Game Idea: Pokémon in need of Rivals

In terms of building a region new Pokémon are always one of the more interesting introductions. When it comes to generation eight one of the Pokémon I was most looking forward to was Sirfetch'd not just for finally giving Farfetch'd an evolution but helped my interest and like in Escavalier as it was explained how they were seen as rival Pokémon and how they were seen in the Galar region. I really liked this as it helped flesh out the species of two Pokémon and why they are seen as rivals and what that adds. I find this a good concept and one we should see more, we have a lot of examples such as Zangoose & Seviper, Heatmor & Durant, Reshiram & Zekrom and even more recently in Toxapex and Corsola (and how that evolves to include Cursola) and I think more Pokémon could do with rivals, here are some of the Pokémon I think could benefit from having a rival Pokémon. Where applicable I'll cover the typings and anything design related. 

Kicking things off with the fire starter for generation eight. Known as the striker Pokémon the perfect rival would be a Pokémon based on either a goalkeeper of defender. I'm leaning more to a Goalkeeper in this instance it's main attacks coming from its hands. I went with Goalkeeper as the main person stopping a Striker scoring is the Goalkeeper saving his shots. I'd have the Pokémon be a Rock type symbolizing the 'brick wall' you want your goalkeeper to be. 

Incineroar & Hawlucha 
I'm going to cover both Incineroar & Hawlucha cover some of the same ground. Both Pokémon are based on wrestlers they will follow the same basis of being wrestlers. I would love a Strong Style wrestler to join in with the more Sports Entertainment 'heel' wrestler Incineroar and the Lucha Libre of Hawlucha just to add to that but this is a different case for direct rivals for these existing Pokémon only. 

Starting with Incineroar the heel Pokémon the perfect rival is to build the 'face' Pokémon. Faces represent the term used in wrestling for the good guys with heels being that for bad guys. This Pokémon would be a Water/Psychic type we have the water over fire as good always triumphs over evil in the end but the psychic weak to dark as faces will full victim to a heels cheating tactics from time to time. 

For Hawlucha I was looking at a how to differ this from what we have done with Incineroar. Looking at Hawlucha his bright colour and mask reminds me of being on of the Técnicos (good guys) of Lucha Libre so we would be looking to create a character in the way of the Rudos (bad guys). Looking for a design I went for a Flying/Ghost type for a big of variety from Hawlucha's type and I went with the design of the Pentagón Jr. as I really like the design and think it would work in line with the design we want especially the skull face paint for the ghost typing, I will attach a link the the mask design below. (

The pseudo legendary of generation 2 remains one of my favourite Pokémon and that is echoed throughout the wider community for it's good design, stats, typing and likeness to Godzilla always helps. I think I've said multiple times on this blog but I want a pseudo legendary based on King Kong to combat him. Not only would this be cool to see Godzilla vs. King Kong in Pokémon form it will be a break from the pseudo legendaries being the dragon type. We have only had Tyranitar and Metagross as the only two of nine pseudo legendary Pokémon so would be a nice change of pace. 

These are the main ones I can think of but I can only imagine I could list a lot more but I think this is a good place to start. I do think that Pokémon could do with fleshing out how the Pokémon themselves react to each other. As you can see most of these came from the design inspirations behind them (I could've added Hitmonchan rival that's another boxer you get the point). I'd love for the ideas of having an idea of how wild Pokémon interact and how they is reflected in their Pokedex entries much like Sirfetch'd has done as this can help breathe life and interest into Pokémon that people may not have the most love for. 


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