Could Daredevil be in the Spider-Man 2 DLC?

Bryan Intihar the Senior Creative Director at Insomniac Games has seemingly set a lot of minds racing with the below comments regarding the easter egg of the eviction notice for Nelson & Murdock law firm.

With this I starting to think could we see Daredevil in the DLC for Spider-Man 2. With a lack of real announcements it makes me think something big is coming and a big hook to get people to buy. What if instead of a big villain we start to introduce Daredevil and characters around him as a backdoor pilot. I believe there's an unannounced Insomniac Marvel game which might be a Defenders game but would rather it just be Daredevil. I wanted to break down how I think this could be done as I think it has great potential to be told over a three part DLC which could raise hype and get a Daredevil solo game into development.

The first part would be to find a common link between Miles & Daredevil and to me the best bet would be Kingpin. In the Miles game Kingpin promised to hurt the ones Miles card about for stopping his operations. I think a lot of people would associate Kingpin with Daredevil now after the success of the Netflix show so the two being linked again would be a logical way to introduce Daredevil. I think Kingpin would be a good villain pulling strings of a conspiracy that unfolds hurting New York. You could have the likes of Bullseye appear as the main villain for a bit before revealing Kingpin was free from prison pulling the strings ready for a thrid and final part (should this DLC take the same format the first game had).

Rio is currently a councilwoman so we could see a story where a lot of the things she is doing result in destruction and crime rises in order to take her out of office (where we can always see she would be against Fisk) resulting in people wanting her out. Miles would then look into in which he discovers Daredevil looking into the same issues, they could fight and then work together when they realise they have a common enemy. It would make sense Kingpin trying to rid those of opposition and that could be why Nelson & Murdock have been evicted. 

I also feel like this would be Matt Murdock would be a fun new mentor for Miles. Matt would have a different look on the world to Peter and would be interesting to have someone who has the balance of being a lawyer and a vigilante providing an interesting balance. Matt isn't as upbeat and joky as Peter so it would be fun to see their clashing personalities and give Miles more lessons to learn and devleop before his likely next step when he becomes the mentor for Cindy.

Speaking of Cindy and her father Albert I think this would be the place to start her move into Silk. Maybe Albert is either working with Fisk or being targeted by him and somehow Cindy ends up with her power. I've seen people mentioned maybe a blood transfusion much like how Eli Bradley got his powers in the comics from a blood transfusion which would make the most sense and you could even have it as Peter if you want to keep it that were bitten by the same spider (all be it a technicality). If she does become Silk and get her powers I think her relationship with Miles could be good, he's had to reveal his alter ego to his family. If you go the route Albert is working with Fisk willingly and is put away you can have it that by the end of the DLC she has bonded with Miles' family and moves in I just feel that the hiding your secret identity from your closest friends and family is just something that doesn't happen in this series and even if it does the other people secretly know. 

I think doing this as well can take a break from the main story arcs teased at the end of Spider-Man two but still give an exciting story. You can hold off on Carnage & Green Goblin but still have a big story with hight takes and new characters. I don't think Insomniac would use Carnage right away and for a DLC Story so what you would be left with is a lower tier villain so why not go a fun route and bring someone back but also build the world out awat from just Spider-Man.

One final note I would have the final scene post credits in part three being Harry waking up. They set up before Peter becomes Anti-Venom that if you are bonded long enough part of the symbiote remains in you and that's how they can bring Harry back. I wouldn't do much just his eyes opening while he's in the room alone. You keep it vague to build up interest and then if you do a Venom game here is where you flesh out what you're doing in the next stage of evolving the character.

So that is how I would look at inplimenting Daredevil in the DLC. I've mentioned before how I think they'll use the Spider-Slayers or a b tier level villain but I think that doing something different would be fun. Introducing more New York based heroes would make the current map feel more alive and open up more avenues for the future. 


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