Inazuma Eleven Anime Concept Part Seven: Football Frontier International Knockout Stages

Well, here we are the battle to take control of worldwide football between teams back by The Cabal or those like Japan who fight for freedom takes its final stage in the knockout stages of the Football Frontier International. Last we left off Japan got through the group stage with a final day win against Italy. For a full breakdown of how we got to here please follow the below links. 

I wanted to begin by covering the other teams that are aligned with Japan in France and Brazil or at least those they interact with outside of the England captain. Both teams fight the same fight but we haven’t covered them largely as people. The Brazil team is more relaxed they feel if they play to their rhythm they can win. The French are a bit more serious in their efforts a well drilled team who rely on tactical awareness and all players knowing their roles while we only really see  key three players of each team we would be able to tell the full grasp of the team from these guys. The idea would be that in the adjacent game you’d see the full squad.

We begin this part with the Japan team watching highlights of the American team, we see the players we are familiar with and how the team has a higher physical intensity compared to how the teams players acted at club level which Captain summarises they do not have those around them reigning them in. We have seen multiple of these players the back three of America are that of Demolition from CapR's team, the two wingers from Hakuren which resemble LOD and the central midfield pairing from AceF's team that have face paint resembling Powers of Pain. Other notable players include a goal keeper who seems to mutter to himself his Hissatsu seem more like spells as he has face paint like Papa Shango. The final two highlighted players one is seen as the Brains of the team he resembles Surfer String and is probably the least hyper intense of the team. The captain and main forward who plays domestically the most savage of them all with what seems like an infinite gas tank as he is always running around the pitch he's up front, he's at the back he is everywhere it feels like you always have two players marking you with how he works he is like a warrior (hence why he has the face paint inspired by the Ultimate Warrior). To look to counter this Japan will look to train both in cardio and in strength going into the game and to begin they split into groups with managers and coaches timing them running laps are watching them when it comes to working on 1 on 1 standing tackles. 

During training here Protagonist gets a message from Italian captain Manuel Di Biagi to meet with him. When the protagonist does he is also greeted by the French and Brazil captains as they all discuss making it through the knockout stages however Italy & France will be facing each other. They will fight and carry on the feelings of the loser but wanted to all speak on how upcoming games. Brazil will go with their way of playing regardless of the opposition feeling if they can't win being them they aren't winning. Di Biagi asks Protagonist about America and he relays the teams plan and while Di Biagi says it is a good idea to try to match America they should not lose sight of themselves. While the protagonist is confused all captains must depart back to their respective training camps. 

After training we are privy to a phone call between CapF & The England captain who exchange thoughts going into their next game which the England captain echoes the same words that Di Biagi said to Protagonist. We see Bond listening outside and he leaves crossing paths with the two brothers in the England team the two brothers say they are on the same side here but Bond brushes them aside not wanting to talk to them he has his mission he follows his orders and won't have anyone jeopardise that. 

Back to Japan, they continue to work on boosting their physical levels with CapR, BF & AceF all talking out the players they played as and working on what formation to play. In all of this Protagonist remains confused about what has been said 'lose sight of themselves' all they have done it work as Inazuma Japan regadless he shakes it off and continues to train. After training the team all get together in order to match America CapR, BF & AceF will all play against their former teammates as well as this KidoCB will be preferred in defence to match up with the physical element of the game. With that in mind next up is the game. 

FFI Round of 16: Inazuma Japan vs. America
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

As the game begins we see the srtength of America, not the best techincal players in the world but a group of big meaty men physical imposing and rough in their plays. The captain of America the Warrior runs around like a mad man but he also doubles up when it comes to the defensive duty. While Japan certainly are stronger they are still no match for the ferocity of the American team. With this all in mind America take the 1-0 lead thanks to Warrior and his hisstasu shot. Japan try as they might going toe to toe with America but it isn't working as they thought, America are a lot stronger then they thought they would be. America keeps charging and as Warrior gets another shot off CapF manages to block it with their new move 'Blockage' which keeps the team in it. 

Half time comes and Japan are confused their work while it has shown gains is now enough, they look set to crash out here. They've changed everything to suit the game but it doesn't work. At that point it dawns on the protagonist, when everyone said about losing sight of themselves it meant that Japan isn't playing like Japan, they never beat anyone by trying to match them no they beat them by being Inazuma Japan and maybe the stage and the occasions of this match made them lose sight of their biggest strength, being who they are. The second half begins with Omega & Ibushi on and TVC & Captain off reverting back to the normal 3-5-2.

Japan puts their gameplan that was devised at halftime they cannot beat America head on physically but they quicker and more techincal when it comes to dribbling if they focus on overlapping maneuverer's down the wing they can get past players hence the move to bring on wing backs Omega & Ibushi. This begins to work and Japan see progress up the field getting a foothold in the game. America can't cope with the overlap of players as Warrior still looking to go 2 on 1 at players but before he can get there Japan play to pass to the overlapping player, this works and the ball gets to AceF with he and Ace scoring with End of the World to make it 1-1, game on.

The American manager is losing his mind he felt he could beat Japan and beat them handily but now Japan are in the ascendency. America have worked with one tactic to out muscle their opponents and bully them off the ball but Japan keeps moving too fast and then passing the ball over. Japan keep moving and BF & Protagonist combine with Ultranova to score a second and Japan take a 2-1 lead and win the game. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 2
America: 1

With that Japan win, a lot of the players collapse to the ground and have to be helped up by their other teammates due to the physical demands of the game, when Japan look around the American team has gone vanished into thin air most likely they have fled from The Cabal for their failure. For the rest of the round of 16 it is as follows.

Egypt beat Greece
England beat Uruguay 
Germany beat Nigeria
Italy beat France
Korea beat New Zealand
Argentina beat Ghana 
Brazil beat Spain 

So with that the Quarter Finals are as follows 
Japan vs. Egypt 
England vs. Germany
Italy vs. Korea
Argentina vs. Brazil

As you can see we are one non cabal team down in France, I decided we need to get rid of one here and with how Italy were in the group and have too many players of note to just get rid of and we've seen a lot of Manuel to just get rid of Italy right away. But that isn't the end of what we see from France more on that shortly. 

A day later and Japan do some light training as their bodies heal while it isn't the full squad are main 5 characters are there at least. TVC shoots at TGK's goal at one point but before TGK can move to save it the ball is interupted by Manuel Di Biagi. He congratulates Japan for getting though and while they talk about how it is a shame to lose France. Manuel has a surprise and the French captain appears but is not alone, two of his cloest friends and club teammates a powerful central midfielder and tricky winger as well as Iceman & Redhead from the Holland team and the two best defenders and striker captain of the Ivory Coast team all here, they mention how once their teams are eliminated they can return home but they have all decided to stay, Iceman says for Holland & Ivory Coast their teams will lead the fight to remove all Cabal infulence from their nations and the work has begun the nations seeing the players play not under an influence but to carry the hopes and dreams of all regardless of results is what they want. The Ivorian captain says so while others carry that fight they have decided to stick with the 3 Frenchmen who they play with at club level to help Japan, Italty & their friends in Brazil if they can help these teams get better then they are helping the fight back home. When Protagonist asks about helping England they say that the offer was rejected which surprises them (as our heroes still believe them to be free of any Cabal influence) with CapF gets wind of. With all this in mind if it isn't mentioned frequently here these guys will pop in and out of training to lend a hand when needed.

The next day CapF sets off to the England camp to speak with the England captain. This is the first time we see the full England team, the England captain highlights mutliple of his teammates to CapF. The goalkeeper famed for his Ponytail which is used for his hissatsu and two of the defenders in front of him he played with and one of the midfield options who's more of rotation option for England. The defensive 5 is backed up by Bond, one of the brothers and the Right Wing Back known for being able to tie his opponent in knots (we will call him ZSJ in reference to Zack Sabre Jr), they are practising with other members of the team when CapF and the England Captain are greeted by two of their teammates (well former in CapF's case). One a large forward and the other the key provider of set piece deliveries and crosses to link up with the large forward (we will call them Big Man & Provider), the four reminisce about their times and we see some flashbacks of them playing against the French Captains team and CapF says it is nice to see them getting along with the members of that team here. 

CapF asks during his visit why they turned down the help of those staying and the England captain is confused by this saying he was not aware of any offer regardless if the manager has said no then he guesses he felt it was best for the team to work on their own then so beat it bit wishes Japan the best as CapF left. At the same time we see Bond speaking with the England manager talking about CapF being there talking about the situation and what he heard. The England manager says that he and the other Cabal supporters in the team are doing well and making sure the others are used to maximum to serve them while also saying it's good he kept some people back as someone growls from the shadows behind him, Bond not looking. As Bond leaves the managers office he bumps into Captain who wants to speak with the team and asks if Bond can help him gather everyone so they can talk about the upcoming game with Germany and thanks Bond for his help, they may be rivals domestically but it's good they can all work towards a common goal, as the captain leaves Bond smiles chuckles to himself and begins to gather his teammates. 

Speaking of team meetings the next time we see all of Inazuma Japan they are having a team meeting in relation to facing Egypt, this is being held by the Ivorian trio as they played Egypt in the African qualifyers. Egypt are a team not known for prolific goalscoring they are one of the best defences in world football some say they possess powers. When this is questioned the Ivorian Captain takes over. Decades ago in Japan used something known as Kami no Aqua or The Aqua of the Gods to enhance their powers making them near God like. The Cabal became obsessed with trying to refine and replicate this and no member more then the one who represented Egypt, the head of their football federation. Working with the manager of the team they worked night and day for months on end to get this until in the end they were able to develop their own formula. However, this didn't just make them more powerful it made the team believe themselves to be the avatars of various Egyptian Gods the most powerful of them being their captain and goalkeeper the man who believes himself the avatar of Anubis with his powerful Hissatsu save 'Divine Intervention' he has been imprevious saving all shot wearning team down and allowing the rest of the team to pick off their opponents, they might win most games 1-0 but to them a win is a win and one they do not conceed in. As part of this Manager says they will be playing 3-4-3 and looking to score quick by using 3 forward.

After training that day we see AceF we see AceF watching the highlights of the Argentina game seeing his former striker partner and Messi running the show up front breaking down the Ghanaian defence wondering how he can get this power. He watches on to the post match press conference about the two midfilders in their 5-2-3 (we are calling them Xavi and Iniesta because if the ace of this team is like Messi I will change the nationality of the best midfield duo to play behind him to fit in) saying how they thread the correct pass everytime and cover so much ground it allows the attack to excel but it's up to the strikers to put the ball in the back of the next looking directly into the camera with AceF feeling like he is talking straight at him which angers him.

Training the next day is done with the help of the French captain, the Ivorian captain and Iceman as they are strikers they look to see if they can help when it comes to what Japan can do to score. AceF seems fustrated and angry his late night watching doing him no favours, he's reckless and sloppy his actions not helping in finding Japan an answer eventually he storms off elswhere in the training grouns. The French captain eventually finds him and hands him a water bottle saying he shouldn't have been watching Argentina so late. Confused as to how he would know this the French captain says he did his homework and knows AceF's striker partner is playing. He offers some advice if AceF is trying to become someone else by chasing the words and actions of others he will never find his own place in football. What he needs to do is find himself, not the XGen poster boy not the partner of one of the Argentian forwards but AceF and what that means. Thanking the French captain AceF leaves and says he will take some time to reflect. Training keeps going on for the next while and before we know it we are at match day.

FFI Quater Final: Inazuma Japan vs. Egypt
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

Japan start out on the front foot but as expected Egypt keep everything out. Ultranova doesn't work, End of the World doesn't work, Arctic Circle doesn't work and New Dawn also doesn't work. As expected Egypt then use this to counter attack but unlike others Naito is back there he uses a new move in 'Cool Down' which freezes his opponent and he gets the ball booting it clear he says that he, Zeke & CapR will stay back and defend the rest of the team need to keep attacking. They try and try but cannot break down a resilient Egypt defence. Half time the score is 0-0.

The second half starts much like the first did, Egypt not beinf broken down and Naito, Zeke & CapR defending for their lives in the end CapF comes on for Zeke, KidoCB comes on for Naito and Captain comes on for CapR with the 3 exhausted. Japan don't see a way through is this where it ends? At this point AceF much like the rest of the team is having a crisis of confidence in respect to not being able to break Egypt down it is in that moment he realises what he has been running from, this is the moment he needs to find himself. With all else failing he has to find something in him to break the deadlock to show to not just the world but to himself that he is someone to fear not someone who lives in fear on the football fear. He gets the ball and shoots using a new move called Event Horizon it smashes past the Egypt defense and breaks down Divine Intervention and with that Japan take the lead to a shocked Egypt. 

Egypt are baffeled by this, for the first time in the tournament they are losing and have conceded a goal. Japan know they are in the ascendency with this TGK leaves the goal a blatant ploy which Egypt take as one of their forwards takes the bait and AceF cuts in and gets the ball. AceF says to the striker all this time he wondered how he could get better and when he heard about Egypt's special serum or to become Gods how they saw it he got annoyed, no cheap tricks should be needed in Football, he realises now through his journey and challenges that the only way to become better isn't by bending the rules or by living in fear of others it's by becomming yourself and through the help of your friends. With that he kicks the ball long blowing past the Egyptian team straigh to TGK who was at the top of the field where he, TVC and TC use Ultimate Pengiun to make it 2-0 and a Japan win. 

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 2
Egypt: 0

After the match Egypt leave the pitch pretty suddenly and as Japan celebrate AceF looks around and smiles feeling like he has finally discovered who he is and why he does not need to fear others like the Argentine squad. With that Japan make it into semi-finals. For the rest of the Quarter Finals it is as follows.

England beat Germany
Italy beat Korea
Argentina beat Brazil

So with that the Semi-Finals are as follows 
Japan vs. England 
Italy vs. Argentina 

Positives and negatives for the fight for football in the quarter finals, while Korea have been eliminated which is good for our protagonists we have also lost Brazil. Not all is lost much like France key players from Brazil including their captain, vice captain and the former XGen player who we were introduced to previously will still remain and help both Italy & Japan going forward. 

Following on from Japan's return to their training camp we see CapF phoning the England captain to speak about them facing each other in the semi-finals and says he looks forward to facing the England captain on the pitch having worked beside him before. The England captain says how he has a strange feeling around the camp a lot of people in the squad have become more reserved or not speaking to him but he brushes it aside saying that maybe everyone is just so focused on winning the tournament now it's the final four it is a bit more real they have forgotten common decency and put all that focus on football and says while CapF is one of his best friends on the field he doesn't know him and Japan should expect their toughest fight, CapF wouldn't have it any other way. 

Japan keeps up with its training wanting to keep fighting an throw themselves into it. After one night we see Protagonist walking around campus when he sees ProC outside just looking up at the sky. When he goes and sits next to him ProC starts to talk about how it seems weird he was brought into the Japan team to fight The Cabal and now they are two wins away from saving football. He says he is nervous to come so close facing the host nation he's worried. Protagonist says before every game he has wondered if they are strong enough, but to him he knows he puts his trust and belief in his teammates no his friends and knows they are good enough to win the fight. BF joins them saying about how all the team has had struggles at points and to be so close but in the end they're stronger together the doubts they have show how much they care to save football and that's what they'll do.

At the same time as this we see Captain speaking with CapF. He remarks that CapF’s thoughts seem elsewhere. CapF says that something with England feels off between the not wanting additional help from those eliminated to the whole mood of the camp seeming off when he visited but doesn’t know what, says they have the former XGen brother but they’ve seen people who were part of that organisation become good. When asked if he thinks it’s the captain of England he says no, football as a pure sport is all he lives for he wouldn’t join any shady organisation. He advises that the talk on the way to the ground tomorrow should advise caution but knows the team aims to win regardless.

Back at the England camp we see the manager has called the two brothers and bond in for a meeting. He talks about how this match will be a pivotal to the future of football, when the brothers ask about the team the manager says they will continue with the normal team for now but if things are not working how they want things will change as a growl is heard from behind him. The three are told to let the others know and then leave the office unbeknownst to them the England Captain sees them coming out.

We get to the day of the semi-finals the ground is packed for this, not only that we see the likes of French captain and Iceman speaking to some of the English team including their goalkeeper who they have played with during their time in England, the goalkeeper Ponytail, the left back Rich and the cetre back Wall, all seems well. 

FFI Semi-Final: Inazuma Japan vs. England
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

For this match I can go over the full England team, just the one utility player in midfield I did think of having another player which forms part of the team with Ponytail or the England Captain but thought better of it (we can always assume my other ideas put on the cutting room floor will be on the bench in fact I'd say both of these players have someone that have played with at club level). Regardless, England play a 5-3-2 which can be seen at the below. They operate with two central midfielders playing more further back with the captain operating in a Central Attacking Midfilder role. Provider who would normally play on the wing or midfield takes the position of a deep lying playmaker in the team. I think of him kind of like how Real Madrid will use Valverde both on the wing and in central midfield he can operate like that putting the ball into dangerous positions from wherever. They line up as the following. 

Big Man-Brother

The game kicks off at a frantic pace both teams are full of quality playing at their highest level. It's no surprise these teams are in the semi-finals cancelling each other out as top teams would. We get to see the England captain in full swing a player who dicates play and can easily anticipate the opposition. That's not to say the team Japan has isn't up to task. The first half doesn't have any large moments it is just a very hotly contested match. England take a 2-0 lead with the Captain's Hissatsu shot and Big Man scoring thanks to Provider setting him up on a plate. Japan however pull it back to 2-2 thanks to Protagonist, ProC & BF using Pillars of Heaven and Ace & AceF using End of the World. While an exciting half it isn't one of note for the story that however comes at half time. 

The England manager nods to the brother with the defender setting the ball up and the striker firing it in right into the face to the England captain! This continues with Ponytail, Wall, Provider & Big Man due to the brothers and ZSJ while Bond directs traffic. The crowd and Inazuma Japan are in shock until the England manager takes a microphone to address the crowd. He says that this country's youth football is dominated selfishly by two teams being that of the Captain's team and the team of Ponytail, he says now they will take back football from the corrupt, the elite and they were trying to ruin football and hold it under their thumb and says that all of this was revealed by Rich under the noses of his teammates in the squad which he revealed to Bond (full disclosure this is all a lie we will get to that). It is now time this is all gathered to bring change to save football. Change will start by using two of the players who play for clubs that others look to neglect. Out of the tunnel two players come out a violent midfielder nicknamed 'The Bruiser' and a defender nicknamed 'The Butcher' as well as more pro Cabal players when, Wall and Ponytail are being helped off that they speak to Rich he said the Cabal promised him riches to set his family up for life he felt under pressure and had no choice he hopes they can understand. With Ponytail, Wall, Captain, Provider & Big Man all off and Butcher, Bruiser and three others all on and the mask slipped that England are in The Cabal and using talented players to push through it's a different game in the second half.  

England are a lot more physical in the second half. Well I say physical I mean violent, The Butcher and The Bruiser are physical forces bullying and hurting the team while those England have taken off are being trated by the Japan team and their non Cabal teammates by the Japan team watching the game, the England captain mutters how he's sorry to all he felt and saw some things were off but never had an idea what was being planned, his team says he doesn't nee dto apologise between the lies and betrayal they're all shocked maybe that cared so much winning as the host nation they allowed others to manipulate that for their own gains and then toss them aside once they where no longer useful. England look to dominate and hurt Japan taking a 4-2 lead with The Bruiser getting a goal and the Brothers using a duel shot to score. 

When all hope is lost and England break through again against a battered Japan team CapF manages to pull off a new move called 'Last Grasp' it acts in a way where it looks like the opposition players gets past him but then like a ghost of CapF's leg pinches the ball and drags it up the field to him like a last grasp save. CapF then looks at the England team, looks to his bench and says how dare they hurt his friends, lie to the people and bring the game they hold as the joy in their lives into such shame, he doesn't care if he gets knocked down a hundered times he will get back up again and again. He charges up the field as Inazuma Japan side around him blocks players off from getting the ball. Captain joins up with him and in a flash of brilliance the two best friends combine for a shot called 'Lethal Combination' and score. The Japan bench is in shock not knowing CapF could play like that. The England captain says he knew, back when CapF was in England he was trying to come up with that shot with him they got close but never could finish it. He wonders if it was locked only ready for the right time, the right place and with the right person, he's jealous he couldn't face all of CapF's feelings with that shot and while he is a great player always knew his heart was back in Raimon with his friends in Japan and being able to use Lethal Combination subconsciously proves it.

The match is now 4-3 with Japan back in it. England continue to be violent with Japan just holding in there. Japan work to endure and counterattack, when England can't seem to injure Japan they start to get more violent which includes kicking the ball at players. Seeing this Captain decides a sacrifice play as The Butcher kicks the ball at Protagonist Captain jumps in the way taking the full brunt hurting himself but he manages to direct the ball to Ace who in light of his friends sacrifice unleashes a new move 'Standing Ovation' a barrage of noise hammering down on the keeper like an attacking version of Boom Shout and it works Japan make the game 4-4. After this goal happens and the England manager is yelling on the touchline we see Rich looking at his injured friends on the sideline looking around at the fans in the crowd and his teammates from club level there all looking at him, he looks down at the ground thiming was this worth it? What has he done hurting his friends for personal gain. 

The game kick off again both sides pushing for a winner. England aggressive looking to target TC who has replaced Captain who went off injured after getting with the football, try as they might any new player Japan introduced gets roughed up pretty quick with no real extra advantage. The attacks keep coming and they don’t stop coming that is until CapF sees an opening, much like his friend Captain and for his friend the England captain he gives front of the football heading towards another Japanese player head first sending him away but the ball up the field and right onto the foot of the Protagonist. He’s 1 on 1 with just Rich in front of him before the goal as he charges we go to Rich everything slows down the people looking at him, his manager shouting on the touch line to the fans his teammates and the world looking on, seeing what this England team has done he says no more and stands aside. His manager drops to the ground and Protagonist alongside ProC and BF use Pillars of Heaven to score and Japan win it 5-4 in a remarkable turnaround. The final whistle goes and the Japan and non cabal English players celebrate as the others flee. Rich drops to his knees on the field until a hand reaches out that of the England captain who helps him to his feet. He tells Rich while he doesn’t like what he did he can at least understand why he would and while it may take time to fully trust him again he showed in the end his heart is in the right place and helped to face down The Cabal he doesn’t need to flee instead help Japan till the end which Rich nods and agrees. However, this victory isn’t without cost Captain and CapF have both suffered bad injuries due to their sacrifice plays and won’t be playing in the final. While sad for them they aren’t too down telling the rest of the squad they’ll be watching from the bench but for them to win the tournament for them.

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 5
England: 4

The Japan team rests up due to the physical demands and as such they miss the Italy vs. Argentina semi-final match the last to wake up is Protagonist who runs downstairs saying how he is late but when he gets down to their meeting room but it met with a shock. Italy lose 5-0 to Argentina with Messi getting all 5 goals. Protagonist, ProC, GK & BF rush off to the Italian camp. They see the team is back and hurt Manuel Di Biagi trying to help the team while hurt feeling for his brothers who were outfield taking more damage. He sees the Japan team but cannot muster a smile he just apologises saying Italy were not strong enough. He laments the strength of Argentina and how his team is hurting, they need to heal and some of the team have already left. Protagonist says can they do anything to help but Manuel says to let them rest, they made a commitment to saving football but for now they need to see the damage done. The Japan contingent leave quite downtrodden by how Italy are now. They go back and begin to rewatch the Italy vs. Argentina game in hopes of finding a way to win. 

We then cut to an empty cabal room as the manager for Argentina walks in. He observes how quiet it is before laughing. He walks around each chair talking about how in the end he is the last one standing. Everyone else tried bribery, corruption or just cheating but all fell short. For him it was simple, take the best players he could find and having them play was the easiest solution, victory through victory without any backhanded ways as he preached but was never listened to. Perhaps he was blessed with a golden generation of talent, but it is how to use the talents provided where results come from. He sits at the head of the empty table and says he will rebuild football in his image on a global scale just after he’s dealt with one last obstacle.

We have a few scenes that run in parallel with each other next. First we see Protagonist reflecting on seeing Italy so down and defeated when he is joined by GK. Protagonist talks about being the last team standing and is worried about it. The Cabal have all the resources and planning and probably have some underhanded tactics planned but all they have is this ground. GK says if that’s all they have then they will win with that, but they aren’t alone they carry the hopes and dreams of all those who want to play football fairly. The Protagonist smiles and says GK is right, he thinks back to then meeting the first day at Raimon and where they are now and Protagonist says he couldn’t wish for a better friend through all of this and they’ll win together.

We next see Captain in the medical room post check up where he is joined by TC checking up on him. Captain says he’s got lucky as has CapF with the injuries not being overly serious but they will have to sit out the final but it’s not career ending. TC says it’s sad he cannot play but he will carry his hopes and dreams with him. It seems weird they have been on separate teams and now together always fighting for the same goal. Captain remarks how TC doesn’t get the credit he deserves, he took Tekioku from nothing to 3 players who are in the squad in the final of the FFI. TC smilies and says when they win he will step back and think on how far he’s come but for now they have a game to prepare and win.

Finally, on the training field we see Ace & AceF practising their shooting.They discuss the upcoming game when AceF spots Omega and Ibushi and calls them over. He mentions to them about how the game will rely on both their attacking and defending as the wing backs of the team and not to neglect one over the other in the next few days. He says they are key and thanks them for all they’ve done so far. After they leave Ace remarks how odd that was, from refusing the pass the ball thinking he was a one man team to thanking and relying on others around him AceF has really changed. AceF laughs and says that isn’t true maybe he is just going soft before pausing and thanking Ace, despite how AceF has been in the past he’s never given up on him this FFI wasn’t just a chance to improve as a player but after what happened with XGen as a person, when he use to think how he would win now he looks at the FII as a chance to change that to how we as a team will win.

Spirits changed and a new focus among the team training for the final gets underway. As CapR takes a shot the ball is saved by Manuel Di Biagi to the surprise of the Japan team. Di Biagi says it is good to see them all but when asked why he is here he says he didn't come alone. We see the players from the French, Brazilan, Dutch, Ivorian & English teams (including Rich) all lead by the English captain, he says they couldn't sit back in the fight to save football so they are all here to help. Iceman from the Dutch team remarks it is good to be around friends and others he has not met before. Manuel says everyone here fights for the same cause but Japan are the one's who lead the charge now, the least they can do is help. We see these allies helping Japan train for the next little while over the next few days. At the end we see the players from other teams thanking Japan. The England captain talks about how Japan changed the world of football by how they impacted everyone here, they have given Japan all the strength they can and will be cheering them on.

The day of the final is here and as the team make their coach journey Manager stands up at the front. He says that today is the final and they are one game away from ridding football of any Cabal control. Throughout this tournament they have faced challenging odds, tough teams and interference beyond their control. He wishes he could've done more to protect them and is sorry for that but above all else he is proud of every player, coach and member of staff here and wishes them the best on the field. He knows in his heart they will win.

Before the Japan team goes out they have a huddle. The Protagonist says regardless of results people come together for football, they are united with people they never will meet from places all around the world for their love of football. It should be a sport that is for the people, free from corruption and a fair sport for the people. The team cheer and leave going to the tunnel next to the Argentina team and head out to all the fanfare a final would get. 

FFI Final: Inazuma Japan vs. Argentina
Inazuma Japan line up as follows:

This is the first time we get a look at the full Argentina line up. They operate in a 5-2-3 with their Xavi & Iniesta like midfield duo being able to operate with more freedom with a back 5 and the other striker playing behind the Messi & Aguero switching into midfield should he be needed. 

Just as Argentina kick off Messi gets the ball and smashes it in from the halfway line. 1-0 Argentina to the shock of Japan. Japan kick off but not long after Messi gets the ball again runs through everyone and smashes the ball in with his hissatsu we are about 3 minutes in and Argentina are 2-0 up. Messi tries it again but he is interrupted by AceF to his shock. AceF says if he has to man mark Messi he will to take him out of the game he will sacrifice his wants of being the main man to save the team. This makes Aguero smile seeing how his friend has changed but saying this want be enough going in to take the ball but TC steps in to block him off as Messi looks to spin away from AceF he gets tackled by Protagonist and the ball goes out of play. 

The game resumes much the same AceF sacrificing his attacking play which Messi remarks is odd he says how AceF is the best striker for Japan and doing this they cannot score. While AceF appreciates his compliment he says he isn't the only person who can score and when Messi tries to tackle AceF he plays the ball back to Ibushi and he and Omega use Eye of the Storm to move ahead up the pitch and give the ball to Protagonist in which he and BF use Ultranova to score and make it 2-1 Japan going into half time. That goal leave Japan with some hope but leaves Messi furious that Japan have ruined their moment, their perfect moment a feeling shared with his manager. 

We get to see both sides talking at half time. Japan say they are still in this game but need to keep together, Argentina are dangerous and the goal they got come from breaking away while going forward Argentina are arguably the best in the world, they may be able to beat their defence. Argentina's dressing room is a little more hetic, Messi shouting at his defenders for letting Japan score before being calmed down by Aguero. The Argentina manager states they need to hurt AceF, Omega & Ibushi for how they have made sure Japan has attacking outlets he then looks to Messi & Aguero and tells them to unleash the shot which the duo smile about. 

The second half begins with Argentina being more violent on the ball taking out Omega & Ibushi who are replaced by Auba & Versatility but this comes at the cost of hurting Japan's game plan they are penned in with Ace & AceF isolated up field, Argentina take their time toying with Japan at the moment getting ready to use the shot they talked about at half time when a pass is made and Protagonist gets on the end of it and punts it up field thankfully it lands with AceF. As he goes to use Event Horizon Messi tracks back to tackle him but he gets the shot away just as Messi tackles him, that tackle not enough to stop a goal though. It's 2-2 but AceF is unable to continue he is replaced by TVC. 

Argentina ramp up their intensity from here on, not messing about the ball gets to Messi & Aguero they unleash their duel shot 'Deadly Alliance' it blasts through the team, GK tries to stop it with Bombardment but can't keep it out, Versatility tries to block it but the ball takes him into the hurting him as well. His short stay on the pitch is done but Manager looks and sees he has no more wing backs but CapR says he will do it and so he is brought on. 

CapR says he has an idea from watching the game and speaks to the team. Japan kick off and Protagonist quickly boots the ball up field as CapR, TC & TVC run onto it before Messi can realise what happened the trio take a new shot called 'Ice Age' to score. It is revealed CapR said Argentina has an arrogance when they take the lead a momentary lapse in concentration they can bypass them and if he, TC & TVC will use a shot to make it through, a dangerous play which paid off. 

The game ramps up going into the last bit of it being 3-3. Argentina make it through and use Deadly Alliance again. GK stands his ground saying he won't let them score again. He uses Bombardment and is supported by Zeke & Naito to stop it. GK gets the ball to CapR & Auba to move the ball forward, by play the ball across the field to each other to TC & TVC they move it up to Ace who says to Protagonist to score the goal where he, BF & ProC shoot with Pillars of Heaven where it gets past the Goalkeeper and Messi tries to keep the ball out of the net with a bit of struggle it goes in Japan win 4-3 and win the FFI.

Full Time Score:
Inazuma Japan: 4
Argentina: 3 

The final whistle goes and Japan celebrate, they saved football. We get the team hugging and what not as Messi comes up to Protagonist and shakes his hand saying congrats on winning and then leaves. We get the trophy presentation as Protagonist lifts the FFI trophy with the confetti and pyro. The end credits show the Japan team saying goobye to the friends they have made along the way and the players make their way back to their schools and celebrate. 

And here we are the end of the FFI. This was a long process but I'm glad to have made it to the end, Inazuma Japan have saved football from the international cabal. Lot's of stuff I felt looking back could've been done better I realised too late on that I didn't really play CapR a lot and the cabal didn't really get out of the just evil and wanting to run football (which was the point but would've been nice to add some more depth to them) and also forgetting the coaches were part of this for a long part where just dissapeared were all factors that I feel could've been done better, but overal I like how this turned out. While I was originally going to leave this idea here at two seasons I feel that we have enough juice left in this world for one more season. This would be unique as the FFI is normally the end point for arcs in Inazuma Eleven so I don't have any real comparison points so next time with part eight we will cover the new additions to Raimon and those who have left as well as how FFI has impacted the larger football scene in Japan leading to this new seasons Path the Glory but until then thank you for reading. 


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