AEW TBS Title: A Good Secondary Singles Belt or Should it be Tag?

News broke recently of AEW’s plans to introduce a secondary women’s title belt taking the name of the network for Dynamite from 2022 in TBS it would act as the divisions own TNT title and while it seems likely it would operate on a similar level to to that title it had many people thinking. Is a secondary singles title the way to go or should AEW be focusing on Women’s Tag Titles. I wanted to go into detail my opinion on the situation and what my preference for a new belt for the women’s division would be.

It’s important to note first of all that the AEW women’s division did have a secondary title for a good portion of last year with the NWA Women’s Championship. While Serena Deeb was champion the belt was defended multiple times on Dynamite and was even used as the match to hook people in on the buy ins for Pay Per Views most notably with Serena’s match against Riho (which you know let’s run that back sometime). I think this is a good example of how to use the belt anchor it around a great worker and have good defences to raise its stock. I don’t think the AEW women’s roster has many if any better in ring workers than Serena Deeb so she would be perfect to be the first champ and have the division work around her.

Diverging from potential champions I think it’s important to establish that as far as a women’s tag title goes AEW doesn’t have a depth in tag teams to do this. Realistically they have signed TayJay & Ford and The Bunny. While I have talked about the likes of Red Velvet and KiLynn King as well as Diamante and Kiera Hogan as potential teams these aren’t official teams in AEW and you can’t build a division with 2 teams. For a company that has prided itself on being the place for tag team wrestling it would seem a bit slapdash to insert the belt with no depth. Form teams actual teams with names and attires and team moves maybe even sign some like Sea Stars (or just give me that Leyla Hirsch and Killer Kelly team) you need a base to have a effective division if you see the WWE or Impact women’s tag divisions they either suffer from thrown together teams people can buy into as tag teams or a lack of depth to keep the division interesting.

Back to secondary singles titles I do think this could have a place. A TBS title for the women should be viewed as how the Intercontinental title was viewed to the WWE Title as the workhorse title or that used to help elevate people up the card ready for a run at the main belt. Having a belt to boost credibility of talents can only help in the long run I mean look at what TNT title runs did to help Darby and Miro. This type of belt already has a model to follow which can help establish more talents for the top of the division. While I’d love to see the likes of Deeb vs Shida or Deeb vs Riho headline for the belt it would also be a good belt to help boost the stock of someone like Jamie Hayter, Tay Conti, Anna Jay or Jade Cargill down the line to show they are effective champions as well as boost their resumes of high profile matches (now I’ve type it the idea of Conti vs. Hayter for the belt or just in general sounds amazing).

Obviously reading this you can tell what side of the fence I find myself on. At this moment in time I think AEW has more wiggle room for a secondary Women’s title over a Women’s Tag Title. While I do think that the division needs some more good hands who can be permeant fixtures (Tony sign Killer Kelly please) a TBS title will really give the women’s roster more time on TV and also give a second focal point to the division as a whole. If establishing the TNT title through a great run of surprises and good matches from Cody’s run to the phenomenal run of ‘Gods favourite champion’ if the TNT title can work wonders as second focal point for the men’s singles divisions there’s no reason a well book TBS title can’t do the same for the women.


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