PlayStation Spider-Man Series: What Characters Could Be Added

Having got and finished playing Spider-Man Miles Morales over the festive period it feels like we can accept Insomniac Studios know what they are doing. Again a strong character driven story set in this universe they have crafted has been a success and set up their Spider-Man 2 games whenever that comes out to be a big story and no doubt success. I found myself hooked into the story of Miles in this game and how he grew as a character from unsure of himself to becoming his own Spider-Man by the end. While the story is smaller in scale and I felt The Tinkerer was a step down from Doc Ock and the Sinister Six that was to be expected.

Regardless it has me thinking to the future of this game series. The comic series Spider-Geddon referred to this universe as Earth-1048 and this Earth doesn’t follow the traditional pattern of Earth-616 with different origins for heroes and villains and while the identities stay the same for now (looking at that Harry Osborn as Venom tease) we can expect more character we know of to make their way into this universe.

We know this universe shares heroes with the comic books it is based on. From all the Easter eggs in the collectibles of both games to Avengers Tower itself being present with know of a wider range of heroes populating this world. However, today I want to focus on the Spider character that could be introduced in upcoming games and if they would work.

I want to look at this in a certain way however. Looking at Earth-1048 like it is Earth-616 and the characters in it. I think it’s too early for the Spider-Verse to be a thing in game which sadly means no favourites like Spider-Gwen or Spider-Ham to name two. I do feel we could see these character down the road but at the moment I doubt it. I also want to see how their relationship with Spider-Man (Spider-Men I guess) would likely be changed if needed. Having looked through as and where I can for the Spider-People of Earth-616 I think could be seen I’ve got 5 I think would be added. Before that I want to say I don’t think we will see Superior Spider-Man anytime soon if at all. Doc Ock as a villain has just been introduced into Spider-Man’s life and with that I am sure that if we see him again it will be with him coming back as Doctor Octopus and not as his own Spider-Man but if he could say ‘then the die is cast’ I’d be happy with that.

Cindy Moon - Silk
The most likely to be introduced in my opinion and could make sense story wise is a more recent addition to the Spider-Man mythos in Silk. Brought in during the Original Sin story it was revealed that the Spider which bit Peter also Cindy Moon giving her powers before she was locked away for years to hide her from the Inheritors. Just basing the story of the comics to the games we don't have any 'One More Day' and as such Peter and Mary Jane are together so right away I would have to imagine we get rid of any of their reaction to the others spider sense because of this which is also just an odd thing to add in the first place but I digress. We saw in the first game that Norman had some genetically modified spiders in his secret lab of which one eventually found its way to Miles and bit him giving him his Spider powers. There is no reasons why this can't have happened or something like this happen to Cindy Moon at least. Maybe she even got bit by the same spider still (I'd hope as I think that's a really interesting way of introducing someone who's linked to Spider-Man). Out of all the characters mentioned I think Silk is the most likely to be added as pieces are in place for her introduction it just depends on what the story needs. 

Jessica Drew - Spider-Woman
With Jessica Drew and the following characters to introduce them would either need you to largely ignore their origin have them drop right into the story or do a massive rework (I think reworks to fit in universe is needed for most characters mentioned to be honest). I have to imagine with these games going well a full Spider-Verse is something that is being looked into and with that you'd need new characters on Earth-1048 and before we look into new universes. I think with Jessica Drew it may be fine to just mention her origin of her mother being stuck with a beam of radiation containing DNA of multiple spiders while pregnant (it is just a bit of an odd piece to start with) and we have also seen with the first game we don't need to start with the origin in fact I prefer to be put right in the middle of the universe as it allows us to experience something new with the characters and as we've seen Uncle Ben die multiple times it was nice to not have to go through that and I think it helped the game. With this as well Jessica Drew has some different powers to Peter Parker which may make her more of a welcome addition as the different between Peter & Miles is only Miles' new powers if you were to go with Silk next it is more of the same. Instead of web swinging Spider-Woman can glide around which would make her different and she can also create immunities to toxins and poisons which can create different stories and obstacles compared to the two in universe Spiders. Not only this it would be a good chance to map out more of the world. With Jessica Drew being a British & American citizen we could see London be used which would be nice and help establish more of this Earth. If I was to put my money on one of Spider-Woman or Silk being mentioned or hinted in the next game I think we would be more likely to see Spider-Woman in costume rather than Silk but this was only depends on if you want to up the stakes in the world to more than just New York. 

Anya Corazon - Spider-Girl
In my opinion there's a definitive drop in likely hood of appearance in the story of Spider-Man 2 from the first two for the next three. Spider-Girl is the one on this list I know the least about only knew of the character from the Spider-Verse comic event. Getting caught in the middle of a skirmish between two mystical clans in The Spider Society and Sisterhood of the Wasp she was saved by the spider society giving her a tattoo which gave her powers. If Anya was to be introduced you'd either need to overhaul this origin story or bring it in as an Easter Egg about this gang combat. We are use to two gangs in these games often fighting each other and being seen in crimes in process to which Spider-Man stops them but for this we would need it highlighted or referenced to set this up. Regardless of all the characters mentioned I'd see Anya as the last one that'd be introduced just do to her being the one least connected to Peter of those mentioned on this post. With a lot of work needed it would be more of something you expect groundwork to be put in for the next game if anything.

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider
The original clone of Spider-Man and someone I can being hinted at in the post credits of Spider-Man 2. I can see a way in how with the attempts to replicate the spider formula for Spider-Man not going well that Norman turns to Spider-Man's blood and creates clones the most successful being Ben Reilly. It's always something I expected the series to go with I honestly think the Clone Saga can be adapted well or parts for it into this universe. I also think that having Ben Reilly as a villain first has some ground to work with. Imagine a boss fight against another Spider-Man it would be a really interesting move and I think would be a cool boss fight. As well as this Insomniac works well in character development over a game and I think the transition of Ben Reilly from evil Spider-Man to Scarlet Spider would be a really interesting move. I almost feel like I can confirm this isn't something that happens in Spider-Man 2 as I said earlier if anything this would be a post credits tease but Scarlet Spider is something I really want to see in this game series. 

Kaine Parker
And speaking of the Scarlet Spider what is one without the other. Kaine would only work if we go along the clone saga and introduce the idea of Ben Reilly. As the first failed clone before Ben Reilly we would need Kaine to establish the clone ideas and as well it can lead on to create an interesting dynamic between Kaine, Peter & Ben you could have 3 Spider-Men all with different move-sets and powers would be a way of keeping things fresh and with that all three Spider-Men differ in slightly which would be a fun way to find out which one is your preferred and if missions ever happen with all 3 of them you could chose which one to take the mission with. You could in an ideal world have Kaine be more stronger in combat and Ben in stealth with Peter being in the middle it would just be a nice idea of making each one different to the other. 

As with all mentioned I've stated on near all that they would need some origin rework to fit them in the universe which is what holds these characters back from being instant additions. But maybe that isn't a bad thing. Adding too many playable characters at once can burn out the series quicker and while only two games in it makes sense to develop the stories of both Peter & Miles more. Personally I am interested regardless of the direction of the next game and the direction this universe takes as if the two games we'd got are anything to go by we are in for another great story. 


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