
Showing posts from February, 2021

WWE: The Fiend and What I Feel Isn't Clicking

I should preface this by saying I do enjoy some of The Fiend's work I think it's an interesting gimmick. The idea of this is to look at what is happening and why fans seem to be turning off the character as a whole. When Bray Wyatt came back as The Fiend WWE audiences were intrigued by the new character and what it would mean for Bray Wyatt who career is stagnated. After battering Finn Balor at SummerSlam 2019 the only logical step was to have him challenge for the Universal title held at the time by Seth Rollins. Well, one mismanaged Hell in a Cell match later and it felt like a sucker punch for the character. While he has had his ups and downs with 2 world title wins since the debut of the character it is safe to say that audience reaction has changed. Using the Wrestling Observer Newsletter (WON) award you can see The Fiend went from Best Gimmick in 2019 to Worst Gimmick in 2020. Now, I am not saying the WON awards are gospel but they can be seen as an indicator of fan senti

Pokémon in Need of Regional Forms

Over the past few generations of Pokémon the regional variants of classic Pokémon has proven to be a series highlight. Breathing new life into classic designs with a new spin or typing and even doing further to add new evolutions really helps keep things fresh. In a game series with 898 unique Pokémon it stands to reason to refresh older designs to add to that regions choice. That being said I do wonder if we will see these forms would be introduced to the generation 4 remakes likely to come out this year or if this will wait until Generation 9. We did see with the Generation 3 remakes that mega evolutions were added and seeing how regional variants were not a thing then we can't use this as a basis we won't see this implemented here. Regardless, much like others I have Pokémon I'd like to see get this treatment. Either to add regional variants or for some a new evolution would do I've picked out a few of the Pokémon I'd like to see get this treatment the most as an