What Changes Would I Make to New Japan Pro Wrestling

 New Japan Pro Wresting is in a transitional period. Gone is the peak of the 2010s and the Okada and Tanahashi feud, the rise of Los Ingobenarbles De Japon (L.I.J) and the various other peaks we are now in a state of flux. The old guard are even older, top stars have left in Okada, Will Ospreay and Jay White and with Naito looking closer and closer to retirement New Japan needs to change and evolve with its young roster to pick back up a bit of momentum. 

I’d love to sit here today and say the way to change New Japan back to its peak to get rid of the likes of EVIL and David Finlay and replace them with the likes of Kaito Kiyomiya and Luke Jacobs but that is an unlikely thing to happen. I wanted to outline some key changes I’d like look at implementing with the current roster which I feel would help reestablish New Japan as a force in the pro wrestling world despite really being the third biggest company in the world right now. 

House of Torture
First things first probably one of the more hated parts of the roster at least to western audiences in House of Torture. Between every match ending with a host of interference and it always feels like the wrestlers once join the stable they got worse. The likes of EVIL, SHO and Ren Narita seem to have worse matches since joining or founding the stable and I feel House of Torture match structure creates that issue. Maybe we will see a better EVIL and especially a better Ren in the G1 but I write this before the tournament starts and write it in hope. So what do you do? The stable won’t be disbanded as long as it moves merch which I am of the understanding it does at least in Japan so I think you have to change the philosophy of match structure. I’d have them be more violent, not interfering but a more physical tougher and rougher style. Have them batter their opponents and keep the outside inference to a minimum so when it happens it means more. I think it makes them a violent threat to whoever they face and instead of building around let’s wait 10 minutes and then have six lots of outside interference we build around the face that they are killers in the ring and should be feared.

Change in Stables
One of the main things that New Japan has is factions. Wrestlers are either in a faction or part of the home face team Hontai. I do feel however there’s at least 2 stables that have run their course and should be disbanded. First of all and the obvious one is CHAOS. With Okada leaving I don’t really know who’s left for CHAOS. We have Goto, Yoshi-Hashi, Ishii and Yano for sure and then I think Rocky Romero but that’s about it and if I am honest I would move all of them to Hontai. They can still team there and we have no real stories to tell with CHAOS anymore as a stable plus with no real main event leader or a team of big threats I think it’s time to retire the name of one of New Japan’s biggest groups of the 2010s.

The other one I think is done is Just 5 Guys. The excitement with Sanada as a top guy failed, partially due to Sanada not connecting and the other because he faced no real big challengers and champion so I don’t really see a stable around him being needed. I understood the need post Suzuki-Gun but now it feels unneeded. Uemura’s reason for joining to get singles matches with the group has been dropped, Taichi isn’t in the G1, Douki celebrated his title win by himself and Taka is basically semi retired now it feels the stable is only a stable for when they need a team in world tag league and that feels pointless. Honestly, if we are starting a new era and generation I’d disband them and have a new stable with a Uemura in the lead. Let’s get behind a new guy with a big push and group looking to fill the hole left from removing CHAOS and Just 5 Guys.

Reestablish/Establish Importance of Titles
Next up is the titles of New Japan. While I don't have an issue with the amount of titles I do think the importance of them is lost slightly with al lthe switchover and creation of new ones in the last few years and I think you can see that especially with the amount of times the IWGP Tag and NJPW Strong Tag Belts have been in winner take all matches and split to just then be linked back up. I think clear divisions need to be set up. the strong titles should be mainly for talents on the American shows (link up with CMLL & AEW to add depth if needed) to set up a clear divide. I've always said New Japan should be trying to get FTR to hold the New Japan Strong Belts which I think they'd be open to as it would take a big team in America and give them their American based belts. I would also utilize the face the Strong titles are Openweight I find them the perfect belts for doing some dream team ups between heavyweights and junior heavyweights it would also create a unique environment where all tag titles have their own rules on who can compete and are used to create unique matches for all of them. 

The other belt I want to touch on is the Global Championship. It's been six months and honestly they haven't really established this belt to mean anything. David Finlay now in his second reign has defended the belt once and I had to check who that was against it really doesn't feel like a title being defined as New Japan's second biggest title. Maybe it hasn't found the man to make the belt like the Intercontinental title had Nakamura and Naito to really elevate it or the United States title had Kenny's big reign to begin with the Global title changed hands on the first defence and then Nic Nemeth only had one defence before losing back to Finlay. Maybe a big feud is needed or just some defences to set up Finlay. Maybe if they are wanting to fully push Finlay they can do it by having him win and defend the title a bunch as they seem hesitant on fully committing to either so could kill two birds with one stone. Personally, I think whoever wins the New Japan Cup should seek to challenge for it much like Nakamura used the New Japan Cup to fight for the Intercontinental title really show it is a title worth fighting for. 

Proper Use of the LA Dojo
Now while I understand that the LA Dojo has changed since its initial creation. It is no longer an American version of their traditional dojo system into one that is more in line with an American wrestling school so it has the ability to learn how to wrestle in the beginners classes, or learn the intricacies and psychology of wrestling if they’ve already been trained in the more advanced class. However, the LA Dojo was renamed to the NJPW Academy as part of this and I have to ask what is the pathway to academy sign up to New Japan roster member? Take for example football (the English one) and the fact that academies will have hundreds and for those they believe in they will set up pathways for the first team be it game time in cup competitions or loan moves to teams further down the football pyramid which is really feels the NJPW Academy doesn't offer. 

For me I'd take a few trainees you see something in and at least give them a bit more to do on the American shows minimum. You have Matt Vandagriff who seems to be a guy they have some interest in doing these 'Strong Survivor' matches where he beats another trainee on a pre-show and then isn't booked for another month. I would honestly drop this give him 'Strong Survivor' as his nickname and title and book him to win some matches on the main show agaisnt maybe some other indy talent maybe a few Japan mainstays and build him now until next year where you have him in Best of the Super Juniors. That way you have shown the pathway from pre-show throwaway match with a title that really isn't worth the paper the match card is printed on all the way to featured in the biggest Junior Heavyweight tournament in the world. It is a simple progression system that would at least make people interested seeing what can be a pay off for their work. 

Maximise the Benefits of the AEW Partnership
One thing right away at New Japans dispoasal I'd look at changing right away is how they use their partnership with All Elite Wrestling (AEW). What has mainly happened for New Japan is they will get a not so major name in terms of being one of the top guys for the G1 Climax, maybe someone for World Tag League with and maybe someone big for Wrestle Kingdom depending on the date but outside of that nobody really shows up the rest of the year. 

AEW has a big roster, huge and not everyone can be booked in a feud or story we saw earlier in the year Jack Perry joining House of Torture for a little run so why not look to do it more. A team like Private Party I think could benefit from the exposure or maybe someone like Kip Sabian, Nick Comoroto or Lee Johnson looking for something that really clicks for their career. Now I know the people I listed aren't all the biggest names in the world but I do think New Japan runs a risk of a lot of repeat matches and at least have a strwam of different talent from your partner promotions to bring in for a solid few months of work I feel would be of benefit to both. While not the main subject I'd also extend this to the women's roster and STARDOM maximise your partnership to give you roster depth and maybe if you're lucky AEW pays them and you get a free talent to use pretty much. 

I would also look to use links with Revolution Pro as I feel a lot of those who are regulars for Revolution Pro would jump at the chance of a run in Japan. I feel a team like The Young Guns would be a good shot for World Tag League. It would also give them a chance to see who can get over in Japan and be of use going forward while also filling some roster depth on wrestlers who won't have as big of a booking fee as former WWE talents. 

Sink of Swim Booking
My final thoughts which is something I think will be happening as soon as this week is that New Japan need to start being brave in what they do. I just feel that this year especially even with the big talents leaving that everything just feels cautious and not looking to really launch someone as the next ace. Maybe this was because they felt they could hold for a year with Naito before picking the next ace or they just were unsure and not wanting to elect the wrong person as ace. 

I also think those on excursion when they come back should be built to have big runs. I imagine that Ryohei Oiwa will be back soon sometime between now and WrestleKingdom whereas Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima I think may be back for Tag League 2025 and with these being the next lot to return you'd expect New Japan to continue its establishment of a new generation with some big moves and honestly I'd have Oskar & Yuto win tag league and then the betls in 2025/26. I do also wonder if the continued use of Young Lions not having an excursion will continue. We've seen Kosei Fujita not go on excursion and be in best of the super juniors and now Boltin Oleg being a two time 6 man tag champion and now in the G1 (where I expect him to have new gear and theme like Fujita) it seems this is a new way of developing talent. I could see someone like Shoma Kato to remain in New Japan if all goes well seeing as time was invested in him with The Spirit reality TV show but we will see.

All in all I think everything raised here is doable. New Japan enters a big peroid of transition to bring itself back up from a slump and it makes sense to apply some sense and attention to the product as a whole to make it so much stronger top to bottom. I hope my thinking at least allings with those in the booking team as above all else a stronger New Japan product makes for a better world for wrestling. 


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