Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory Ending - Thoughts and Analysis

The following will include spoilers for the endings of Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory and Final Fantasy 7 Remake. View at your own risk

The next instalment of the Kingdom Hearts franchise has now been released in Melody of Memory and while I was not personally interest in playing the game I was interested in how it would set up the next phase of Kingdom Hearts. Much like Final Fantasy 7 Remake the ending left me confused, annoyed and then interested in what it could lead to when given a day or two. Tetsuya Nomura has a stranglehold over the majority of my interest when it comes to video games. I've found myself more fixed on what he will do next with Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy 7 Remake his want to express deep stories over multiple games that require your attention has captivated me the stories he is involved in normally give way to strong character who can hold my interest and it will be interesting to see if that continues with the future of Kingdom Hearts at least.

Much like the return of Zack and changing the remake into essentially a completely new story at first annoyed me but now over time I have come to find it interesting and to see where that unknown journey will go.  This is the same for Kingdom Hearts now. First of all I do not like the phrase 'realm of fiction' it just doesn't sound correct, I much prefer 'unreality' or even if we called it 'fantasy' and we have fantasy and reality I just feel the word 'fiction' makes this realm seem secondary to what is the realm of fact for what has been the universe Kingdom Hearts. Can we also look at how the Fairy Godmother just became the most important Disney character in the series. She has been anonymous since Kingdom Hearts 1 and all of a sudden she has all of the answers to what the heroes need. It is just so far out of left field she just randomly comes alive with all this information she knows the Nameless Star (who much like others I will just call Stella from here on) and her story and how to get Riku to the other side.

So while Sora comes to say hello from the other side to conclude the game to help Kairi and help to determine where he is that is a nice touch but what does it mean for the ending(s) of Re:Mind. I take it if he can do this he's won and is free to move at will or maybe because he's body is frozen he can only send his spirit around and that is what he's done. To be honest it can be interoperated either way which is nice leaves the story a lot of wiggle room.  

We also have to take into account Xehanort knew of this other side and that opens up more cans of worms then I think anyone can get hold of. Maybe he knew a way in and out and that's how Luxord was a member of the organisation maybe he could travel with that wildcard and was sent to find out information on this side to 'save Sora' it isn't clear and I hope we get that explained sooner rather than later. 

However, I love the idea of Quadratum if it is what I think it is then it will be goodbye to the majority of Disney worlds and hello to original concepts and worlds which if you have seen my previous posts you will know I do not care for the Disney worlds so this new realm will likely consist of Square owned property and maybe even extra new original worlds. The realm here seems to include Shibuya and Shinjuku which means The World Ends with You could also appear here which seems likely. The whole idea here has my head spinning on what we could see and what Nomura will be able to use. Could we get a Final Fantasy 7 level to find out where Cloud, Sephiroth and Tifa have all ended up I hope. I truly believe this could lead to so many possibilities and could end up with Subject X in this realm and who knows we may see other Nomura designed characters like Lightning, Rinoa or a personal want in Vincent Valentine. This is the strength of this ending the possibilities it opens.

To conclude much like the end of Kingdom Hearts 3 I was left interested in the future of the series more than looking at what the ending means for this game. I do wonder if we will get these questions answered next or will we see more of the quest to find subject X in which in on itself would be opening at least 2 cans of worms but for now all we can do is wait for the next announcement. 


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