AEW Video Game: Hopes and Wishes

When AEW announced they were to get a console video game it was met with genuine optimism after what can only be described as one of the worst wrestling games if not one of the worst video games of all time in WWE 2K20. If anything 2K20 as a whole could be a blessing in disguise for AEW it shows how to not do a video game. While we seem a fair way out from the games release with the earliest I imagine being holiday season this year but most likely 2022 I imagine we will get news throughout this year and an eventual release date. With that being said, nothing beats unfounded baseless speculation and that's what I'm doing here. Now as just stated nothing here is confirmed it's just my thoughts on what could be. 

Before I start talking about game content I’d like to see I think it’s obvious to address that above all else I just want to see a working wrestling game. Above all else if it takes till 2022 so be it but I’ll take a polished game over yearly buggy releases. WWE 2K20 as the mess it was had been coming for a while, the rush to release a game every year would catch up so I’d rather AEW make a game and refine that over time if needs be. 2K20 is just the tip of the iceberg you’d hope the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077, literally everything with Fallout 76 and even games that recovered some favour like Street Fighter V have shown the team behind the AEW game to be patient, take their time. The worst thing for me would be a buggy rushed release as not only would it be an unplayable game it’d effect the reputation of AEW and hurt chances of future games. While the majority of this blog post covers content additions I’d like to see in the game from match types to modes above all else if this game if playable if it works and isn’t a glitch ridden nightmare that to begin with is a big plus for me.

If I had to say something that is certain for the game it is that of the post release content. I believe if the AEW game is not a yearly release (and it should not be because that's when you end up with issues and a 2K20 in the end) we will see multiple season passes for additional roster members. I'd imagine talent like Top Flight who have only just recently signed would not be in the base roster. Speaking on DLC I imagine with this Kenny would be influenced by the likes of Street fighter & Tekken with their multiple fighter passes over multiple years. In light of this I would hope as well they would also do a new moves back much like WWE games to give things fresh for CAW makers. 

In regards to WWE games I would love a mode like Universe Mode. Just a way to book your own AEW shows would be nice. This would be a good place to showcase the different stages for different shows and all the titles belts AEW has had and could even use things like the BTE title and the Young Bucks Superkick Party titles just to add some depth. I know that AEW has not had the depth in shows WWE has had but they have had special Dynamites that we could see as arenas, it would just be nice to have a chance to set up your own calendar for AEW shows and feuds much like Universe mode. If you wanted to add more PPV's to your line-up you can. I always enjoyed the universe modes I find them better to play matches through then having to continuously set up singles matches. 

I have to wonder what will happen with any 'legends' in this game. A lot of AEW's backstage staff are former wrestlers as are managers. Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Jerry Lynn, Dean Malenko and Sting to name a few now seemingly retired and taking on different roles than being the ones wrestling. I think it would be a nice way to add some classic wrestlers with the game either in the launch game or post game additions to add to the roster. How cool would it be as well to have Taz & Excalibur playable much like how No Mercy (the game this will be influenced by) and how that game had the commentary team as playable characters. I wonder if this can be extended to other older talent no under any form of contract. For example, the Rock 'n' Roll Express have appeared multiple times on AEW programming it'd be cool to see them used in the video game as well. I do think classic wrestlers and legends being in the game is a good idea it allows people to live out dream matches.

We also have to think on what match types we will see in the game. With this I clearly mean if we will see the Stadium Stampede in the game. I would hope we get to see this at least (if I could fantasy plan that different amount of talent can be used in it like a 1 on 1 match in the stadium environment) but let's keep the optimism on match choices. We've seen AEW have tables, steel cage, falls count anywhere, iron man, the various Casino Battle Royale (and the Casino Ladder Match) and Escalera De La Muerte to name a few. While I'm sure I've missed some it is always nice to have a wide variety of match options. One thing I do wonder if we will see would be that of Blood and Guts the answer to AEW's War Games which had to be delayed make an appearance in the game. I do wonder if because this match has not made its debut (and you have to wonder when that would be now) that it would not be on the game because of this as you can't be certain AEW knows how they want to fully lay the match out so may choose to omit it for the moment at least. However, I don't see a reason for this match type to not be added later should AEW want to have this game have a long shelf life adding new match types post launch would help that greatly. 

Keeping in line with match types we have seen some matches develop into fun backstage brawls the like of Le Sex Gods vs. Omega & Hardy and The Young Bucks vs. The Butcher and The Blade have showcased a fun environment backstage at Daily's Place which is something in some ways I would love to see replicated in the game. Obviously you can't replicate everything for every arena but I still hope we get some kind of backstage arena to play in which would be fun to play around in as the current backstage arenas while good in WWE games are nowhere near the level of Shut your Mouth or Here Comes the Pain with a wide variety of places to go into and unique equipment to interact with in each place. 

While everything covers the gameplay here today I would hope for more. I know CAW creation was mentioned and my hope is it is just easy to use, I like how WWE Games now let you use attires from actual wrestlers quickly as a base if needed it is an easy base and I hope they look to what WWE has done having attires like Jushin Thunder Liger in the game as a way to help the more creative CAW creators to create wrestlers and legends of other companies. 

All in all regardless of what we see in the game I just hope it's a fun working game. For a lot of the roster this is the first time they are in a video game and I hope it isn't remembered as being a buggy mess of a game. AEW have a good opportunity to launch their main console gaming brand and gain a lot of favour with 2K20 still in the minds of many wrestling fans. At the end of the day AEW needs to go into this thinking quality over quantity a rushed release will have long lasting issues for all future game releases. 


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