
Showing posts from February, 2020

Favourite Pokémon Per Generation: Generation Eight - Sword and Shield

It's been a while. Thank you all for coming back for the next part of my breakdown of my favourite Pokémon having taken time away from blog posting I can come back refreshed to the content I want to produce. Plus in that time I have played Pokémon Sword and Shield and can come back and rank my favourites (after much deliberation). Pokémon Sword and Shield will hold a special place in my heart for a long time. Ever since I can remember I have wanted a Pokémon game based on Great Britain, as an English man myself I have wanted to see how they would implement Great Britain into the Pokémon world. I remember getting to Wyndon seeing the Millennium Eye, Big Ben, Wembley Stadium and its arch, even its entrance to the city based off of Trafalgar Square it felt like I was home the region felt just right to me except the trains working majority of the time (yes TfL I am calling you out), if anything this helped me work on what my favourite Pokémon in the region were I could  just enjoy th