds of change shift in Japan's favour Korea, for all of Frieza's strengths he is one track minded he keeps at it with Doomsday but Buzzsaw has its number. Japan's strength is it can change and adapt. We see Japan getting better and better and with this we see Ace who debuts a new shot 'Grand Finale' for a 3-2. Not wanting to be beaten AceF steals the ball from Frieza as he yells what. AceF says he won't have Ace have all the fun and unleashes his new shot 'Total Eclipse' and it is 3-3. Frieza freaks out yells why his team are failing him to which Protagonist says they aren't failing him they are giving it their all but the way Japan play is from the heart to save football not control it. Frieza says he does not care for heart he speaks to his team orders in line to crush Japan and they all yell yes sir in unison. Just like that Korea are seemingly powered up.  

As the minutes tick down a fired up Japan and a rejuvenated Korea battle in all parts of the pitch as the fans in attendance go wild it's a fairly even contest but Japan get a breakaway as Protagonist gets the ball he and ProC combine for a duel shot called 'New Dawn' they fire it towards goal as Frieza goes to block it after a struggle Frieza, Recoome and the ball all end up in the net Japan win 4-3 and go to the FFI group stage. 

The final whistle goes and the team celebrate Korea leave, Ginyu asks Frieza what they do now but he states they should leave for now they'll get revenge on Japan on a bigger stage then this. Japan celebrate and hold Protagonist high up on their shoulders as they celebrate. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 4
Korea: 3

We are going to end this part with the Japan team getting a send off as they board the plane to the main FFI tournament held in England as the team were given a farewell from players, managers and family as they board the plane before they do. Protagonist says to everyone there they will return with the trophy.

And speaking of return when we return we will be covering the group stage of the FFI tournament. Moving onto the main tournament allows me to focus on the football world as a whole which I am excited about as we can see other countries fighting against the cabal are like. This part of the series was testing and the one I had the least planned for but I am happy with the way it came out. I think we have a sold team to build upon for the next round of games and with Captain out of the starting 11 as a must pick it has given me a lot more freedom when it comes to team selection. For now the team is based around GK, ProC, BF, Ace and of course our Protagonist so expect them to be the core of the Japan team going forward. Next time we land in England the competition heats up with plenty of room to grow and we can get to some of my favourite teams in this concept but for now Japan has made it through what the cabals Asian contingent has had to offer let's see how they deal with the rest of the world and if they are able to win the FFI and save football. 


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