
Showing posts from April, 2022

NXT 2.0: Short Term Pain For Long Term Gain or A Disaster Waiting to Happen?

Feels that whenever I talk about wrestling I end up starting with the statement of how AEW changed the wrestling business. While this is normally in a positive light one promotion which it had a negative impact would be NXT. From AEW's inception they were placed as WWE main line of attack a simple goal was established in take as many viewers from AEW and drive them off TV. Almost 3 years later and one company was driven off of Wednesday's and it wasn't AEW. With the hammering week in week out NXT first moved to Tuesday and as talent left/got released and ended up with AEW a change happened and as such NXT was in a sense rebooted into NXT 2.0. Done was the black and gold and the skulls and in their place was as many colours as possible which ended up giving me a headache when I tried to watch it. But I'm not here to discuss the overall product but the idea of changing it.  NXT in its original format as a developmental didn't make sense. They were signing the best tal

Supercard of Honor 2022: Honour Lives Again

April 1st was a pivotal day for wrestling. It seems big events that change the landscape happen more regularly now thanks to the emergence of AEW as well as New Japans expansion into America against a stagnant WWE product. While I won't go over the show blow by blow I thought it would be nice to give an overall summery of the event.  It feels good to see ROH back more than anything. A company with a 20 year history deeply routed literally everywhere in wrestling from the current AEW Champion Adam Page to the main who will (technically) main event Wrestlemania in Kevin Owens it's a company that's impact is fully felt so to keep it going is a benefit to all.  I do think the overall look of the show is not finalised I think it depends on what happens with the product going forward and then that can be figured out in time. Same goes for the roster, I think steps were made to show ROH as a place for younger wrestlers in the majority with some hands not being used on main AEW pro