Anime Rework - Inazuma Eleven Orion Part Three: Football Frontier Intentional Tournament Knockout Round

In what will be the final part of this series I will finish off what I would do for Inazuma Eleven Orion. Again this is just effectively a different story right now. If you want a recap of Ares up to the group stage of Orion please follow the links below: 


Orion Part One:

Orion Part Two: 

As we left last time the knockout round had been rearranged so that Japan takes on France. To start this we are introduced to Nathan the French captain who comes to visit Japan. It's a peaceful visit and we are also reintroduced to Clario Orvan the captain of Spain finally seen since the first part of Ares. They talk with the main 4 from Japan about how they are the only non Orion teams left in the tournament. While Nathan wishes Japan luck but says he will win whereas Clario sees Spain as the only team with the ability to beat Orion and leaves not before flicking a ball into the air and shooting it past all of the Japan team breaking the net on the other end of the venue shocking all those there as he leaves. The Japan group realise they will need Last Resort and get to work practising that. 

It's then that Froy and the others get a message. Russia now has a new coach in what Froy says would be to make everything fully Orion compliant now that he as a buffer isn't there. To Asuto's shock it is revealed as Vladimir. He seems shocked confirming that was the man he thought was his father but isn't. Asuto remains resolute in that football cannot work the way Orion does and that it didn't need this change and manipulation he resolves that from now Inazuma Japan can do only one thing 'embrace the past, to shape the future'.

We get the team training with the help of Froy, Luis and Victor now who have had experience facing the France team by virtue the time they played before being kicked out of the Russian team. They highlight how the front two of Nathan and Pascal work. 

I want to use Pascal much like how Olivier Giroud was in the last World Cup. While it seems weird to highlight a striker who scored 0 goals as someone to base a key player of an opposition team but he was an ideal target man who brings other players into the team and key to France winning the last World Cup. I'd have him operate as the target man with Nathan the Shadow Striker behind him working off the balls that Pascal brings down. As a response the match that physicality it was suggested by Froy a Mizukamiya and Taizen with Amano in goal in a back four in order to help with dealing with France being and as such suggest training against these 3 with Victor acting as a substitute for Pascal to get a measure of it. Japan train on this but look shaky this would be the first time since the Shining Satans game.

Round of 16: Inazuma Japan vs. France
Inazuma Japan Team as follows (4-3-3)
Mansaku - Mizukamiya - Taizen - Shirou
Ichihoshi - Astuo - Nosaka
Kozoumaru - Haizaki - Atsuya 

This is a different match to most. No cheating, no shenanigans just two non-Orion controlled teams fighting it out. As expected Pascal dominates in the air bringing the ball down and bringing Nathan and the two French wingers into play allowing France to take a 1-0 lead thanks to Nathan. Even though France have the lead it is a somewhat even game. What is happening is the forwards are being man marked out of the game stopping any plays Japan can make. After managing to stop any more goals but with the midfield three helping the defence using The General they see the play to make. While all three forwards are marked it allows Shirou to make a run confusing the French team giving Atsuya some space and the brothers combine to hit Hyouketsu no Gungnir to get it to 1-1 surprisingly in the way the game had gone and half time goes. 

As the second half begins almost instantly Nathan, Pascal and one of the French Wingers (I'm gonna call him Jean) score with Sword of d'Artagnan. I've chosen to give France this move as I feel the dump of rushed new moves in the final game of the season help nobody, there's no build especially for a team who just got together in the Zhao Jinyuns to master and perfect when some of these players have never played together it's just odd to me but I guess it is down to Orion being rushed in the end. Anyway, France have refocused and the same trick Japan used won't help. In order to stop France they need to stop the attack to begin with. Japan makes a sub with TC coming on to Mansaku and Japan going to a 3-4-3 which surprises France.

It's here that Japan make their comeback. Mizukamiya realises the key to this. While Taizen could sometimes beat Victor in physicality in the air he could get in front and that might be what was needed. The only issues is with a back three they are more spread out so Mizukamiya shows us a new move let's call it Phantom Zone where he can switch positions with another player in this case Taizen to move ahead of Pascal and take the ball. Japan counterattack here they embrace the past of the team to shape the future and Mizukamiya, TC & Haizaki combine to score with Koutei Penguin 2gou feat. Shark. The perfect move to hammer what is the crux of Japan's footballing philosophy going forward, a classic Hissatsu revamped with a modern mix. 

The game is now even at 2-2 with both teams going at it. France's advantage gone Japan take the lead through Kozoumaru and Over Cyclone making it 3-2 Japan. With Japan in the ascendency they attempt Last Resort. Nosaka brings the ball down, Haizaki spins it and Asuto kicks it but the move fails and France spin a quick counter surprising Japan and are clean through. Nathan, Pascal and Jean go for Sword of d'Artagnan but Amano won't let his teammates work be in vein and evolves The Barrier into The Fortress stopping the move and it's full time Japan advance. 

Final Result: 
Inazuma Japan: 3 (Shirou & Atsuya x1, Mizukamiya, TC & Haizaki x1 and Kozoumaru x1)
France: 2 (Nathan x1 & Nathan, Pascal & Jean x1)

After the match Nathan and Nosaka shake hands. While he is sad his team has been knockout out he is glad that for once they have played a fair match free of any wrongdoings and while they leave they can rest assured that both Japan and Spain carry their dreams of ridding the football world of what Orion has become.

The rest of the results for the Round of 16 are as follows. For ease of use I have boldened the teams going through to the Quarter finals.  

Italy 3: Colombia 1
Greece 0: Russia 5
Nigeria 2: Mexico 1
Spain 7: China 0
Germany 0: Egypt 2
Argentina 1: Norway 0
Brazil 4: Ghana 1

Here we see some quite obvious trends. Spain look dominant continuing the what was set up with Clario and the new look Russia do as well. In terms of Japan they have two goals beat Russia to hope to put an end to Orion and win FFI. Spain while on the same side is still a massive threat to them winning, to Japan they want to be the one's to win to be the country who rids the corruption of Orion in Football but with how Spain are playing and how they beat one of their toughest opponents that easily it's a daunting task but one Asuto cheers everyone into. They will take whatever head on and fight until the end to save football and to win.

So the Quarter finals look like this: 

Japan vs. Italy
Russia vs. Nigeria 
Spain vs. Egypt
Argentina vs. Brazil

What this means is Japan face Italy while not a massive powerhouse they are touted as the 4th favourites for the tournament (behind Russia, Spain and then Brazil) so they will have their work cut out for them. Italy under the Guardians of Queen name are headed up by their front 2 of Petronio Patti and Matteo Domenico two friends from a young age both under Orion as the rest of the team. It's said the bond between them is almost telepathic and they work for the benefit of each other. What Japan needs is to work hard to find a way to stop them and head right to training. But Froy is confused on one point. Why are they called Guardians of Queen? Italy doesn't have a monarchy so who is this queen. A realisation hit Froy when it comes to what he is thinking and all of what is behind Orion but surly he can't be right. Ichihoshi sees him confused and asked what's wrong, Froy shrugs him off and says to focus on his training he has an idea but need to work it out if he is correct the landscape of what is happening in the FFI changes.  

I want to cover something here that didn't really happen in Orion. The original FFI featured episodes with no matches where they trained and we got to see the team bond. While I'd want these throughout here we have the squad strongly bonded we can see more of this here and flesh out more combinations before the crucial run in of games. I look to Orion Episode 39 the introduction of Mizukamiya where the first half of the episode was like this. It was fun, the small match was fun we saw Mizukamiya & Haizaki as a duo again and them form a partnership with Kazemaru. It's a nice moment the team feels more like a team and leads to Koutei Penguin 2gou feat. Shark (which is immediately dead on arrival due to how stupid the Italy game is but never mind). I want the team to feel like a team. 

Anyway, as the team trains with the help of the Li's, Victor and Luis helping splitting into different groups with Li Yuchen and Hao looking to help the defence when it comes to dealing with a duo with a close bond who can read where the other will be (and who better than siblings) while Victor and Luis look to aid in the build up play through the midfield to attack the main 3 looks to practise Last Resort but to no avail. Froy watches on still thinking. After training ends Ichihoshi sees Froy talking to Victor and Luis who seem shocked at what Froy is thinking and saying when he asked Froy says he can't hide what they are doing. He knows know his brother isn't the one pulling the strings but for who it is he has a feeling but won't say without proof to get what they need they will need to break into the main Orion facility here in Russia. 

Here we can have an episode dedicated mainly to Froy, Ichihoshi and Victor trying to find out what went wrong with their team and the bigger issues as Orion as a whole. Those three break in while Luis looks to talk them through it. They find it relatively easy as Shinjou has been pulling some strings himself in the background of these episodes. We see bits of it him sensing Malik looking crestfallen with how he is forced to act for Orion and he gets him to help and as such Malik ends up helping the three around the facility. It's here where we get the swerve of Irina being the main antagonist. She is scolding Bernard slapping him about as was her want in the series scolding him for how far Japan & Spain have gotten in the tournament. It's his failures as always and she has to clean it up as always. Japan play her team in Italy next and they will do what her failure of a son couldn't do, they also go over what they are doing here re-educating players to play football to benefit Orion and Orion alone and how those who have failed beforehand from their centres all over the world (in reference to those who Japan and others have beaten beforehand). This shocks Froy seeing his mother is behind this and it trips and alarm so he and the others flee with Malik the scene and then can relay the information to Inazuma Japan. Irina doesn't mind she brings in another disciple in Grease Rouse (because I kind feel he was suppose to do more in the actual series same with the other Orion trainees we saw but I guess budget & time meant that wasn't to be). 

Onto the Quarter final. Italy is one of the teams which were in the original anime so we already have a team which is good. I do want to put Norika in goal much like how the actual series does just as it gives us a reason to play Norika one last time as post this Nishikage will be used (just wanted to put that here). Before we go into the match I hated the super knee and elbow pads it makes the team unbeatable and I feel the writers knew that ending this game with a forfeit. I dunno I just found it stupid I'll have an alternative form of cheating. 

Quarter Final: Inazuma Japan vs. Guardians of Queen
Inazuma Japan Team as follows (3-5-2)
Sakanoue - Mizukamiya - Michinari
TC - Kirina
Nosaka - Asuto - Ichihoshi 
Haizaki - Kozoumaru

Italy are a good side one of the top Orion teams as evident by them getting this far and many expect them to get to the semi-finals. Italy take an early lead with Patti scoring with Unbalance Pisa. Post this I want a scene with Patti and Matteo the strikers for Guardians of Queen celebrating like the following

There's a reason for this is they're can be seen having fun playing, This moments get stamped out quickly by their manager but we see that those playing for Orion aren't soulless (or at least all of them aren't). As far as the contest goes it is I imagine it to be an even contest neither team really needs to have a definitive edge. Inazuma Japan tie the score back to 1-1 thanks to Mizukamiya, TC & Haizaki with Koutei Penguin 2gou feat. Shark after some solo shots cannot beat Gabriella Amati and her technique Shinjitsu no Ooguchi. As the game continues here is where Italy start to cheat. I want them to adopt the Brazil method of cheating in respect to how 'Brazilian capoeira' as explained in the anime was used to cause temporary paralysis maybe we use a different form of martial arts more associated with Italy or Europe but I wanted something that wouldn't make them overpowered like the equipment the anime used. Through this they can retake the lead thanks to Matteo using Bousou Chariot. Half time and Italy is 2-1 up. This time no celebration they are fully under Orion's thumb now. 

Japan come out of the gates with a strategy to avoid Italy's cheating. Being the team is so close they adopt a method of eccentric almost wayward passing to confuse Italy but not get them close to the ball in an act of confusion (just gonna call it Hissatsu Tactic: Land of Confusion) which in the end sets up for Last Resort but again it fails again it lacks and Italy can quickly counter. Patti sets up Unbalance Pisa for game set and match. Here is Norika's chance she saved the team by pulling off a one person Asura. I always liked The Asura as a technique but the whole three goalkeepers on the field at once not only stops it being used ever again but also I felt hurt China as a team when it was set up as this titan of Asian football only to be bested by a team with effectively 9 outfield players. Koutei Penguin 2gou feat. Shark comes in handy again and it's 2-2 with only a few minutes left. The game is back and forth neither team can gain an advantage really it's gridlocked every locked into individual duels. The ball breaks lose and Norika runs up the pitch gets it and runs up the pitch. Fortune favours the bold and she's joined by Asuto & Kozoumaru they go beyond Hokkyoku Guma 2gou and this time they use Inazuma Beak CG to win the game 3-2. Irina throws her drink down and storms out with Bernard fearing what will happen. As Inazuma Japan celebrate Patti, Matteo and Gabriella confront them wishing them luck knowing they have Russia they hope Japan can be the team to rid them of Orion. Not just them but the football world. 

Final Result: 
Inazuma Japan: 3 (Mizukamiya, TC & Haizaki x2 & Asuto, Norika & Kozoumaru x1)
Guardians of Queen: 2 (Patti x1 & Matteo x1)

The main crux of this match is to put Orion wanting to programme each player to a soulless player devoid of emotion against Inazuma Japan's spirit and togetherness we can reflect this through the goals scores with Italy scoring through individual efforts whereas Inazuma Japan it is all combination play. 

Quarter Final Results as follows 
Russia 3: Nigeria 0
Spain 5: Egypt 0
Argentina 1: Brazil 3

This leaves our Semi-Finals set. First semi final will see Spain take on Brazil and the second is Japan vs. Russia. While I want to come back to the time in between the matches it makes sense to have it stated here that Spain beat Brazil the score I don't have it set but I'll say 4-0 they beat the only team to beat Japan in the tournament and quite easily. For the tournament they are the team to overcome to win but for the story it is Russia. Much like how The Kingdom were the story team (and I guess Team Garshield) were the team to overcome for the story but Little Gigant were the final obstacle for the tournament win. It's a similar parallel but instead of new teams introduced we have experience with these teams before. Russia has been integral to Japan's growth one way or the other considering they hide multiple of their former players in their camp and Spain and Clario has been a looming threat over the entire series since Ares. These teams don't come out of nowhere it's who you expect to see and while there's no twist to that it is still matches deep in the narrative. Sometimes the most obvious thing isn't the wrong story telling point it is what you condition fans to want a swerve for a swerve doesn't make sense here. Japan drawing with Clario doesn't achieve anything for them Endou never beat Clario he caught one of his shots but he never defeated him it's an issue I have when you build someone up to be defeated and it never happened. It was one of the reasons I wanted to write this odyssey because it was the main reason for the series and it just didn't happen.

Rant over I want to add some training episodes here. Japan have several former Russia players so they can help train them for at least what they think will happen there's no telling anymore what Orion will do with Perfect Spark. But with Froy and Co as well as the additional help from Li Yuchen and Li Hao they can look to work on some strategies. This is a key game on and off the field. Froy and his team look to gather the info to take Orion down but know it can only really work if Japan also win. On the field and off the field Orion needs to lose. If they expose Orion's crimes but the crowd/neutrals favourite in Japan lose the public will not care meaning that Orion can train it's team to the peak of its powers not just to beat Spain in the final but wipe them out without remorse and take Football over. If Japan do not win.

This is a lot of pressure for the team and they train all they can but emotionally cracks start to happen mainly for Asuto who has doubts. He takes some time to himself in parts worrying, threating about the future of football when he bumps into Shinjou. Airing his grievances about the match and the pressure with winning and if he loses football will disappear. Shinjou reassures him 'Football won't disappear. As long as you keep needing football and believing in it, it will always be here' before leaving. Asuto as he does post the Italy game starts putting it together that Shinjou is his father but doesn't ask him. 

Semi Final: Inazuma Japan vs. Perfect Spark
Inazuma Japan Team as follows (3-4-3)
Sakanoue - Taizen - Mizukamiya
Nosaka - Asuto - Ichihoshi - Tatsuya
Hiroto - Haizaki - Kozoumaru

As you'd expect Russia are pretty much emotionless the epitome of what Orion wants soulless football machines with Yuri and Yurika leading the charge. It's 2-0 Russia early doors with two goals from Yurika with Orion Crossviper. The team are worried and it is effecting how they play. In this moment Asuto grabs the bull by the horns he does the mazy run which he did against Spain in the anime and he gets a new move better than Sunrise Blitz which I am going to call 'Ray of Hope' which scores for Japan. He gives a speech about how they can't be scared Football will be there as long as they believe in it and keep fighting for it. 

This inspires Japan they start fighting back to the shock of Russia they start to crack emotionally as Japan get back into the match. Here Ichihoshi can get a new move in Planet Break we saw it once in the final episode and with how it was animated I see this as an evolution of Innocent Drive we can flashback to him and Froy training from their first meeting until before the match he has to carry his feelings to get his friends and teammates (some of which are his former friends and teammates) back. Planet Break goes in and it's 2-2 at half time.

The second half begins and it's like Russia have been reprogrammed more ruthless, quicker and deadlier then before. Russia retake the lead 4-2. Japan realise to win they need Last Resort they try to get it to work once but fail. The team seems deflated but Asuto won't give in he's the emotional leader of the team pushing them through. They try again but the shot fails. This time it was anticipated by Kozoumaru who snatches it off of the defenders foot as the shot fades out uses Over Cyclone to make it 3-3. The game continues from here Japan band behind the 3 main characters to get Last Resort working Russia adapt not more contingency plan with Kozoumaru and Over Cyclone. Eventually Asuto has a plan in swapping him and Haizaki in terms of Last Resort with Haizaki shooting, it's unconventional and they never practiced it that way but Inazuma Japan will try any thing here. Nishikage gathers the ball and Japan pass the ball around between all the players on the pitch until it gets to those three. Nosaka brings the ball down, Asuto spins it and Haizaki kicks it and Last!!! Japan win 4-3 and Football is saved 

Final Result: 
Inazuma Japan: 4 (Asuto x1, Ichihoshi x1, Kozoumaru x1 & Asuto, Nosaka & Haizaki x1)
Perfect Spark: 3 (x2 Yurika & x1 Yurika & Yuri)

Japan celebrate as police and Interpol bust down the directors box of Irina and Bernard to take Irina away. They say how her centres around the world are being taken down. The evidence gathered from Shinjou working from the inside and the infiltration that Froy led they have enough to close Orion down. The end to this match pretty much would follow the same as the post match vs. Shadow of Orion with Irina's arrest and the final conclusion to Asuto finding his father. I like these scenes it wraps it up in a nice little bow. Well for the anime for this we still have one last match.

A day passes a news reports all are about Orion it's seeming destruction and now its rebuild under Barnard, Froy & Shinjou to be the bridge to join countries all over the world fairly nothing underhand or criminal. As Japan watch this on the TV Clario appears in their camp. Firstly he congratulates Japan on making the final and putting an end to Orion. The second point he makes is that while Orion is taken care of the final remains and while Japan have gotten this far they cannot beat Spain they will fall as they did in the last FFI, the very reason this team was formed and football in Japan was reformed. Clario did it once and he will look to do it again. From here we can have a few episodes of training with the Russian team as a whole looking to help them and just some closing bonding between team members showing how close they all have become and how this next match isn't a battle for football but one to show how much they've grown (I'm sure a recap episode would be thrown in here as well just with how anime series normally go). Anyway I don't have a lot between these two matches as the plot for the most part was wrapped up. 

Final: Inazuma Japan vs. Invincible Giant
Inazuma Japan Team as follows (3-5-2)
Sakanoue - Taizen - Mizukamiya
TC - Michinari
Nosaka - Asuto - Ichihoshi 
Haizaki - Kozoumaru

The match surprisingly starts evenly. We see how much Japan has grown the daunting task they face head on and do well. Until Clario intervenes and just like that he powers through and makes it 1-0 Spain. That's ok no worries Japan hit back with Last Resort now working and powered up but Spain stop this with The Shelter and shock Japan, Clario bursts through 2-0 perhaps all that fight wasn't a sign of change and Spain really will be Japan. 3-0 Clario's hat trick happens soon after. Perhaps Spain gets carless so far ahead but they take their foot off the gas here and Japan sense an opening they sneak and I do mean sneak a goal back through Nosaka using a new move a hit and hope move we'll say an evolution of King's Lance something like along the same lines maybe 'Royal Legion' like it's a multitude of shots at once and it goes in. Down and deflated Inazuma Japan go into the break 3-1 down to a dominant Spain and one which will look to put them to the sword due to this set back. 

Japan feel crestfallen at half time. After all they have been through Spain might just be a little bit too much. Asuto then gives a speech as all protagonist do about how they have grown so much over this tournament not just as players but as people thanks to football. Regardless of what happens they cannot cower away from this. 'Football won't disappear. As long as you keep needing football and believing in it, it will always be here'. Japan head out for the second half with Michinari off for Goujin and while the rest of the Spain side think it's in the bad Clario smiles knowing the real match begins now. 

Japan start the second half stronger swinging for the fences and going toe to toe with Spain. Surprising Spain and in that shock pull another back with Goujin with his final Fire Lemonade evolution let's call it something like 'Fire Lemonade Supernova' I dunno I struggled for a name. With this Spain snaps back into it they game is in the favour of Japan now so Spain steps it up Clario gets through uses Diamond Ray but Nishikage saves it with the help of Taizen & Mizukamiya using KAMAKURA D shocking Clario. Japan has grown through the strength this shocks Spain the invincible shot, the unbeatable shot is stopped and Japan counter attack quickly and just like that it's 3-3 Asuto with Ray of Hope. This causes Clario to give his own talk about how far Spain has come how they refused Orion because they believed in each other they cannot fail now they need to fight back.

Both teams are on their A game now it's even. Each shot saved, each pass perfect attack after attack with no decisive moment as the time ticks down. This is when Ichihoshi, if Last Resort cannot work they need to go beyond it. Go beyond this move they couldn't even do not that long ago. He suggests that he control the ball and both Asuto and Haizaki kick it while they aren't sure as it's never been trailed the TC calls out to them saying they can attack the rest will give them the support by defending the goal to the last kick. Goujin can echo his words from the end of Ares 'A real man makes his mark at the moment it counts' and as such Inazuma Japan go on one last hail Mary attack. Our four main protagonists get the ball and go beyond Last Resort with Last Resort Σ. It blows past all of Spain players Goalkeeper included until Clario is the only thing stopping it he tries to stop holding his own until he can't no more. Clario smiles and says 'so this is the true strength of Japan' as the ball goes in 4-3 to Japan and the final whistle goes and Japan has won the FFI.

Final Result: 
Inazuma Japan: 4 (Nosaka x1, Goujin x1, Asuto x1 & Asuto, Nosaka, Ichihoshi & Haizaki x1)
Invincible Giant: 3 (Clario x3)

The final whistle goes and Japan celebrate their bench run onto the pitch as the crowd cheers. Clario meets our main 4 and congratulates Japan. They were the better team and saved football for everyone. He can't help but smile the events of the last FFI have led to this so he sees Japan's victory as something he helped to create, his only hope is they can meet again on the field of play which they all agree to. We get our trophy lift. We then get our final end credits much the same as the actual show in regards to showing the players return to their school. At the FF Autumn start we see the teams line up as new team is set up in 'Orion Gauken' with Ichihoshi as captain featured the likes of Froy, Victor, Yurika, Luis Malik & Yuri with Shinjou as manager so he can be closer to Asuto while working for Orion. The show ends with the kick off to Inakuni vs. Orion Gauken to replace Inakuni vs. Raimon and that is how the show ends. 

I didn't realise when I started this over a year ago the sheer undertaking this meant. I had the ideas for a lot of show I would redo the show but never expected the sheer amount to write. I think I come out of this with more respect for writers and directors of Anime shows and just TV shows in general the amount of work which goes into these shows I don't think they can take a year between instalments because the amount of work cripples their creative spark for it in such a daunting way I never expected to finish this. But looking back it made me remember how much I really enjoyed this series. In parallel to writing this I started to draft up ideas of a series of Inazuma I'd do completely from scratch I dunno if I will revisit that I think this long form of writing I do needs a rework of it's own before I do another as I really would like to avoid a 11 month break between entries. 

In the time between instalments Inazuma Eleven has been silent. A game cancelation with a reboot we've seen a small glimpse of footage but I do not remember when that was it seems like it was very early this year if not a year ago itself. I miss it, my life is surrounded by Football itself so it's on my mind a lot I don't think another anime captivated me like Inazuma Eleven. I hold out hope it can come back but at the end of the day I understand the faults Orion had I didn't have deadlines to meet or a budget for this I couldn't even proof read the sheer amount on this because of how long it would take so of course it's expanded like what they wanted for this series for it to be an epic which was hurt by it's own demand I could just scatterbrain thoughts on this I didn't have TV executives that wanted ratings or a company that wanted merchandise opportunities I was just a fan with an idea or several. Maybe one day we will get another series (hopefully no aliens) but until then.

Soccer Yaroze


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