Can The Yakuza Franchise Sustain Another Spin-Off?

Whether fans of Ryu Ga Gotoku (RGG) Studios know it or not Judgement broke a lot of ground for the Yakuza franchise as a whole. It is the only canon spin off to get a western release. While Dead Souls has it isn't exactly canon to the rest of the series with Kenzan, Ishin and the 2 games of the Kurohyou: Ryū ga Gotoku series never saw release outside of Japan. Yagami and co have shown something in that the appeal for games in this universe are wanted. 

This has got me thinking after finishing Lost Judgement what if RGG looked to the franchise to see if there was room in the world they have created for more? Kiryu & Ichiban as characters and stories vary a lot from Yagami and while both deal with the Tojo Clan and various criminal enterprises and schemes they are very much different characters (well all three of them are). Kiryu is a legendary figure who's stature is built up to that of legend, Ichiban is a caring individual not afraid to express emotion who feels the strength of friends and Yagami is a smartest of the trio being able to place together key evidence and working as both a combative detective and excellent lawyer able to unravel the darkest of mysteries. Each has a playstyle which keeps the same maps different and interesting. 

Speaking on maps it might even be a case any new spin off should be moved away from Kamurocho and Isezaki Ijincho to give it its own feel. I wonder if Okinawa could serve as a main map if expanded upon (the same with Sotenbori) to give these locations their own group of protagonists and issues to build those maps. I always personally associated Sotenbori with Majima just from his time there in 0 but I think its ripe for a new protagonist to take the map for their own. You could even look to the likes of Yakuza 5 with the maps of Kineicho, Nagasugai and Tsukimino or Yakuza 6 and Onomichi (which should be built using the Dragon Engine anyway so would just need expanding and not full recreation) which have laid dormant and with just a little depth added to the places as a whole you could see three new maps to be used.

But settings aside it has to be the correct characters. If RGG gets anything right it is establishing reasons and getting the player to develop bonds with the main protagonist and the main supporting casts around it. Mainly for the Yakuza games but Kiryu and Kamurocho felt well placed with one another much like Ichiban and Isezaki Ijincho do they have a connection as opposed to Yagami who I don't especially think feels that bond to a setting (it could be argued if anything his bond is to the courtroom as he keeps ending up back there despite not wanting to be a lawyer) so you'd have to create a character that works for the setting you have either new or old.

Speaking on character the type of character and what they do is also important. Between ex-Yakuza members and detective we haven't seen a large amount of stuff outside it sure we got a Police Officer in Tanimura, a former Baseball Player (which I guess Shinada would just be a civilian thinking about it) and a idol in Haruka. Realistically Tanimura out of existing characters would be most likely to get a spin off game however you'd assume it would operate a lot like Judgement so what would be the point (personally I'd rather Tanimura became a main cast member for Judgement, the dynamic of him and Yamagi would be great) so I don't think any of these have the potential to lead a game. Instead a new lead would have to be created with a gimmick and identity which would fit into the world in that sense maybe some kind of civilian wrapped up in the underworld of the world RGG have created would work but that's the best I can get.

One final thing to consider with a new spin-off would be its integration into the franchise as a whole. Now I'm not saying we lead to a big Avengers: Endgame team up of all the protagonists here but it would be nice to see more interplay a mention of each other. Lost Judgement went the right way here with Zhao having a cameo its a reassurance these world are one in the same I'd argue Yakuza 8 (or Like a Dragon 2 should use Tesso in some capacity now as well for the same purposes). If a previous map is used maybe you can have some kind of reference to the previous events that happen there not a large amount maybe a throwaway line or a side quest featuring an old character not used. I'd love to see Takeshi Kido from Yakuza 5 return to see what he's been doing or how the brother Ryo Suzaki and Cane Man are getting on. It's characters that drop out the series which have potential which can be scooped up and moved to a different part to be used again, it helps with continuity across the whole series and it can also allow for quicker world building, a large chunk of fans will know these characters and what to expect so you wouldn't need to spend time creating a whole new cast when you have characters right there to use.  

All in all I do think that you can't go wrong with another spin off in the Yakuza world. A lot of places and themes can still be explored it's just a case of having the maps and to continue the ability of writing a cast of characters that audiences can easily connect to and a plot which is engrossing and fits in the style of the world. But I mean RGG Studio have a good track record with that anyway.


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