
Showing posts from January, 2021

AEW Video Game: Hopes and Wishes

When AEW announced they were to get a console video game it was met with genuine optimism after what can only be described as one of the worst wrestling games if not one of the worst video games of all time in WWE 2K20. If anything 2K20 as a whole could be a blessing in disguise for AEW it shows how to not do a video game. While we seem a fair way out from the games release with the earliest I imagine being holiday season this year but most likely 2022 I imagine we will get news throughout this year and an eventual release date. With that being said, nothing beats unfounded baseless speculation and that's what I'm doing here. Now as just stated nothing here is confirmed it's just my thoughts on what could be.  Before I start talking about game content I’d like to see I think it’s obvious to address that above all else I just want to see a working wrestling game. Above all else if it takes till 2022 so be it but I’ll take a polished game over yearly buggy releases. WWE 2K20

Combined Regen Eleven: Football Manager 2020-21

With a total of 12 seasons over 2 games I have held interest and record of 109 regens from 48 different nations it is fair to say I hold a vested interest in a large amount of time an effort into developing regens even if they do not end up making a first team appearance for me and I end up sending them out on loan I always make sure to track their developments. Having a developed plan for regen development allows for long term growth and success and that is what us seen in my teams. Since the end of my time with Football Manager 2020 I have been detailing my regens and which one's top my preference for a best 11 over both of these teams. As ever this team will follow the 4-2-3-1 formation I use for all teams. For this I have considered the regens of both Chelsea and Dagenham saves as well as the smaller saves using both the American and Norwegian international teams. With that in mind my combined 11 as it stands is the following:  Goalkeeper: Wanderly Junior - Chelsea  Starting wi

Football Manager 2021 - My Personal Regen One to Eleven

With Football Manager 2020 hooking me back into the game franchise it was no wonder that 2021 has kept hold of me. While sometime has passed since my last post like this with Chelsea not only did players in that team change with the likes of Tarô Togawa, Shane Goodchild & Barry Johnstone get replaced with the likes of Mohamed Bertin d'Avesnes, Kristijan Iliev and the man who became my personal favourite regen in Alekos Orfanos I look back at that Chelsea squad and see I would change a few of the players listed while I write this post in the 6th season at the club I am using and the Chelsea one in the 7th I played 3 more season with Chelsea hence why some of my main regens at the end are not mentioned here.  I changed thing up this year in terms of who I played as, the 4-2-3-1 Gegenpress remained, the signing old club players to the staff remained but the club changed. This year, I wanted to see what I could do using the editor to boost Dagenham & Redbridge up the leagues. W

PlayStation Spider-Man Series: What Characters Could Be Added

Having got and finished playing Spider-Man Miles Morales over the festive period it feels like we can accept Insomniac Studios know what they are doing. Again a strong character driven story set in this universe they have crafted has been a success and set up their Spider-Man 2 games whenever that comes out to be a big story and no doubt success. I found myself hooked into the story of Miles in this game and how he grew as a character from unsure of himself to becoming his own Spider-Man by the end. While the story is smaller in scale and I felt The Tinkerer was a step down from Doc Ock and the Sinister Six that was to be expected. Regardless it has me thinking to the future of this game series. The comic series Spider-Geddon referred to this universe as Earth-1048 and this Earth doesn’t follow the traditional pattern of Earth-616 with different origins for heroes and villains and while the identities stay the same for now (looking at that Harry Osborn as Venom tease) we can expect mor

Pokémon 25th Anniversary Speculation: What I'd Hope For a Generation 4 Remake

It's hard to believe that Pokémon turns 25 in 2021, what started as a video is a multi billion dollar juggernaut of media. Games, toys, anime, movies you name it Pokémon have probably done it. As expected next year will give us more Pokémon content to get stuck into with what many imagine will be a Diamond & Pearl remake. Personally, I would very much look forward to this. Not only have we had remakes of the first 3 generations in previous years but this would allow us a full reimagining of Sinnoh. With this being a remake and we've seen Pokémon make creative changes to the original games for this and being the 25th anniversary of the series I think we will see some big changes or at the very least I hope.  One of my favourite recent additions to Pokémon gameplay is the regional variants. Brought in for Sun & Moon and the concept evolved with Sword & Shield to include evolutions of this regional variants which I really enjoyed Obstagoon and Sirfetch'd and I'