Quick Thoughts: AEW Full Gear 2021

We are back at the final Pay Per View (PPV) of All Elite Wrestling (AEW) for the year. In a way having four PPVs is a good thing it builds hype but man I want more and hopefully the addition of a special Saturday TNT special once a quarter in 2022 will help placate my needs. This years Full Gear was very much centred around the journey of Hangman Adam Page to the main event of the show and the world title and while the show had a tremendous line up I knew going into it my final thought on the show would be clouded by the result of that match one way or another such was mine and a lot of other peoples want for Hangman to win the belt. With that said as normal let's break the card down match by match.

Buy In: Hikaru Shida & Thunder Rosa vs. Jamie Hayter & Nyla Rose
The buy in match was used this time around to highlight some of the matches in the AEW TBS title tournament in Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose and Thunder Rosa vs. Jamie Hayter which I feel was a smart move and it helps all four women are good workers so it made for a interesting match. Just before I do over the match I do feel a lot of people misunderstand the use of the match on the buy in show mainly due to WWE's negligence with the pre-show when it comes to the WWE Network. This is the match airing for free that the company feels will be good and get people on the fence about buying to buy the show. It is an important match which some people be it either because they do not want to understand or are just concern trolling the placement of this match on the card being the buy in show match try to devalue it for some bizarre reason. I don't know maybe some people feel that a buy in show match cannot be good because it is on the buy in to which I'd ask if they watched Riho vs. Serena Deeb from Double or Nothing this year which ended up being my favourite match of that show.

Anyway tangent over onto the match. I am very glad personally that although Shida is in tournament her feud with Serena Deeb isn't over as evident by their confrontation during the match. Shida getting the win here was the right call for me as I expect Serena to cost her the match vs Nyla. While a good match I don't see any of these women winning the belt as I do think that will be either Ruby Soho or Jade Cargill however, with these being 4 of the better workers of AEW's women's division it gives me the feeling that this belt will eventually find its place as the workhorse belt of the division much like how the Intercontinental title was for the WWF compared to their world title in the golden era when the belt was used to elevate those holding it and be a stable of good matches for the company. Either way these four put on a good match and while I would love to say Jamie Hayter will win the tournament I just don't see that happening. 

MJF vs. Darby Allin
I feel like it needs to be said right off the bat that this was arguably the best opening match for any AEW PPV and I'd argue the best opening PPV match for a good while. These two have great chemistry the mix of styles meshes so well it threw the notion both are mid level workers. This honestly feels like it could be a generational rivalry continuing forever in AEW's answer to Flair (MJF) vs. Sting (Darby). I liked the ending of MJF saying he could beat Darby be a side headlock and through cheating he did it and the beginning feeling like and being a reference to Eddie vs. Rey from Halloween Havoc a great tribute on a night of tributes to Eddie Guerrero. A great match and I really look forward to more matches these two will have over the years all being well. On a card with Omega, Danielson and the Bucks on these two had the match of the night for me which is a hell of an accomplishment given the level of talent when it comes to in ring action.

Tag Team Championship Match: Lucha Bros (c) vs. FTR 
As you would expect for these two teams they would have a good match as the two standard bearers for the division at this moment in time. As ever when it comes to Lucha Bros matches Fenix was the stand out. His stomp off of Dax onto Cash during the match was an easy highlight of the show. I was confused by the ending can referee Rick Knox not tell the difference between the two members of FTR when they wear masks. They aren't The Bella Twins they can't pull off any twin magic I dunno it was just a confusing ending to a good match which I guess is to set up another match and as long as it continues their good in ring chemistry I guess I can't complain. 

Bryan Danielson vs. Miro
Man, Miro is phenomenal and I say that on repeat but WWE missed out so much with this man, I don't know why they didn't do more but he is a talent that hooks me in with his current gimmick and run. It's hard to really give new insight to Bryan Danielson he is you can argue the best wrestler in the world. With another different way of winning a match Danielson makes his matches more interesting as you never know what's gonna win it. For Miro though well the only thing I can say is that as far as his character goes God better run and take cover and while I thought Miro should be the one to win I think this loss will do more for his character down the line and if we are being real you don't lose a lot by losing to Bryan Danielson. 

Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs. Superkliq
The addition of Adam Cole to AEW is nothing but superb. Not only do you take a top talent from the competition and one who fits like a glove into the landscape of your company you get one of the best bell to bell wrestlers in the world. We have seen before these 6 men work well together and this was no exception. Big props to Christian out here at 47 years old doing balcony jumps (which is another reason why he is better then Edge I don't care fight me). Above anything it was really nice that Jungle Boy got the win, he's a guy who always seems to lose the big matches. I don't have a lot to say on the match it was as good as you'd expect from the 6 men just a step down from the 8 man tag that featured them all as well as Omega & Danielson. 

Cody Rhodes & PAC vs. Malakai Black & Andrade El Idolo
Now this was just a weird match. Don't get me wrong I really like three of the men involved and Cody's story is intriguing but I dunno I just wasn't feeling this match. The in ring action was fine but this felt like it would be better suited to Dynamite and it does look like the feud is still ongoing but I would just like it to end so we can move everyone onto their next step. I'm not a fan of Andrade & Malakai having tension I quite liked them as a duo it reminded me of Naito & EVIL (before he turned to shit) and was a fun dynamic. It would be nice to move Cody on further on his descent in madness as AEW's answer to Homelander but it feels we are still at the same place we were weeks ago. It would just be nice for all 4 men to see some progression or movement in their characters and stories from this. 

Women's World Championship Match: Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D (c) vs. Tay Conti
For Tay Conti this was a crucial match in her career. Being her first PPV singles match and highest profile match of her career and I felt it was her best showing. Britt gets better every match and has become a great talent who carries the division. While the match was good I do feel the result was a forgone conclusion but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good match. I do personally think that Tat would be a good TBS champion at the moment in time we will see what happens down the line with Tay. As for Britt it is another strong performance as champion. Much like Hangman Britt is someone AEW kept building and were patient with and as such have been rewarded with a good talent at the head of the division both women look good coming out of this and while I think that Britt will hold the belt until Revolution I do wonder what is next for Tay in the immediate future. 

CM Punk vs. Eddie Kingston 
Man, I think Eddie Kingston very rapidly became one of my favourites more then anyone else has every gained my love as a wrestler. Nobody is like Eddie Kingston and I think comparisons to Eddie should he win the world title in AEW being like Mick Foley winning the WWF title a fair comparison both are unlike any of their peers who do anything to win. It's weird, I believe this was Punk's best match since his return but I preferred the Darby match overall maybe because it was the return match. I'll go back and forth on if the right man won but it feels like the feud is continuing so its good for the moment to me. If anything Eddie Kingston gaining Punk's respect but still telling him to fuck off is great but above that it is Eddie Kingston a man professional wrestling is lucky to have and one I hope gets a world title run hopefully sometime next year. 

Inner Circle vs. Men of the Year & American Top Team
While I was not a fan of the feud this match came at the perfect time to let the fans catch their breath between Kingston vs. Punk & the main event. The match picked up following the teams remembering that in a street fight they don't need to tag in or stay on the apron. It's a difficult match to grade you have two MMA fighters in their first and second ever wrestling matches respectively as well as Dan Lambert all being part of the same team. For what is was and who was in it I think this match was perfectly fine. Not great but not terrible. I hope now we can move on from this feud now and can see the likes of Santana & Ortiz going for the tag titles and Sammy finally getting his TNT title run off the ground. With a match against Jay Lethal coming you hope that could be the start. 

AEW World Championship Match: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Hangman Adam Page
As I am writing this I am rewatching this match. I couldn't enjoy it the first time around because I wanted Hangman to win so much that I couldn't focus I was so worried it wouldn't happen. If anything that shows how well AEW has done in the story of Hangman Adam Page how they turned a man who at All Out 2019 was not ready for the world title to the man people begged to be champion, long term storytelling what's that all about. So now I can watch the match without having a crisis every time Omega hits a move it was a very good match I suppose my worry it what they wanted in this match to be pure emotional drama the in ring work was as expected with it being a just a bit better then their match last year and with that the right man won but combining these two aspects make this a superb match and one o those matches that fans of AEW will remember for years to come. For all the talk about Omega should win and how it needs more 'heat'. People saying this can fuck themselves the time was right the time was now for Hangman to crown your ace to crown the man as world champion. The era of Cowboy shit is here and I am ready for it. 

Full Gear 2021 is arguably the best PPV for AEW in terms of in ring action and probably breaks the record for an AEW PPV with the most swear words as everyone was getting called a motherfucker on this show. I fail to recall another PPV was 4/5 matches which people feel are the match of the night and it speak to the quality on the roster. However, I do still feel All Out is the better PPV just based on the moments and memories that show created with the closing moments of Cole and Danielson's debut and the CM Punk return match but it is close. 2021 has been a strong year for AEW especially with the return to live touring it's a great roster with great in ring talent and a company on the up. The question is can they continue this in 2022 with the move of Dynamite to TBS and the additional programming. We still have the majority of November and all of December to go for AEW in 2021 but man it must feel good to be Elite. 


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