Tekken 8 Story Mode: Thoughts and Future Speculation

With the dust settling and fists meeting fate the story mode for Tekken 8 has given us the conclusion to the feud between the two main protagonists (and sometime antagonists) of the series in Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima and it feels like Tekken 9 will usher in a new era for the story of these games. I wanted to take some time like with Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth to go over my thoughts on this instalment and my hopes for the ninth entry in the series.

I will say this however, I would be perfectly fine with another Tekken Tag Tournament next instead of Tekken 9. I feel that 9 will have such a shift when it comes to story and characters it may be best for the team and series director Katsuhiro Harada to give themselves some breathing room and thinking time to work over the plot and where to take their world. Plus it would be a nice time to test some things. I’d bring everyone from 7 onwards back including DLC characters. See who people like, who they team with each other and use it as an idea for where to look next. If you wanted another everyone is here game like Tekken Tag Tournament 2 I wouldn’t argue against it but I feel with where the series currently is heading some time to test out what works is for the best.

Let's start with what we have coming from the Tekken 8 story. I found myself enjoying this games story more than I did with Tekken 7 just on the basis it felt there was more to this one with more of the cast being included in the story. This isn't to take away from Tekken 7 which told a more personal story between Kazuya and Heihachi leading to their final battle. A nice story which needed to be told but I wonder if this had a major effect on the popularity of the new additions to Tekken 7 with Claudio, Leroy & Shaheen making the base roster (and only Claudio does something significant in the story). While I'd like to see Kunimitsu II back (and I'll reference why later) but it seems the likes of Gigas, Katarina & Josie didn't get enough fanfare to come back. Contrast that to the Tekken 8 story which features major roles for new characters in Reina and Victor getting a lot of screen time (even Azucena gets a few scenes). I just think that chance at screen time where it is focused on the characters of the fighting helps establish these new characters over those dropped from 7, we will see with the DLC and if they have any additional story DLC with extra character. 

I am glad they do not wash over the multitude of war crimes that Jin Kazama has committed in this war. I remain that for Jin at least Tekken 6 is a creative misstep and one that it is very hard to redeem Jin from which the game tries to but I think does still fall short based on his actions in Tekken 6. I just don't see how you can fully babyface Jin again. Jin also ends the game as an angel (which is funny that this is the first canon appearance of Angel all be it slightly different) I dunno I get why he did but I don't think a man with that much blood on his hands can be an angel. It speaks to me that Miguel a character with a deep personal story against Jin is missing from this game largely because as said Jin has to be the good guy in this with nobody really calling out his war crimes just that he can't take all the burden on. I dunno maybe it's something we will see going forward the reason Jin committed those acts is done but the damage he caused still remain.

Now onward to Tekken 9. I think we have a small idea of who are major players will be but to what end remains a mystery. I do like that leaves a lot of speculation in the air and part of the reason I'd go Tekken Tag Tournament 3 make sure you have the story exactly how you want and allow the breathing space to get a good agreement in the team. Anyway, let's start with Reina the new devil showing that power will never truly leave the Tekken world. But for me it is interesting to see what she wants. Her story in 8 was to see how to unlock the Devil Gene in her. That raises questions as Tekken 7 confirmed Heihachi did not have the Devil Gene so it leaves a big question on who her mother is and how she posseses that power. Personally I like the idea of Kunimitsu II being her sister and making the original Kunimitsu her mother. How that gives her the Devil Gene I dunno but the idea of adding more into the Mishima/Kazama family tree is always fun. Kunimitsu & Reina are both students at Mishima Polytechnical School and many thought Reina was Kunimitsu when she was first revealed. I'd do it let's have a bit of fun with the family tree plus it may give Yoshimitsu some story relevance. 

Speaking on the family tree maybe it's time to flesh out the Kazama's. We finally got Asuka & Jin sharing the screen and an acknowledgement they are releated just not sure how. Maybe we will see the Kazama's get another member join the roster or at least some expanded story on the family as a whole. It feels that we have largely finished with the Mishima family tree and know all the backstory we need and sure you could introduce another child of Heihachi but to do so would be treading ground which we have just done in 2 of the last 3 games. While I wouldn't be completely against it as mentioned above I do think time would be better spent elsewhere in the story. 

That about covers my thought I felt this was a nice conclusion that left doors open for Kazuya and Jin. We may be leading upto the two of them and Jun teaming up and facing off against whatever Reina is planning. It would be nice for a change in direction with both being the good guys working together and it would feel fresh and give the story new life. However, let's first see how the DLC characters are used and if we get more story for Tekken 8. 


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