Inazuma Eleven Anime Concept Part Four: Football Frontier International Characters and Concepts

Part Four or Season Two Part One we are back as I ramble on about a completely fictional Inazuma Eleven series. All characters are created from scratch with the series set roughly 10 years post the events of Go Galaxy. In this part I will be going over the Inazuma Japan squad, tactics and a first look at the plot. While reading the first three parts isn't essential I would recommend it.

Part One: Story, Main Character & First Episode Concepts: 

Part Two: The Path To Glory Begins: 

Part Three: The Path To Glory Concludes:

Inazuma Japan
Starting off with our squad for the series we will go over Inazuma Japan the squad we will follow throughout. This squad will mainly be playing in a 3-5-2 deploying wing backs with one central midfielder keeping a more defensive mind on play. They may switch formations to a 3-4-3 at parts as well the key part is keeping three defenders at the back as well at two strikers backed up by a central attacking midfielder. Please see the below formations for how Inazuma Japan will operate.

Now for the squad selection I will go over the characters who will be selected to represent Japan. The 20 players are chosen are the following. 

GK - The Goalkeeper for Raimon who joined the football club the same day as the protagonist.
TGK - The Goalkeeper for Teikoku Gakuen and was one of their key three players known for his distinct broken kabuki mask 

Zeke - Raimon's Left Back an extravagant character an one of the older members of the squad.
CapF - The best friend to Raimon's captain and who spent time training in England during the last series
Naito - Raimon's Right Back, a calm minded player who uses his lack of care to play mind games on the field.
KidoCB - Captain of Kidokawa Seishuu and a man mountain defender in the build of the like of Kabeyama
New Character (ProC) - More on him later 

Wing Back
Versatility - Raimon's jack of al trades who could play anywhere but as a goalkeeper 
Auba - One of Raimon's wingers now transitioned to a Wing Back 
Ibushi - Winger from Dynamic Gakuen who works his best from paired with Omega
Omega - Winger from Dynamic Gakuen who works his best from paired with Ibushi 

Protagonist - The main protagonist of the series who lead the fight against XGen with Raimon
TC - The captain for Teikoku Gakuen. One of the key players who helped Raimon train to defeat XGen
BF - Hakuren's ace midfielder and best friend to the Protagonist
Captain - Captain of Raimon and now captain of Inazuma Japan
CapR - Rival to the Captain and best friend of TC. He was instrumental to knocking Raimon out the year before Protagonist joined 

TVC - The vice captain of Teikoku Gakuen. Known for his serious demeanour a Cyclops like eye visor 
Tana - Ace of CapR's team who many believed was the example to follow in being a footballer 
AceF - Captain and Ace of the runners up of the Path to Glory. Has a friendly rivalry with Ace
Ace - Ace Striker of Raimon. Originally a member of XGen but turned on them to join Raimon and take them down

Coaching Team
Now we have the team in place we need to go over the coaching staff. The main manager for the team will be the Manager of Raimon (who I creatively named Manager). As the winner of the Path to Glory and with the fall of XGen he was the logical choice to take charge. He brings in the manager from Teikoku (TekM) as his assistant with the two of them being friends it makes sense that the two of them would work together. They bring in coaches from their respective sides in C (from Raimon) and TekC (from Teikoku) to round of the coaching team.

Plot Synopsis
A lot of the ground work for this would be done in the first few episodes but I wanted to cover it in a bit more detail here. We left last season with the leader of XGen getting a call saying he was out. We will find out over the course of the season many similar individuals with goals all over the world looking for complete control, they needed XGen to succeed as it's another obstacle taken care of in Japan but now they need to fight Inazuma Japan instead of with them. Over the season we see the politics played in this secret cabal as their nations lose. The goal for them is simple whoever rules the football world controls money and power and they may look to even move the top teams they have dedicated their resources to move them to a Super League and bulldoze all youth football they do not control. You will see a lot of tensions between these teams while some players follow them not all players are aware the goals their plays serve. All nations with seats at the cabal conspire to one end goal to be the leader of world football which might even see them betray other members.

First Episode and First Match Breakdown
This season begins with a roundtable of multiple of business owners worldwide discussing what happened with XGen and while annoying they will have to proceed with Japan as an enemy then an ally. Regardless by the end of the next step of their plan after taking control domestically is to take over football internationally and with their combined strength the world of Football will be theirs.

We cut to the main stadium in Japan where the final of the Path to Glory was held. Japan is abuzz with the selection of the Japanese squad for the Football Frontier International. The candidates from teams all over Japan sit down waiting. The announcement would follow how Orion did it a big screen announcement started by the Raimon (now Inazuma Japan) manager. (For reference to the Orion squad selection

The squad is picked and the players are excited for the full presentation we see BF has cut his hair. He and Protagonist speak and how he wanted a fresh start and as such needed to cut his hair for it. The Protagonist sees ProC and introduces himself, ProC responds in kind saying he's surprised to be picked maybe it's because of his experience overseas but either way he's glad to be here and involved. The players line up come out of the tunnel to the crowd cheering. With the Asian qualifiers to take place in Japan the team make their way to the training centre (I'm gonna use the one Orion used as opposed to turning the Raimon school into a training ground). Here we meet the full staff from Manager to his coaching staff of TekM, C & TekC. We get a look around the training centre, multiple pitches, meeting room and a large dining hall, they will begin training fully tomorrow but for now the team are left to their own devices. We see several different pitches being used. The 3 for Teikoku, CapR, Naito & Tana on one, the majority of Raimon representatives and AceF on another but we focus on Protagonist, BF & GK on one they're being watch by ProC who they invite to join them, he seems nervous not wanting to interrupt them but they say it is ok when he joins they are shocked by his defending skills, quick out of the gate and can easily read passes, ProC says he got lucky and it's just the first day everyone is just on the come down of the euphoria of being picked for the team. Protagonist says they will have to do this again.

Match No.1: Inazuma Japan vs. Qatar
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

In a different way of presenting things Inazuma Japan don't have the favourites to qualify out of the break in fact this match they don't really break a sweat with. A cut above Qatar they quickly brush the team aside with a comprehensive 4-0. While the team celebrates ProC looks over at the Qatar team who don't seem too disappointed in losing. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 4
Qatar: 0 

We cut later to the Japan camp happy with their first win and hoping the rest of the tournament will be this easy. While some like Protagonist and BF celebrated with see TC go up to ProC saying if he noticed something off with Qatar as well. The final scene for this episode would be that off the Qatar manager meeting with someone accepting a payment asking that by purposely losing to Japan they will be guaranteed a seat at the table when the person who they took the money from wins the FFI. They step out of the shadows and tell them not to worry Australia will win, they just needed Japan's fall to be more epic to send a message to those who won't comply.   

We end things there for the moment with Japan on a high note mostly unaware of the forces of the football world out to get them. What does Australia have planned? What is up with ProC? Who is part of the Cabal? Those are the main questions coming out of this. I wanted to go a different route with no issues or tension in the Japan squad, they all get along and are on a similar level, no infighting no players who have never played a game just a good quality world level squad and they prove it out of the gate. However, the issue for them will be growth as a team which we will cover more in Part 5 which will go over the rest of the qualifying rounds for the FFI. But until then thanks you for reading 


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