
Showing posts from April, 2023

Ring of Honor: One Year on From Takeover

Being far enough removed from Supercard of Honor I think it is time to discuss how Ring of Honor (ROH) has done since the takeover from Tony Khan. Supercard of Honor marked 1 year of shows since ROH was bought so it is a good marker on where the brand is.  To begin with interest and money into the company seems to be up. Subscriber count for ROH Honor Club is on the rise and they are posting PPV numbers on the high end of ROH records which is always good. With interest higher it shows it is a product fans are interested in. If you compare this to where ROH was prior to takeover it is night and day. Interest was at its lowest and tickets couldn't be given away it felt like a company on its last legs and it did feel that coming out of the pandemic that ROH was a company on its last legs. To go from that to being a product that is has and holds fan interest is a good sign. However, it is hard to see this constantly. With ROH being taped alongside AEW Dynamite or at Universal (which I