Where do Arsenal go now?

Can I be honest with you? I don't really want to write this. Maybe it's because of the involvement for the Super League or Kronke bleeding the club dry of its identity or just years of draining the care I have but I just do not care for Arsenal anymore. 

For the record I started writing this just as I finished writing the post on Yakuza and how I love that because it gets me to care and went into typing this to the opposite a soulless team that through its actions on and off the pitch has stopped getting me to care. 

Arsenal have just given a soulless performance and got knockout of the Europa League semi-final to Villareal because they couldn't score at home. A few years ago I wouldn't be gutted, crushed and not wanting to speak to anyone. Today? I was joking my brother would be throwing a strop over it while I just didn't have the want to care. So here we stand for the first time in 25 years I believe Arsenal will not be in a European competition. I want to look at where they do from now. It's weird I'm looking at this more as an unbiased commentator on the team rather then the club I love. It's almost somewhat sad to say the club I love feels gone and I'm just left looking at the soulless husk of it.

I imagine a lot of other fans feel like this just what's the point in caring for the club. I sit here thinking would a takeover from Daniel Ek even help? I don't know on that matter maybe because he is a fan of the club he'd care more instead of just the money coming in. The Kronke's have said they don't care for trophies so to be honest and pardon my French but fuck them. They don't get football they just want the money and as a result the club will fail.

This season has been coming for a number of years due to the ownership of the club the main thing is now for the fans to pressure them into actually investing now but without European football I dunno what they do. I am just going to say here no Arteta won't be sacked there's no point in commenting on that happening. Who'd even want this job? I'm not defending Arteta his decisions in tactics and subs have been abhorrent in the last several weeks (who decides to play a false 9 for the first time with the team in the away leg of a European semi-final absolute comical decision making). The Arsenal board believe in a project and maybe that needs a step back for 2 forward I don't know. I think the constant sacking of managers and hiring them in an 18 months circle doesn't help. Maybe Arteta looks at this season in the post-season and sees where he went wrong. It's his first full season as a manager so I imagine it's a lot of learning on the go and maybe he comes back better next year but if he doesn't yeah send him out the door but all those thinking it will happen now shouldn't get there hopes up for a manager sacking (although I'm happy to be proved wrong).

Maybe you invest in youth you build the team from scratch Arsenal have good talent in Saka, Smith-Rowe, Martinelli and Balogun looks a good prospect. Gabriel has look shaky but has potential (I think he may have an issue with the language barrier at the moment as he looks a lot better with Luiz over Holding) and the likes of Saliba to come back a new younger core is needed. Hey look maybe it's time to start again the likes of Martinelli over Willian and a look into the market at young dynamic players to build a team around and not who Chelsea are looking to bin off. Anyway see you in July for #WelcomeJorginho.

Hey look, maybe a year of no Europe won't be the worst. No large travelling time and less games they can focus on the league and maybe the FA Cup cool whatever but if Arsenal do not learn from the failure of the last 5 years it will be doomed to continue. 

Looking at this rant it struck me I never use we in this to refer to Arsenal and myself. Just once for a collective of everyone seeing no Arsenal in a European competition. My care is gone, my passion for the club is gone and the sad thing is this game wasn't even the tipping point, it's been gone for a good while and I wonder if it will ever come back.

Next season Arsenal need a miracle. In a takeover, in a good (probably lucky) transfer market or just luck on the pitch but to be honest I just don't see it. Maybe I can come back to this in a year in a more positive light but don't hold out your hopes.



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