Kingdom Hearts 3 Thoughts and Feelings

(Apologies this was supposed to come out in February but I had to delay this and then forgot it, but I wanted to get this finished and released, please be aware a large portion was written up in February before any DLC announcement).

After much anticipation and hype Kingdom Hearts 3 finally released on consoles around the world as of 29th January 2019. I was quite lucky I was able to pick it up right away and play it. As a fan of the series I very much enjoyed playing through this instalment to see what it had to offer in terms of adding to the plot of the entire story of Kingdom Hearts in general. It seems that Kingdom Hearts 3 went from being the conclusion to the continuation of the series and in this post, I look to not only give someone thoughts to the characters and story involved but look to see what will happen going forward. With this in mind I put give a few ideas and speculation based on what we've heard throughout this game please be advised ideas nothing is the same stone at the time of this post. However, if anything here does end up being true, you can rest assured that I will be looking forward to playing out playing this on these ideas and seeing where that takes the series.
However, now it has been a few weeks after I finished Kingdom Hearts 3 it has given me time to think on what I think the series is leading to in the future. While the Dark Seeker Saga is now over the next chapter of the Kingdom Hearts saga can begin. A lot of questions were started in this instalment of the game ready for the next game or games whenever they may be and whatever console they will be on. Today I wanted to add my thoughts onto the discussion and what I interpret as to what is happening with the game going forward.

Ending(s) of Kingdom Hearts 3

I feel the best way to start is to briefly touch on all the endings of the game and where the protagonists end up. To start with Sora seemingly sacrifices himself to save Kairi who was struck down by Master Xehanort earlier in the game as the final act of the main game. Our Disney protagonists of Mickey, Donald and Goofy are joined by Chip, Dale and Master Yen Sid reuniting with Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck and Pluto to watch a fireworks display (seemingly to declare the war with Xehanort over). Next is the land of departure where Terra, Aqua and Ventus morn Master Eraqus attaching their Wayfinders to his former keyblade the Master Keeper. As they walk back Ven spots his Chirithy who hides but Ven welcomes it into his arm and catches up with his friends.
The ending the moves to Twilight Town with Axel and Roxas above the clock tower, this marks Xion’s first appearance not in the organisations coat they are given ice cream by a returning ISA (how he got there we will never know) and are then joined by Hayner, Pence and Olette and they all enjoy some ice cream until the gummi ship arrives. In radiant garden Namine is completed by Ansem, Ienzo and a now human/completed Evan judging by his green eyes and well the death of Xehanort one she takes a step outside she is greeted by Riku and the Gummi Ship and takes off with him they all reunite on destiny islands and watch while Kairi shares one last moment with Sora as he fades away and she sheds a single tear as this happens. 
While the main ending doesn’t set a lot up it is a good place to start. It confirms that inter world travel is still a thing and sets up where all our protagonists will be for the start of the next journey (well bar Sora and Riku which we will touch on later). It reaffirms the groups heading into the next part of the story as well as who we can assume will be the main core of protagonists (except maybe Mickey, Donald and Goofy which I will touch upon later) and sets up the intrigue of where Sora is.


The epilogue is where things start to get interesting. A hooded figure picks up Xehanort’s keybalde saying ‘finally, back where it belongs’. He is greeted by the foretellers Ira, Aced, Gula and Invi who want to know who this is, it is revealed to be Luxu who has been going under Xigbar/Braig since casting his old form out revealing he did not die when defeated in the final battle. He notes Ava is not there as he had told her what he had to do. He remarks that he hopes the other foretellers like ‘long stories’ in relation to his role but not before Pete and Maleficent look by realising the black box they sought the whole game does exist and then leave knowing they cannot obtain it here. Finally, young Xehanort and Eraqus are seen at the end of their chess game. Eraqus remarks of a ‘new game’ he’d like to try, he positions the board with 7 darkness’s and at least one light setting up the next game.
This is where a whole lot of questions begin to be asked. With Xigbar/Luxu set up as the main antagonist going forward with the other foretellers by his side. I personally like that Xigbar will be the main antagonist going forward, he has a certain flair to him as a character similar to the Master of Masters in his charismatic near sarcastic tone while being a devious puppet master which makes sense why he was chosen for the task he was. Of all the plot points hanging the foretellers was the one with the least information which is nice that this will be fully addressed going forward.

Secret Ending

We now reach the final ending the one. We follow Sora and Riku in an unknown world searching around confused. While Riku is walking around he is being watched by Yozora the protagonist of Verum Rex from the Toy Box world. On another tower a black hooded figure makes a hand movement to the moon resembling Kingdom Hearts before the classic phrase ‘reconnect Kingdom Hearts’.

This ending gives such a lot of questions, the first one being are Sora and Riku in the same world. I believe they are not while Riku is in the Verum Rex due to Yozora watching him, Sora is in the Shibuya from The World Ends with You. I believe this to be the case with many due to the 104 building being prominent in Sora’s side of the ending and this being a main building in The World Ends with You (the real-life building being the 109 building). I’m taken back to Neku Sakuraba’s last words in Dream Drop Distance of ‘See you in Shibuya’ linking back to Sora being where he is. Perhaps it is that Sora is now involved in a Reapers’ Game and that is how he will come back to life.
The last part of this is the black hooded man. The eccentricities of the man leads me to believe he is the Master of Masters. The way he goes about forming the heart shape with his hands resembles the way he’d go about things. As one of the only unanswered parts of the series as it stands before the new questions bought up by Kingdom Hearts 3 it makes sense for him to be the next main antagonist. His identity will most likely be a big question going forward.

Three groups three stories

One of the main parts of Kingdom Hearts 3 was the process of rescuing the fallen protagonists of Terra, Ven, Aqua, Roxas and Naminé (and somewhat Xion who is only mentioned sparingly before appearing in the final battle). With all these characters now back on the side of light Kingdom Hearts has an overabundance of protagonists. In my eyes it makes sense for the protagonist groups to have stories/arcs of their own before all reuniting for the next big battle. Similar to how Marvel works its cinematic phases with the blow off being a big avengers film featuring the main characters from the previous films. With 3 groups of protagonists all set and it seems like each has added at least one member which I will touch on and stories set for them it makes sense to lay the groundwork for the next story of kingdom hearts all throughout individual games for each trio.

Sora, Riku & Kairi

Our original trio of Sora, Riku and Kairi are the trio with the clearest story. With Sora being the main protagonist and will be going forward the ending and secret ending set them out. With Sora dead or missing in a Shibuya that may or may not be the same one of Riku there’s a lot of elements of this group to explore and discover. As explained above with the Verum Rex world and possible the World Ends with You, Riku and Sora are set for the next instalment. I’m really stuck on Kairi and Naminé I struggle to think of their next story. I imagine for Kairi it will be to help with finding Sora but Naminé is interesting seeing as how she was only seen really in the ending (bar the one conversation in the final world). Perhaps she will become a keyblade wielder but I have nothing for her to speculate on. It is quite nice as it means there’s a lot of leeway to her character and where she can go in a sense, she is a clean slate for which there is so many ways she can go certainly making her one of the more interesting characters to watch going forward in the series.

I do feel that Kairi needs to do something of importance in the next game. Of all characters she felt the most wasted in Kingdom Hearts 3. Kairi always seemed to be a character destined to play a big part but never has. Now as a keyblade wielder I can see here becoming a keyblade master in the next game and being the one that saves Sora as a way of building her back up after she didn’t do a whole lot of note (except well die) in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Ventus, Terra & Aqua

Of all the trios that of Terra, Aqua and Ven is the one that has the most flexibility in terms of where they go next and this is mainly down to Ven. As per the Union X mobile game Ven was one of the 5 dandelion leaders one of the Keyblade wielders to build a new world after the Keyblade war in order to preserve light.

Kingdom Hearts 3 refers to this with not only the appearance of Ephemer in the Keyblade Graveyard but Xemnas’ words to Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord and Demyx if the hidden Keyblade legacy within them. The first two having their somebodies already in that game with Lauriam (Marluxia’s somebody) being another dandelion leader like Ven. With the return of Ven’s Chirithy this could be a path explored here. Depending on plans with Union X this maybe where the reveal of who murdered Strelizia is revealed.

Through Ven we also have another link to the foretellers. While Ven’s memory of this time I have to speculate he will get those memories back as part of this arc. Xigbar/Luxu has a lot of history with this trio. Not only from seeing Ven when he looked at Xion in 358/2 Day but as well with him losing his eye in a fight with Terra. If anything, this is the trio he has the most anger/hate towards.
Linking this together when reading the Xigbar entry on the kingdom hearts wiki ( it states it was Xigbar who found the members of the organisation with the hidden Keyblade legacy. If this is expanded upon it may link the foretellers and those organisation members stories together with this trio.

I don’t imagine the next game to be the conclusion of the foreteller’s arc but there’s a lot of question that need to be answered with it and a lot circle around the dandelions and with Ven. It creates a lot of ways the next game featuring these 3 can go.

I wanted to briefly touch on one of the true organisation members in Vanitas. I’m taken back to his line about already being by Sora and Ven’s side as the shadow they cast. It’s an interesting line as it makes me feel that Vanitas out of all the seekers of darkness that we do not see in the ending or that have some ties to Union X he would be the most likely to return. I personally would like to see it, out of all the seekers of darkness he’s the one that accepts his fate the most, no regret no change and the line of he, Sora and Ven as brothers is an interesting thought I’d like to see explored more.
There’s a lot with Vanitas’ emotion and pure darkness that could be used to set him up as an antagonist or tragic antagonist going forward.

As for a return it could work with him coming out the darkness. With all seekers of darkness accepting their fates and returning where they came from does it mean Vanitas returns to Ven’s heart? It’s an interesting idea, possibly stretching it but something that could be investigated down the line. The next arc with the foretellers and all the Union X content could have a big effect on Ven’s emotional state revealing his past life and with that may unwittingly give rise to some darkness in him and maybe Vanitas as well.

Quick side note I would love a trio team up as Sora with Ven and Vanitas as the partners in a game down the line. Bring the brothers line full circle.

Roxas, Axel & Xion

The last of the trios in discussion is my personal favourite in Roxas, Xion and Axel. While a trio it makes sense to add Isa to this now group as well (side note would be really cool if Isa could get a Keyblade). The story around these would relate to Axel and Isa’s missing friend who was mentioned by them and by Ansem the wise and Ansem seeker of darkness. The girl was used by Ansem the wise for experimentation before one day vanishing. Axel and Isa has joined the organisation in hopes of finding her but could not find even a hint of her whereabouts.

It leads me to think this is where their next arc will go. The previous organisation members that were/are apprentices of Ansem the wise still looking to atone for their previous actions will look for this girl. With all other parts of their roles completed this will be one hanging plot thread left in their redemption arc so to speak in the rescue and return of the mystery girl. It is unclear as to who this is as many have speculated it to be Skuld or Master Ava and I imagine this to be at least expanded on in the next instalment of the series. This is even without covering where their mystery friend has ended up, I can see this story being looked into in a switch exclusive game. With Kingdom Hearts seemingly having a game on every console the Nintendo Switch is the one missing and with have 358/2 Days the story of this trio was on DS it makes sense to continue it on a Nintendo platform.


One thing that we learnt from this game was that the Kingdom Hearts game has built up a solid cast of original characters, gone are the days the series relied on Disney and Square Enix character to boost the games up now Kingdom Hearts is looked at for the characters it has created. The popularity of existing characters has led me to think that we will see more original worlds in Kingdom Hearts going forward or at least Square owned or based worlds moving from Disney. I imagine that Nomura has a lot of ideas left from Versus 13 he never got to use. This seems hinted at with how Yozora looks like Noctis and how Yozora’s name means ‘Night Sky’ and Noctis’ translating to ‘Night Light Sky’ similarities exist in the characters based on that alone. I would love to see more ideas left on Nomura’s cutting room floor used to expand the original and Square Enix side of the Kingdom Hearts universe especially if the idea of Disney world’s being phased out is true.

To touch on the idea of phasing out Disney worlds, of the main things I heard about the delays for Kingdom Hearts 3 was that getting the licences to use the Disney worlds is long task which will cause delays on the game. It got me thinking, with the secret ending teasing original and square worlds it makes me think we will see less and less Disney world’s going forward. If this is the main cause for delays and if Square want these games to come out quicker, it would make sense to remove these worlds. In Kingdom Hearts 3 the worlds really felt like backdrops to the story and in a lot of cases could’ve been switched out with little changes to the plot. It wasn’t so much going to Disney world’s more of a case of following the plot to the next world which leads me to think less and less Disney world will be used going forward.

Another thing that came to my attention is the copyright on the king himself Mickey Mouse. If correct Mickey Mouse is copyright expires in 2024 entering him into the public domain. It makes me wonder if Disney will look to distance themselves from the character. I can hardly remember much Mickey themed merchandise or shows in the last few years which makes me feel Disney is readying for his entry to the public domain.

This also raises the point of where Donald and Goofy end up. I think it’s telling they will be done as well at the same time as Mickey. Sora going to rescue Kairi on his own refusing help of Donald and Goofy. I feel their arc is over now. The other characters have stories or at least the plot points relating to them, while Donald and Goofy could be grouped with Sora’s trio I think they are done. Combined with me feeling they will be slowly getting rid of the Disney worlds for more original worlds (like Verum Rex) this trios’ story may have been wrapped up in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Unanswered threads

I wanted to dedicate this section at the end to addressing points for the series going forward I couldn’t add anywhere else. Kingdom Hearts 3 leaves a few unanswered threads as well as the one’s previous that I wish to add my thoughts to here.

One main thing left hanging is the new seven hearts, Rapunzel, Elsa, Anna and Kairi are those confirmed but they don’t show the others, maybe this won’t be needed going forward but I have to wonder about who the other ones are, I imagine the main women from Verum Rex would be one but that leaves two, are Shiki Misaki or Rhyme included if the world ends with you is coming back or will some of the other more recent Disney animated films princesses to be used. I think this depends on how the direction of the series going forward even if this angle gets dropped.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed this game, with the DLC around the corner to add to the game I hope some of this get fleshed out the direction going forward. Hopefully we gets something new in the near future as attains to the next game in this series.


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