Quick Thoughts: AEW World's End 2023

As 2023 draws to a close we have one final PPV from All Elite Wrestling. In a year of ups and downs sometimes in the same show it has been a weaker year for AEW. I do believe people are stupid to expect every year to hit 52 weeks of the year and considering people wet themselves over how great WWE is as Michael Cole can now say Bullet Club on TV the top two wrestling companies are not equally comparred. I do hope AEW can look at its positives from this year and build on those. With a lot of big stories coming up on this show and hopefully the reveal of a masked devil I wanted to break down match by match the final AEW show of 2023. 

Zero Hour

Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale
Wow three women's matches on one show but Twitter told me that Tony Khan hates women. Regardless of what the depth of social media have to say (and the fact I feel a lot better not having to see it since deleting my Twitter account) I do feel that the title scene around the TBS title is stronger than the Women's World Title with Willow, Kris, Skye and Julia all doing well. I had a feeling with Stokely Hathaway getting involved we could see a Kris heel turn. Not the cleanest of matches but still pretty good and had a feeling Willow would win. Surprised this was just a match and nothing else happened maybe they want to build the story or maybe Stokley will just bring in Megan Bayne back from Stardom in 2024 to take on both. 

20-man Battle Royale for a future AEW TNT Championship match
A nice festive match a real get everyone on the card type match. While I expected Christian Cage to win the TNT title match I expected a face to win this match. Bryan Keith being in this match good fun I like him and would make a great addition to the AEW/ROH fold. While not the best battle royale they've ever had still had some fun. Was nice to see everone take out the big men before the match in hope but then it didn't work out. Killswitch winning is a fun ending with how the story is going, Killswitch could get his revenge on Christian but will shall see. 

FTW Rules match for the FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Wheeler Yuta
When this feud began and Wheeler Yuta won the Pure Title I thought this would be a title for title match. It got me thinking Hook wins the FTW rules match loses a Pure rules match for the Pure title and then they do title for title. I dunno I feel it's time to move Hook up the card with an actual title. I enjoyed this match and feel both men needed a feud like this basic in design but gives them time on the show to shine. Right call to use this to end the pre show home town guy gets win in front of home town start them happy. 

Main Show

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson), Mark Briscoe, and Daniel Garcia vs. Brody King, Jay White, Jay Lethal, and Rush
The Continental Classic has been great and I feel the stories for most were great (apart from Jay Lethal who's just the pin eater in his group) and hope they keep it up telling stories through matches. Very interested in the 2024's of Jay White, Rush and Daniel Garcia and hope all have good runs and hopefully some of them at least win a belt. Interesting start between Danielson and Garcia maybe there's something more for them next year (after Okada vs. Danielson in the Tokyo Dome). I enhoyed this match was fun and a good excuse to get them all one the card. Wasn't fussed on the winner but happy that Garcia got the pin for the win, hoping for a good 2024 for him. 

Miro vs. Andrade El Idolo (with CJ)
Why is this on the show? Honestly I don't think there's a PPV match I've cared for less and would be happy to see all three go back to WWE. Andrade is begging for it and Miro just refuses to lose to people (should've lost to Hobbs), I don't have an interest in the story but the wrestler in it should produce a good match. Happy to heat Andrade is leaving he's been trying to get fired for months and now can fuck off to WWE where I imagine he will start complaining again the second he doesn't get anything as he did before when he told Rush to never go there. If Andrade is parting ways on bad terms with AEW at least he showed up to work. Couldn't be bothered with this match played Football Manager instead. We are doing well at USL Dunkerque, I carried over my save from FM23 so we are in 2082 and on the way to Champions League Glory allez Les Maritimes.

AEW Women's World Championship Match: "Timeless" Toni Storm (c) (with Luther) vs. Riho
Toni Storm has been on a role when it comes to her character recently. I would say she is one of the top acts in the company and is someone I enjoy watching. Riho I love but I wish she was a more consistant fixture on TV instead of one for a month leave return on a loop. Was hoping for Toni to retain we need a longer women's title reign for once after the last few have been shorter at least until Revolution. Toni has her gimmick down and the extra bells and whistles in Butler Luther and Mariah May help to enhance the full act and cannot wait for the long build to Toni vs. Mariah to kick on once Mariah starts wrestling. Both of these women are great, I love Toni's dedication to her gimmick and the changes to her move-set for more old school feel and Riho is always a good babyface in peril they work well. I enjoyed this now idea what the move was looked like a glitch. 

Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) vs. Keith Lee/Dustin Rhodes
Finally getting this match, after their break up like 60 years ago we finally get the blow off. I hope that Swerve can continue his run and hopefully win a major title (give him the world title and have him vs. Ospreay main event All In book for me thanks) and this gives Keith Lee a good boost to having a good run himself in 2024. Of course I typed all of this out and then Keith Lee gets hurt and cannot compete so Dustin Rhodes takes his place. I'm glad Dustin gets a nice payday but still my interest is gone. Didn't see why we needed an injury angle for Dustin should just have been a quick match. Another PPV win for Swerve have him beat Keith Lee on Dynamite or whatever and let's get a major title on that man. 

Ricky Starks, Big Bill, and The Don Callis Family ("The Alpha" Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs) (with Don Callis) vs. Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara), Sting, and Darby Allin
Lot's of stuff being said on Chris Jericho and NDA's at this moment in time and I wouldn't be shocked to see him off TV for a bit after this show in relation to that, not a nice situation especially for Kylie Rae with this all being aire because Jericho had an argument with a journalist who loves CM Punk. I will just say being a journalist and dragging someone through the mud of a trauma for them as a gotcha moment because someone doesn't like your friend/source doesn't make you a good guy either. Hopefully the Don Callis Family gets more next year apart from Don big feuds and matches for them, guy like me splits them in half with Takeshita, Hobbs and add someone (personally would be fun to see Kip Sabian in that role as a way to play off of his history with Ospreay) being the ones staying with Don and Ospreay and Aussie Open feuding with them a nice Ospreay vs. Takeshita main event would be nice for me. Match led to Sting getting tagged in and I would've just had it end there. A fair few communication issues in this one the weaker of the 8 man tag matches tonight and honestly I feel the people in the match would've been better suited to different matches tonight. 

AEW TBS Championship Match: Julia Hart (c) vs. Abadon
Who would've thought this would've been a PPV match this time last year? I didn't think so but it is a testiment to how much both women have improved in 2023 Julia Hart especially, she has her character down to well and honestly the only way she can get better is to keep having matches. The same for Abadon while I do feel her character is limited in terms of what you can do she has gotten better. Suffice to say I was interested in how this was going to go on PPV and would want both women to work with more veteran hands which would only help them improve (that or just give me Julia vs. Yuka next year I'd like that). A fine match for two women of their experience in which I can only repeat both will get better by working with more experianced workers, hopefully Abadon doesn't dissapear until Halloween 2024 to stop the momentum she's built. Skye & Julia is an interesting duo if someone could let me know if Skye Blue is in the House of Black or not that would be nice to know. 

No Disqualification match for the AEW TNT Championship: Christian Cage (c) vs. Adam Copeland
The greatest of all time and a father figure the world needs in Christian Cage has become the greatest TNT champion of all time and I was hoping he would retain here. Adam Copeland seems to be hitting a stride but I am interested in his feud after this hopefully with someone new he has never faced before. I really enhoyed this match both men (and Nigel) seemed to really enjoy the story and the stipulation of the match and the ever escalating violence of the match and we even got fire. I was surprised Adam Copeland won but I feel like it was where the story was going I just miss Christian having the belt but wanting Adam Copeland on the history books as a champion in AEW is good. And well I guess I only had a minute or so to miss Christian as TNT champion let's go. I guess we will be getting more build into the new year but what a moment true family sticks together over the festive period. 

Championship Final of the AEW Continental Classic for the inaugural Triple Crown Championship: Eddie Kingston vs. Jon Moxley
One of the highlights of AEW in recent times have been the Continental Classic. Something I hope becomes a yearly tradition this final will set up one man to be a champion in three different companies and going in a really hoped it would be Eddie. Ingoring dumb ignorance when it comes to the points system of this tournament by attention seeking idiots this has been great and this is a long awaited rematch from Full Gear 2020. I did enjoy both men had different routes to the final with Mox leading his group most of the time and Eddie needing a last show win to even make the final after suffering in the beginning, it sets up two different stories going into it. If anything this match was the story of their matches Mox with the early control and Eddie fighting with heart from underneath to achieve his want a good match that got better as it went on. Delighted Eddie won he deserves it just feel sorry he has to take 3 belts around with him that's a lot of space in the suitcase. 

AEW World Championship Match: MJF (c) vs. Samoa Joe
The main event of the show and the hopeful reveal of The Devil. Samoa Joe is on a great run and seems on form which is great as he is one of my favourites and with him in a PPV main event I always hold some hope we get one more Samoa Joe world title run and with how bad MJF is hurt could The Devil take the thing away he loves the most and if its Adam Cole would be nice for the title to be involved with something else as MJF and Adam Cole have a blood feud of some kind. They worked around MJF's injuries which is smart a massive target like that tells a story on its own which working around his arm and putting a limit on its use helps enhance the despiration. I love the fact Samoa Joe is world champion again, one of my all time favourites who deserved so many more world title reigns in TNA now gets another in his legendary career. Adam Cole being the devil is expected and I'm glad it's him it is a better choice than Jack Perry or someone else and we also get this story away from the title. My only issues is if Adam Cole is actually hurt or will MJF run through Wardlow, Strong, Bennett & Taven and then get to Cole down the line. Who knows tune in Wednesday and find out. 

If ever a show summed up AEW in 2023 it was this one. Some great, some ok and some why is this even on the show. Opening 8 man tag, World, TNT & Continental Classic match all great TBS title match I felt would be better served on TV, the Sting 8 man tag match fell apart, Swerve vs. Dustin should've been done after the cinder block spot and well I made my feelings on Andrade vs. Miro clear earlier. Some bright spots on the show shouldn't be ignored and if AEW looks to those for 2024 and build around those it will be a good year.


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