Pokémon in Need of Regional Forms

Over the past few generations of Pokémon the regional variants of classic Pokémon has proven to be a series highlight. Breathing new life into classic designs with a new spin or typing and even doing further to add new evolutions really helps keep things fresh. In a game series with 898 unique Pokémon it stands to reason to refresh older designs to add to that regions choice. That being said I do wonder if we will see these forms would be introduced to the generation 4 remakes likely to come out this year or if this will wait until Generation 9. We did see with the Generation 3 remakes that mega evolutions were added and seeing how regional variants were not a thing then we can't use this as a basis we won't see this implemented here. Regardless, much like others I have Pokémon I'd like to see get this treatment. Either to add regional variants or for some a new evolution would do I've picked out a few of the Pokémon I'd like to see get this treatment the most as and when the next batch of regional variants come around. As a quick side note I am not sure if it will become a gimmick but you won't see me mention Meowth here. While all new regional form line ups have seen Meowth it's not something I overly care about and want to focus on Pokémon who haven't received this treatment as of yet. 

Starting with a Pokémon that has had no shortage of controversy attached to it it feels this would never happen. Jynx felt like for the first two generations to be part of a trio with Magmar and Electabuzz with each one learning their unique elemental punch and getting a pre-evolution in generation two but understandably due to the controversies in the initial design of Jynx all support for the character went away. However, if they were to look to bring back Jynx and evolve her to complete the trio. However, this is one of those instances where if Pokémon wanted to go back to committing to using Jynx that I'd love to see the evolutions she would've got in Generation 4 come to life. 

Pinsir & Heracross 
I have to put these two together as I feel that you can do one without the other and no doubt they would be version exclusives. With the removal of mega evolutions these two fan favourites have seen a downgrade in their usage which is a shame as I really like both of these designs. It also doesn't help that the Bug type is a weak type overall and while it's getting better the typing still lags behind as a real strong typing. I could even see an instance where they have types that are weak to each other to make them useable. Failing that give them a duel type with bug which could open their move pool more, it'd be cool if say Pinsir was fire and bug type just as an example. I'd love for these two to get evolutions with this as well I just want these to become more viable to use and I'm sure many more people would use them. 

Wooper & Quagsire 
I love the Quagsire line and honestly wish it got more love. The issue is it's never a Pokémon I consider using fully (I imagine that will change if a Let's Go Johto comes out). This is one where I can't really think of what I would change but feel like something should be done for Quagsire whether it be a change in one type and a new evolution or to overhaul it's typing for something new. I feel that the whole line is a blank slate where they can do anything with Wooper & Quagsire and you never know maybe Wooper can finally get some arms.   

The Flygon Line
The one who missed out on a mega evolutions due to creative block, the one who people thought was a pseudo legendary but wasn't I just feel Flygon deserves something. It has a great initial design but I feel that Trapinch and Vibrava could use some work to be better. I don't know what to do in terms of Flygon but I just feel that as a fan favourite Pokémon the Flygon line deserves something. Maybe a change to the Ground type so we get a unique typing would be something nice for a Pokémon that has missed out on so much but deserves so much more. 

If not for anything else the addition to add a secondary typing of normal to Heliolisk confuses me. In the generation of the weird duel normal typing with the Pyroar line as well it's something I'd love to change most likely to Electric and Fire type. It is also one of those Pokémon that I think would benefit from an evolution but I wouldn't mind either way, the main thing with Heliolisk is that it gets a more viable second typing to at least make it a usable final evolution.

Regardless if these happen in this gen, the next or never the idea of regional variants will hopefully continue to be a mainstay in Pokémon for years to come. I await any information this month or the next in relation to the next game in the main series of titles but until then all we can do is speculate on who will be the next Pokémon that gets a regional variant. 


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