Supercard of Honor 2022: Honour Lives Again

April 1st was a pivotal day for wrestling. It seems big events that change the landscape happen more regularly now thanks to the emergence of AEW as well as New Japans expansion into America against a stagnant WWE product. While I won't go over the show blow by blow I thought it would be nice to give an overall summery of the event. 

It feels good to see ROH back more than anything. A company with a 20 year history deeply routed literally everywhere in wrestling from the current AEW Champion Adam Page to the main who will (technically) main event Wrestlemania in Kevin Owens it's a company that's impact is fully felt so to keep it going is a benefit to all. 

I do think the overall look of the show is not finalised I think it depends on what happens with the product going forward and then that can be figured out in time. Same goes for the roster, I think steps were made to show ROH as a place for younger wrestlers in the majority with some hands not being used on main AEW programming to be used there as well. The likes of Brian Cage, Jay Lethal, Tony Nese & Matt Sydal should be key hands for the show and Wheeler Yuta, Lee Moriarty & the Gates of Agony being guys to be built up and get more experience on TV wrestling. I do hope that others like Blake Christian and Eli Isom are still used going forward as they are good prospects for ROH and AEW going forward. 

All in all this is probably the first positive step for ROH since The Elite left. We can discuss everything that happened but ROH never recovered and never built anyone else up to replace the exodus of talent as they had done all the times before when WWE raided them. This felt like ROH not a company that was a shadow of its former self but one with a bright future. I do think the roster needs a few more out and out ROH guys for the roster so it's not just all AEW guys in a different venue (which I'd love to see The WorkHorsemen and Kevin Blackwood in ROH) but that something that can be figured out once it is fully established what ROH will be on a consistent basis. But this was a positive night for the ROH history books and between the optimism of the overall show and purchase and a simply phenomenal tag team match between FTR and The Briscoes I think that ROH is gonna be a focal point on the American wrestling scene for a good while. 


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