
Showing posts from November, 2023

Quick Thoughts: AEW Full Gear 2023

As what has been the final PPV for the AEW calander year up until this year Full Gear seems to be headlined by the idea of who is the person behind the devil mask or at least all surrounding it and the MJF and Jay White title match. Writing this the Friday beforehand my bet is either Adam Cole or Will Ospreay but a reveal like this at the top of the card needs to top act to fill the role of the person most likely to win the belt from MJF in my opinion. However, before we even get to that we have what is on paper a good night of action.  Zero Hour ROH World Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Jay Lethal (with Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt) Eddie Kingston being a world champion is great. A unique presence on the AEW roster and I wish he did more, give him all of the belts he deserves them. Jay Lethal is a fine wrestler but I have no interest in seeing him so was expecting a by the numbers title defence with God know about 500 interference spots in it. Intere

Does Like a Dragon Gaiden Set Up A New Spin Off Game?

Spoilers for Like a Dragon Gaiden Having just finished Like a Dragon Giaden I am now ready for Like a Dragon 8, a big story and conclusion and new beginning for the series. However, before then we needed to be filled in with the story of Kiryu up to the point where he will meet Ichiban in Hawaii. Like a Dragon Gaiden is a smaller story in hours but is still a real fun story. One character I found myself really enjoying was Kosei Shishido. He is crazy like Majima and strong like Saejima and I was very glad how his story played out. While he starts as just a strong brute we see his plan play out over time and combining him with Homare Nishitani III you get two very interesting villains. In the end of the game Shishido isn't killed much to my delight as Yoshimura captures him and forces him to become a Daidoji agent alongside Nishitani. It got me thinking, they created all these new moves and gadgets for Kiryu in this game and will likely not be used in Like a Dragon 8 so will we see

Hopes and Expectations: Pokémon Generation Ten

The timing is good for me working on this as we have just have the announcement that the second half of the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet being announced for December it leaves February 27, 2024 otherwise known as Pokémon day without a big announcement. I think this is where we will get the first confirmation of Generation Ten. While I don't know what form this will take be it the next mainline game or a new legends spin off (which if it is Unova and the original dragon please) so I wanted to cover some hopes and expectations for the next mainline game.  Hopes: A Smooth Running Game Should be an expectation but you never know. While I did enjoy Scarlet you cannot lie it was full of performance issues and could do with a graphical upgrade. Gamefreak seem to rush these games out and if they want to keep the same release schedule they should hire more staff to work on the game but a stort for another time. I do hope they have learned from the reception of Scarlet & Violet to work o

What Pokémon Would I Give A New Evolution To From Each Generation

I saw a tweet talking about what Pokémon from each generation you would give an evolution to and I thought might as well do it myself. It is just as simple as that but with a few restrictions for myself. I wanted to not have branching evolutions so no new evolution for the likes of Poliwhirl or Slowpoke for example and no legendary or mythical Pokémon. With that being said here is my top pick from each generation which considering that generation 9 gave us an evolution for Primeape it feels like it could be any Pokémon. Generation One: Dewgong I had a few options with Arbok, Dodrio, Seaking or finally getting that Jynx finally getting its eveolution to match up with Magmar or Electabuzz but I went with Dewgong. I have to be honest, I don't really care for Dewgong it's not on my list of favourite Pokémon and I feel the design is very plain at least for me. While I would love Jynx to get its evolution to match up to its original trio I think the controversy in its design history