Favourite Pokémon: Top Six Grass Starter Final Evolutions

Pokémon as a series gives so much content in which I can do these lists for. So many Pokémon can be compared on certain characteristics and typing alone that it really opens up the floodgates for me to make posts like this. Nowhere is it easier to compare Pokémon for me then the final evolutions of each respective starter type. Starting with Grass as it was my least favourite type and working to Fire with Water in the middle I will look at what I regard as the top six Grass starters. Much like the Mythical Pokémon list I will not be including any honourable mentions as with there being six on the list and eight generations total you can guess that I the other two will be there. So with that all out of the way the list is as follows

Number Six: Torterra
Kicking off with generation fours grass turtle with the tree on its back in Torterra. The design is mostly a basic design I like the tree on his back it helps make this design memorable. However, if not for this I would struggle to remember Torterra. While the grass turtle has a good concept I feel its design to be pretty basic.

Number Five: Chesnaught
In at number five is Chesnaught. While another forgettable grass starter I look at it in more fondness then Torterra. It might be the design of it reminds me some what of Juggernaut (the name as well) that has it at number five for me. While still a weak design it gets a little bit more attention then Torterra.

Number Four: Venusaur
At number four we move onto designs I have more favour for. The big plant boy Venusaur was the first Grass starter final evolution so didn't have anything to compare it to on its debut. I like the evolution of the plant on its back. The simple design and growth really helps with Venusaur. I have to feel sorry for it in all fairness. With such memorable competition Venusaur gets overshadowed when it comes to Gen 1 starters but still should be seen as a solid design.

Number Three: Sceptile
In at number three is the Grass starter from generation three. Sceptile as a design always intrigued me. The two sharp leaves on each wrist are a nice small addition. I was always intrigued by the two rows of seeds I like how it explains it raises these as trees in a forest, it's another small addition adding to the design. Sceptile is made up of really neat small additions to a design that end up making a good design.

Number Two: Rillaboom
At number two we have the Gorilla drummer from generation eight. On side note I wish they made more Gorilla Pokémon I love them as animals. Generation 8 ran good gimmicks on its starters made them memorable. The whole design reminds me of an old Dairy Milk advert from nearly a decade ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La7B8mBnTXs). While the drum can take away from the design as it becomes the main part of the design I still really like the overall design and idea which in a weak selection it makes it one of the strongest.

Number One: Decidueye
The arrow quill Pokémon take the top spot on this list. Between a rarely used typing only in three other Pokémon lines it was also a very interesting design. It's like if Robin Hood was an owl which as a concept in itself is enough to get you hooked in. The signature move of Sinister Arrow Raid helps add to this I love the image of Decidueye summoning a large arsenal of arrows to hit his opponent. This Pokémon really nails the gimmick that it's set out for and makes it's way to the top of my favourite grass starters.

This list was difficult to make to say the least. I find it hard to say things about what I like for a lot of these. I find the Grass starters the weakest in pretty much all generations and normally its by far so they aren't Pokémon I would normally use or look into in more depth. Next up will be the Water starters which I have more favour for so this should be more of an easy time.


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