I Finally Get The Hype In Xenoblade Chronicles

Spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles 3

After 3 games I finally got it. I finally got Xenoblade Chronicles, I never clicked with Xenoblade 1 and I did eventually complete 2 after the difficulty sliders were introduced. I think it came down to how I could never get the hang of the combat but that has changed with Xenoblade 3, I think it came down to having 6 other part members to help and cover my weakness in the gameplay. I also found the love people had for the games to be well founded the scope of the games always felt large and contained a rich narrative each time.

However, this time above all of this something clicked with this game. Maybe it was the emotional end to chapter 5 and start of chapter 6 or the fact the full main playable cast was there pretty much from the beginning so I have more time to get use to them but something clicked, emotionally with this game. This maybe because it's the third game (well technically the fourth) in the series and with each game the studio can learn and grow.

I want to compare the full cast to something like Persona 5's gradual recruitment system. For the majority of the game you have the full cast and you see them all through their ups and downs you get to bond with them over a longer period of time. If we look at Haru as a party member she joins the team pretty late on (in the worst dungeon but that's not the point here) and pretty much soon after we are into the next dungeon where she doesn't get the focus. You have no time to really bond with the character and I think that is reflective in the fact I don't know anyone who's favourite Persona 5 party member is Haru, that's not to say people don't like her but most prefer those they spend a longer period of time with. 

It's a strength of Xenoblade 3 here I know the characters right away and we can build more with them. The character progression does not feel rushed, the choices they make feel natural and you get the feeling they evolve over the course of the game. I never felt a decision or moment where a character makes a big call was unearned or against their character, you see how their various battles with the enemies and time with the allies they have effect them. The main crux of the game is supported by the bonds of Noah & Mio strengthening bonds which you really feel develop. Chapter 5 represents a big change in the game for them and begins a look into how they are different from their Moebius counterparts in N & M but the moments of them separated and hurting over this do not feel rushed or unearned we have had enough time to build to the emotional climax of Chapter 5 which is what a good game does it builds to it's big moments and makes you invest in the characters.

Xenoblade 3 is a game that runs a lot on counterparts between Keves and Agnus. Noah and Mio the leaders of their respective teams, Lanz and Sean the more go all in attacking duo and Eunnie and Taion the more ranged attackers and healers. This can be seen even with Ethel and Camaravi and others throughout the game. Xenoblade 3 works on showing the characters as parallels (which makes sense being the word is that born of the first two games which were originally the same world). I think this is used to show how both nations are more similar then their war would have them believe. While the technology they use is different the people largely aren’t which makes sense seeing as they are created the same way. Once that is revealed it allows you to see the people of the world differently, they are literally all cut from the same cloth which is why so many similarities in ideals and actions can be seen. This allows a new look on the world itself, it flips two warring nations on its head as just puppets being used by a bigger power in a way not previously known.

I also like how this can be seen as well with the antagonists. Miyabi and Consul J (Joran) are character who act as friends that have passed away before the story and then used by Moebius to fight the heroes (even though J has a far more important role). It goes to show the odds the antagonists go to and it gives you a sense of the history of the world and just how the evil group Moebius act. 

With all I have listed you can hopefully see the depths the game went to with its world and characters. When a game cares it helps to make me care. While Xenoblade 2 had much of this I feel it lacked mainly with the voice direction of most (except Zeke he was the best) but improving on this has got me to fully understand why people like series. It's a perfect mix of character development mixed in with a rich history of a world built. It's that type of care that made me realise now I can finally get to grips with the combat that Xenoblade Chronicles is one of Nintendo's best exclusive franchises. 


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