Quick Thoughts: AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door

In an event three years in the making All Elite Wrestling (AEW) and New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) combine for a mega event under a phrase Hiroshi Tanahashi once coined in 'Forbidden Door' which referred to previous frosty relations between the two companies due to The Elite leaving NJPW in order to begin AEW and the animosity caused by others following suit. They say time heals all wounds and we seems to have made it to the event many fans hoped we would get and with 15,000+ in attendance this was set up to be not only a huge event but that of a historical event. Just a heads up on a writing perspective I am writing this after the event has taken place as I cannot watch this live. More then likely I will have seen the results of the show before writing which while not bothering me fully it may mean a change in how I view matches and may be reflected in my writing. 

The Buy-In

The Factory (QT Marshall and Aaron Solo) vs. Bishamon (Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi)
Two guys being dudes may not have got the dream match against Shawn Spears and Wardlow they nevertheless made the card. This was a perfectly fine opener from four solid but not spectacular workers. Realistically you want a match like this first as if you put something on that will make the crowd become unglued they may run out of voice later so a good but standard tag match was the right way to open this I feel. A good worked match with the right winners in my opinion and nice to see all involved got a good reception from the crowd.   

Lance Archer vs. Nick Comoroto
Ahead of his adventure to Japan for the G1 climax it was good to get Lance Archer on the card he very much is someone they works both companies with a continued association with Suzuki-Gun always coming in handy for storylines. This felt like a match to show what Archer can do against bigger men and in a block for the G1 with JONAH, Jeff Cobb & Bad Luck Fale it is a smart idea. A showcase for Archer's strength and speed, a late addition to the card but a very smart one. Another sold match.

Swerve in our Glory (Swerve Strickland and Keith Lee) vs. Suzuki-Gun (El Desperado and Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
So this match was clearly set up for Keith Lee to throw Suzuki-Gun all over the ring. While these spots were in the match I felt the change to chops down Keith Lee by two junior heavyweights created a great story for the match. All four men are great and I felt they had great chemistry and shows how good and unique this inter promotional matches I never would've thought Kanemaru and Keith Lee would be a great combination in the ring. If the main card wasn't so stacked I would've said this should be on the main card I loved it this much, showed Swerve in our Glory is somewhat on the same page and we will see their split down the line. Always great to see El Desperado as well someone I feel never gets the love he should.

Gunn Club (Billy, Austin, and Colten Gunn) and Max Caster (with Anthony Bowens) vs. Yuya Uemura, Alex Coughlin, The DKC, and Kevin Knight
If you had told me in January this year one of my favourite acts in wrestling as a whole would be the Gunn Club I would have called you a liar and well you heard the pop for them they are so over. It is amazing how well they and The Acclaimed work and on top of that they have become a good midcard heel tag team and I think this act should appear in both AEW & whatever ROH comes back as. It is good to see Uemura as I haven't seen a lot since his excursion began while Coughlin I have always enjoyed his work in DPW. Following their brief run on AEW Dark the other month I really felt Kevin Knight could be the standout a strong gimmick or feud is needed post excursion for sure with him but the star potential and The DKC is someone I have no seen any of or at least with him having established offence. Bit weird to have Max Caster & Billy Gunn play the faces as the Ass Boys ran off to find Danhausen which I think will set up Billy Gunn liking The Acclaimed more than his own sons. Right team won just a bit of an odd set up for it still more Acclaimed and the Ass Boys on Dynamite please. 

The Main Show

Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara) and Minoru Suzuki (with Tay Conti) vs. Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, and Shota Umino
While I have the chance we have Sammy Guevara back with Jericho it is an admittance that his solo face run was botched and his character needs a revival and putting him back with Jericho while the smart move to build him back as a heel for the moment just find it both funny this admittance is made but also to not keep forcing him as a face. Nice to see Shota Umino working with association with the Blackpool Combat Club through with work with Moxley to make this team (and to finally have the Shoots & Yoots team) as someone described on twitter as 'the fun uncle watching the kids for the weekend' team. Being used as a devise to set up Blood & Guts with the winning team getting the man advantage I felt the winner was obvious as with matches in the mould of War Games the heels should always have the man advantage. But man what an opening match, above all else this felt like a showcase for Shota Umino and he looked so good and ready to return from excursion in my mind. All 6 men are great and this was the perfect opening match honestly I could re-watch this again and again I loved it that much and what a showcase this is for these companies working together, creating a match not possible in any other circumstances and you see how great it is. 

ROH & IWGP Heavyweight Tag Championship Winner Takes All: FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) (ROH) vs. United Empire (Great-O-Khan and Jeff Cobb) (IWGP) vs. Roppongi Vice (Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero)
Man FTR have been on a roll, not only could you say they are the tag team of the year but Dax Harwood is the wrestler of the year. I had them winning the IWGP Tag Titles from the start of this feud to add another notch on their belt (and immediately outdate all the 6 star FTR shirts for 7 star FTR shirts) but it also made sense for them to win the belts, New Japan doesn't have that much of a tag division really and having FTR for something like Tag League down the line would be a massive boost in my opinion. One of the negatives of watching after the fact is the Dax injury and return kinda gets spoilt it is still a great spot, no team better in the world for me at this moment than FTR and honestly Dax Harwood especially should be in the conversation for wrestler of the year.

AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match: Pac vs. Miro vs. Malakai Black vs. Clark Connors
The introduction of a new championship to AEW confused me. I didn't feel like this was a needed title to begin with but upon hearing this was something Discovery wanted as part of discussions post merger I think it makes sense, on the totem poll I can see this title being above where the TNT title is a below the world title just by the AEW representatives in this match. This also feels like the type of title that can have matches in New Japan, it's a title inspired by international competition if Wrestle Kingdom falls on a Wednesday it is the prefect title to have defended on the show. I wanted PAC to win so, I was delighted for him, from being the number 2 heel in the early days of Dynamite PAC deserves a title run and him being the first All-Atlantic makes it so much better, forever in the history books. Clark Connors much like Shota earlier has had a breakout performance here and is another guy benefiting from the New Japan side from the PPV (and the circumstances of being able to compete in this match) making the most of his opportunity. A superb match, the right winner for AEW and its title and the New Japan wrestler in the match has a breakout performance this match went as well on the night for both companies as it could and hey maybe we can get a defence of the All-Atlantic title in New Japan soon let's run Shingo & PAC again just in a different company in Japan please and thanks. 

The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) and El Phantasmo (with Hikuleo) vs. Dudes with Attitudes (Darby Allin, Sting) and Shingo Takagi
Remember when Sting signed a contact and we shouldn't expect him to be physical between the balcony dive at Revolution and now the stage dive here this man is a maniac and I love it. Lots to love about this match and the people in it especially the overdramatic back rake. I don't normally like no sell moments but man the Sting no selling the superkick was good especially since he went down right after, gotta show that fighting spirit. A fun match and somewhat of a break for the last two high action high stakes match and while not the greatest match it was a lot of fun, do we count Sting & Darby as part of LIJ now? I just hope we can get Darby vs. Hiromu at some point shame he couldn't make it. 

AEW Women's World Championship Match: Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm
Does anyone in wrestling have better PPV entrance gear than Thunder Rosa? Nobody looks like more of a star then her in the division when it comes to PPV gear. I do think that Women's division in AEW needs to focus fully on its better workers more and keep others on Dark while they get better but between these two and Mercedes & Serena's story developing for the next Ring of Honor PPV its a good step (have Jamie Hayter break away from Britt and get Shida & Riho back then we are flying). As good as a women's match you'd get in the circumstances especially with not being able to use anyone from STARDOM due to the PPV happening today. Thunder is now heading to Tokyo Joshi Pro to face Miyu Yamashita in July and that is a match I'm really looking forward to and on top of that Miyu Yamashita is someone AEW should bring in as much as possible I want to see Miyu face the likes of Rosa, Riho, Shida, Hayter & Storm in AEW that would boost the division so much. 

IWGP United States Championship Match: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Orange Cassidy
People said this match would suck and tweeted all about it. I think these people shouldn't be allowed to publicly voice wrestling opinions, what do you think would happen when one of the best wrestlers in the world takes on arguably the most unique wrestler in the world, you get a great match. We begin with Orange mocking Osperay but also matching his speed and athleticism in his own unique way and builds from there. Orange is such a good face, someone that probably won't be a world champion but will be remember as one of the most loved wrestler in AEW a cult hero as it was (give him a TNT title reign down the line at some point though please, also a match against Toru Yano). I loved the camera smash, the fact it took the camera out of focus was great, the multiple moonsaults missed into running shooting star sequence up to the Beach Break was simply phenomenal and I will always be confused when people doubt how good both these men are. Great match building to the crescendo of an ending as good as I expected it to be. But then the post match, everytime I hear Shibata's theme I tear up man his story his return makes me emotional, I was not expecting to hear he was at the show and getting physical again, are we getting Shibata vs. Osperay? Good God could you imagine always good to see Shibata healthy God bless that man. 

Zack Sabre Jr vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Man what a pop for Claudio, he deserves the love a great in ring talent and maybe somehow one of the best and underrated at the same time. Good lord that pop was loud wish I didn't wear headphones. This is such a fun clash of styles Claudio is so strong that Sabre can maneuverer all around Claudio and then Claudio can counter with a strong move or lifting him showing his strength a great combination with two wrestlers who's clash of styles helped create a great match. While I really wanted to see ZSJ vs. Danielson (which I'm sure we will get down the line) this was a more then great replacement and wasn't the same type of match so it shouldn't be something which would be compared to what we might've got. A great debut match and showcase for Claudio for people who forgot what he can do, Eddie gets another person he hates replacing a person he hates in Blood and Guts and we can get ZSJ vs. Danielson down the line hopefully at Wrestle Kingdom the best of a bad situation all around. 

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match: Jay White (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Adam Cole
I'm just gonna say it to open here for me Okada is the best wrestler in the world, nobody better just wanted to put that here the ace of all of professional wrestling. Also to note, Jay White is so good a wrestlers wrestler who wrestles like nobody else, might be a comparison not a lot of people like but he reminds me of Bret Hart the way he works, he is so good and again people tweeting his bad or he sucks are stupid stop making inaccurate points so you can get social media interaction. Big fan of nobody liking the Money Clip. Adam Cole got roughed up at some point injuries happen and its a shame and I hope he gets the time to recover from all injuries but even with the anticlimactic ending I felt it was a good match until then just a shame on the ending and I am glad that Jay White retained I felt he was doing to drop it back to Okada so that the belt had changing at this event on its history (and the first World Heavyweight Championship change out of Japan) so I was happy White retained hopefully it opens up the field for the G1 and it isn't just another Okada win, give me Jay White vs. Osperay at Wrestle Kingdom that would be something different. 

Interim AEW World Championship Match: Jon Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi 
In a case of making the best of a bad situation the man who embodies the forbidden door more than anyone else in Jon Moxley finally takes on the man who coined the phrase forbidden door Hiroshi Tanahashi after many false starts in their feud. Between facing KENTA, Nagata, Suzuki & Kojima all in AEW it feels that Moxley really is in the spot he should be on this card. I felt this was as good as can be expected from Tanahashi in 2022 a man with bad knees who somehow can defy expectations of his body to still be a solid wrestler, it's not the fast paced style people expect from AEW but was a solid war of attrition from two pros. Right man won Moxley deserves to be world champion (it counts to me) and a fitting part to the story of a man conquering his demons to become the best in AEW. Seeing Mox at the top of his game makes me astonished how WWE didn't see how good he was he could've been the guy. With how quickly Blood and Guts is coming around the ending was more of a Dynamite ending then a PPV ending but I loved Eddie refusing to share a ring with Claudio when Eddie hates a man nothing stops that. A weird ending but I guess I can understand why they done it. 

All in all I really enjoyed this PPV, I always thought that even with the injuries and not the greatest build this was still a great PPV and maybe one of the best shows in 2022. Above all else this shows the power of people and companies working together get to see matches you wouldn't expect due to contracts we get here the true power of collaboration. I look forward to next years Forbidden Door should it be an annual thing and who knows if chanting and cheering is allowed in Japan we may even see it in a full capacity Tokyo Dome but I guess we will have to wait and see.  


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