Must Include Characters For Tekken 8

It's about that time I start thinking about Tekken again. For those not in the know Tekken out of all the fighting game franchises is my favourite. There's something about it host of characters and in a sense being a massive family drama which has engulfed the whole world. I wanted to take a look forward to Tekken 8 and while that isn't a confirmed game as of yet I can imagine it will be something announced sooner rather then later now all Tekken 7 DLC is done. In this I want to have a look at must include characters which I feel the need to specify. When I say must include I mean this directly for the story of the game, ignoring the obvious choices of Jin, Kazuya, Lee, Lars, Alissa and Jack-8 which more then likely are the major locks for the story I wanted to look at others which I feel will provide key parts in what could be the final or at least the biggest clash between Jin and Kazuya to date so sorry to the likes of King who should be in the game anyway but most likely won't have a massive impact on the story. 

Claudio Serafino & Ling Xiaoyu
Starting with one of the more recent characters added to Tekken in the leader of the Archers of Sirius. With both of the lead characters having the devil gene and him wanting to target this. If anything I can see it being the case that while Jin and Kazuya wage war that Claudio acts as a third party. I do think he will come into conflict with Jin and we will see what he has held Ling Xiaoyu for, most likely to bait Jin in and they will fight. As well as that Claudio has a lot of his backstory not really explored mainly the powers he has that change his eye. When he was first announce I thought he had a connection to the Devil Gene so I feel they may explore that further. 

Xiaoyu I feel will be elevated to the position of the main female character to the story now. She seems to get mote and more connected to Jin as the games went on and now we will move to Jin likely being the main protagonist of at least the next game it makes sense to elevate her up to that level as well. I think her connection (whether it is reciprocated or not) will make her a key target and unlike Lars, Lee & Alissa who seem to be on Jin's side of the war people make feel they can get to Jin through Xiaoyu which may work to help mature the character who I feel has lacked any major development from Tekken 5 to 7.

Sergei Dragunov 
Speaking of people obsessed with the Devil Gene I think due to the story of Tekken 7 being Heihachi vs. Kazuya and Jin having a nap many who are looking into the Devil Gene take a backseat and Dragunov was one of them. I imagine some of his story will be changed and he wouldn't be sent by the Russian Government but be working for his own organisation due to real world events but if the story is around those with the Devil Gene in Tekken 8 it makes sense to have him as part of it. Maybe we could see a union between Sergei and Claudio as their goals may overlap to capture Jin and/or Kazuya until their end goals do not work and they turn on each other allowing Jin/Kazuya to escape. 

Another character I think who was lost with a lack of focus on Jin even to the point that she was a DLC character quite late into the game I expect Zafina to be back in the story with more emphases in the eventual Tekken 8. The main reason I feel this was is because of what is stated by her Tekken 7 appearance in that she sealed Azazel in her body but its power increased over her to the point where one of her hands has been taken over by its claw. I think we could see a design where Azazel has more influence over her maybe both hands resemble the claws or her eyes are bright red like Azazel. I think if we are focusing on the Devil Gene in Tekken 8 and Azazel has a connection to it then Zafina has to be in the game but what makes it interesting is there is a lot of ways this character to look and also fit into the story. 

Hwoarang & Miguel Rojo
Now if we are talking about Jin then the man who is considers himself his eternal revival and the man who literally lost an eye saving Jin you imagine Hwoarang deserves a spot as a key character. I honestly feel that Hwoarang got the real short end of the stick in Tekken 7 with not even getting his default attire with the eyepatch in story mode. I think his ending is one of the stronger ones but because it is so Jin focused he doesn't get anything afterwards. While not a main character if we are getting a more Jin focused story he should be a featured character. 

Speaking of Jin centred character it doesn't get much along that line then for Miguel Rojo. Promising that he will kill Jin once Jin gets some hope in his life and I doubt that will really happen during a war it would be interesting to see where he fits in. Both Hwoarang and Miguel are both focused on Jin one beating him in a fight and the other killing him so I think either or could work as that temporary rival turned ally at some point in the story perhaps helping Jin escape the Archers of Sirius as they want to be the one that beats/kills him and about how this changes nothing. Having Jin as the main protagonist opens up different character interactions and I feel these two would benefit massively from it when it comes to plot importance.  

Leo Kliesen & Shaheen
Two of the characters I don't know a large amount on but I do feel both have parts to play. Mainly when it comes to Kazuya as most of what I've said has been Jin heavy and an antagonist needs people to fight just as much as a protagonist does. I don't think either of these two will be major to the story but may have parts to play. Leo is more important in my eyes the ever evolving mystery surrounding her mother Emma Kliesen's murder at the hands of Kazuya which is yet to be fully disclosed (it might have something to do with Steve we just don't know) and that may be seen more I dunno maybe Leo ends up being Kazuya's child who knows but I think the story has room to explore. 

Shaheen seems to have started a missing to pursue Kazuya due to the death of his close friend. I'm not sure I think an issue with the new characters in Tekken 7 with a lack of development. His story mirrors Miguel where he seeks revenge for the death of someone close but switch Jin out for Kazuya. I dunno maybe Tekken 7 was a launching pad for more exploration in Tekken 8 but I do think he will clash with Kazuya again. 

Asuka Kazama & Lili
The final characters I want to highlight are Asuka Kazama and Lili. I feel Asuka makes sense here, being she is a Kazama. Much like Xiaoyu I think Asuka is a character would clearly should have major plot important (I mean on a surname alone for Asuka) but hasn't as of yet and moving away from what is referred to as the 'Mishima Arc' to most likely the 'Kazama Arc' a character with that surname should feature more. I've put Asuka and Lili together here as they are a package deal atm never seem to be far away from each other as eternal rivals maybe they will turn into friends eventually who knows. 

These are only a few of the characters highlighted I imagine some others will have some highlighted story parts the likes of Gigas & Katarina might be seen just due to Gigas being linked to the G Corporation (but please change his design it's so boring) but they won't be main characters. Personally I'd like to see Gigas fleshed out more as part of the biotechnological weapons that the G Corporation uses perhaps bring Lars' friend Tougou back like how Charlie Nash was in Street Fighter 5 just a suggestion.

Tekken as far as its story goes has a lot of characters that can fit into the main arc but have a real lack of direction at this moment in time. I think of the newer DLC characters like Fahkumram and Lidia Sobieska who don't have a specific role to play at this moment in time which may be different when Tekken 8 comes around. Alternatively they may feature in their own sub story much like how King, Armor King and Marduk have their own story going on (while I'm here give Armor King a tag partner to go against the other two maybe that's where Fahkumram fits in) but others like Bob, Feng, Paul, Julia, Brian and Yoshimitsu just to name a few will most likely still be present but not a major story player which is fine you need a roster and Tekken has a great group to pick from. They will have characters like the Williams sisters and maybe Kuma as well who's story is entwined with the main plot should be back (speaking of which bring Bruce Irvin back he seemed like one of the only people Kazuya liked). Ignoring most of this I haven't really mentioned debuting characters for Tekken 8, I have this weird feeling we will get some addition to the Mishima/Kazama family tree maybe a half-brother for Jin or another Kazama of some sort I dunno I just think we will. 

Either way it's hard to say what we will really get at this point in time. Tekken boosts a strong cast of characters and as such can look to use a back catalogue of character both heavily involved in the story or taking part in the King of Iron First Tournament for their own reasons to include on the roster same with where new characters can fit in with their motivations. With Tekken 8 being on PS5 and and Xbox Series X/S I do wonder if it will be a huge base game roster or if it will balloon out with multiple season passes while the main focus is using the latest Unreal Engine. Either way I look forward to seeing where the story of the franchise goes next in this new arc. 


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