
Showing posts from January, 2023

Could The Batman Mythos Creative A Cinematic Universe On Its Own?

The balance of power at DC has changed. James Gunn & Peter Safran are the co-Chairmen and co-CEO's for DC and their film efforts. What came next was a strong reboot of all, we saw cancellation of film and actor contract before a big announcement at some point soon for how this cinematic universe (or is it now a multiverse with how the MCU is moving). One thing we know that hasn't been cancelled is that of The Batman 2. Matt Reeves directed a great film and it got me thinking, with a reboot of DC as a whole will everything be moved into that Batman universe or will Batman be on his own. On the later as per the post title I was wondering does Batman have enough to sustain a cinematic universe in his own mythos and will look how to break that down now. I am not basing this in Matt Reeve's film and tv series which is why I won't mention any large film ideas but just characters and as such this is something that would take a good while to develop all the characters you c