What Pokémon Would I Give A New Evolution To From Each Generation

I saw a tweet talking about what Pokémon from each generation you would give an evolution to and I thought might as well do it myself. It is just as simple as that but with a few restrictions for myself. I wanted to not have branching evolutions so no new evolution for the likes of Poliwhirl or Slowpoke for example and no legendary or mythical Pokémon. With that being said here is my top pick from each generation which considering that generation 9 gave us an evolution for Primeape it feels like it could be any Pokémon.

Generation One: Dewgong

I had a few options with Arbok, Dodrio, Seaking or finally getting that Jynx finally getting its eveolution to match up with Magmar or Electabuzz but I went with Dewgong. I have to be honest, I don't really care for Dewgong it's not on my list of favourite Pokémon and I feel the design is very plain at least for me. While I would love Jynx to get its evolution to match up to its original trio I think the controversy in its design history will stop that so let's go with giving a not so memorable Pokémon a second chance with a new evolution, throw on a duel type and some form of gimmick and we may be onto a winner.

Generation Two: Octillery

Looking at generation two I think that of all Pokémon I would love Octillery to get an evolution. I would go full force with this one and go right into having a Kraken based Pokémon. Instead of being just one tank the evolution would effectively be a one Pokémon army. Think with the basis and scope of the Pokémon I would have them a step below the Pseudo Legendaries with stats around 550-575, it would be fun if you take a Pokémon that not many will ever use to a monster powerhouse that would give an often overlooked Pokémon new purpose.

Generation Three: Kecleon

Generation three had a lot of options with Absol considered as well as Moghtyena building off of the parts of its Wolf inspiration and becoming a werewolf but I went with Kecleon. Having no evolution it gives us a blank slate for the chameleon based Pokémon. I would base this continuing the invisible wall it was in Emerald version but we boost it up. I think of the evolution looking like the Stealth Sneak heartless from Kingdom Hearts with an ability where its duel type matches the environment of the battle should there be one. In a snowy route then the duel type is ice, by a volcano then the duel type is fire and when surfing then the duel type is water. This would also include a move where the type changes based on what the second type ends up being (remains normal if there’s no duel type).

Generation Four: Floatzel
Generation four was a real difficult one. While generation three is my favourite generation it is generation four which has my favourite and most consistent Pokédex. I went with Floatzel to bring them in line with the lines of Luxray & Staraptor as those popular early game Pokémon that everyone seems to use. Don't have much more to add but getting more love for Floatzel would always be good. Generation four was super consistent for me so I would only be adding onto designs and lines I already like so Floatzel so giving it a new evolution and power boost is fine by me.

Generation Five: Beartic
Probably the easiest choice for me as I would love a bigger, meaner polar bear. Much like how Ursaring got an evolution let us match the polar bear with the grizzly bear and give Beartic a third stage evolution. Much like Ursaluna have it be a duel type and eventually give him a powerful alternate like Bloodmoon Ursaluna. This was honestly in my line of thinking for Pangoro if I chose them for this list, just give me some symmetry between bears.

Generation Six: Hawlucha
An easy choice for me if you see the rest of the stuff I write. Basically I want as many wrestling theme Pokémon we can get. We have Hawlucha, Incineroar and Machamp (I guess) but I still want more. I’m not sure how you do an evolution fully for Hawlucha. I think you would make him a more battle hardened Luchador where they are bigger, look stronger with a different mask design. I would however, I would be happy with just a new wrestling themed Pokémon be it another Luchador or just something completely different. I’d take the ‘Face Pokémon’ to counteract Incineroar being the heel Pokémon.

Generation Seven: Komala
Sun & Moon are my least favourite generation and as such I don't have a lot of Pokémon I would pick. Oranguru but I don't want an evolution for Oranguru but more primate Pokémon (I don't think we've had a silver backgorilla yet) so Komala seems to be a good one. I'd honestly go further and have Komala be the start with 2 evolutions and play off of Koalas are lazy and use the ability Truant and have it be similar to the Slaking line. Let's just have a big Koala bear who is lazy only attacks every other turn but is powerful when it hits.

Generation Eight: Falinks

A group of Roman soldiers I am still surprised that Falinks has never had an evolution or even had one in its debut games in Sword & Shield. I just feel the idea of an evolving Falinks in which as it evolves it grows more wise in battle. The evolution could show it becomming more battle hardened and maybe even adopting a second type to show an evolution in their tactics I think there's a lot of potential with Falinks which I hope is explored sooner rather than later.

Generation Nine: Scovillain
The latest generation is one where I do not think we will get much in terms of new evolutions but I would love Scovillain to get one. The villainous pepper with two heads is good but we are missing a yellow pepper. I think it would be fun that if you need a fire stone for Capsakid to Scovillain then if you give it an electric stone to get the third one and then you could have the type change to Fire/Electric as a sign the spiciness has ramped up. I think it would be a fun concept and make Scovillain a trio headed evil spice.

That covers each generation. For some it is harder than others and I think that's to be expected but I do still think that each generation has Pokémon that could do with some love be it new evolutions, convergent forms or regional forms so it will be interested to see if any of the above mentioned Pokémon end up getting any form of evolution in Generation 10 or past that. 


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